I notice the topic of weight on these boards quite a bit. Based on my own personal experiences, I'm a firm believer in reduced carb diets, specifically South Beach, which promotes reduced carbs as well as reduced fat. Until Dr Atkins came along, it seemed all anyone ever talked about was fat reduction and I assumed, based on personal experience these recommendations were outdated, behind the times or misguided. Now it occurs to me that the emphasis on fat or carb reduction might be dependent on the individual. The news is a little old, but I don't think it received much coverage, so I'm posting it here. There's a company that claims through genetic testing, they can identify the primary cause of an individual's weight gain and whether they would benefit most from a restricted fat, restricted carb or restricted both diet. They claim that individuals who stick to the best diet for them, loose two and a half times more weight than individuals who diet without knowing which diet they should follow. The test costs $150 and I think I'd probably do it, if I where not convinced I already know my answer.