You mean to say that you admitted your guilt without even considering the possibility of blaming your ethnicity, the ethnicity of the police, your gender, the gender of the police, the way your parents treated you growing up, your teachers, your religion, the religion of the police, seasonal psychological effects, your level of financial success, corn syrup, the phase of the moon, petrol fumes, tainted water bottles, sugary cereal products, society in general, etc?
Ridiculous I say!
Clearly we must invade your country, end this tyranny of integrity and personal responsibility and bring you our "proper" criminal justice system.
As they say here at Snuson..+1.
I was thinking the same thing. I understand there is corruption and innocent people who have been accused in America. But if people who are truly guilty would take accountability for their poor decision making and own up, then the U.S. justice system might move just a little bit quicker and more efficiently. Maybe then murderers, rapists, and thieves can get the punishment they deserve instead of some under the table plea agreement just so the D.A. can hurry up and get to the next case in a backlog of thousands.
EDIT: Now that I've had time to reflect, I think it's natural for people faced with long prison sentences or death penalties to plead not guilty. Can't say I would plead guilty either if faced with those sentences. I think a person's inherent need for self-preservation and happiness overrides the character trait of integrity in those situations. But for simple misdemeanors, c'mon. Don't drag out a charge of public intoxication all the way to a jury trial.
It is true though that America does have more people in Jails/Prisons that any other developed country. In my state the courts have become so booked up that they are now allowing offenders to plead guilty online and pay a fine for offenses that in the past required a physical presence.
It is true though that America does have more people in Jails/Prisons that any other developed country. In my state the courts have become so booked up that they are now allowing offenders to plead guilty online and pay a fine for offenses that in the past required a physical presence.
Plus they get to collect a "pay with credit card convenience fee" -- kind of a more palatable tax!!
We have something called an arraignment in this country.
No one admits guilt on day one. How does one know they
violated the law or if the police acted correctly?
The people here that think it's funny can go elsewhere for justice.
What is the name of the other snus forum you met this cop on?
How about some answers?
I still think you are lying. You haven't provided us with a scan of
the papers. Lot's of scams coming out of the former Soviet Union.
You mean to say that you admitted your guilt without even considering the possibility of blaming your ethnicity, the ethnicity of the police, your gender, the gender of the police, the way your parents treated you growing up, your teachers, your religion, the religion of the police, seasonal psychological effects, your level of financial success, corn syrup, the phase of the moon, petrol fumes, tainted water bottles, sugary cereal products, society in general, etc?
Ridiculous I say!
OK danielan if you're hit with any fines in the future I hope you plead guitly on day one
and pay the fine. Any UPS brokerage fees etc. we expect you to pay without blaming
krahv has pulled the wool over all your eyes. What snus forum did he meet the cop on?
Where is a scan of the incident. Notice I asked for a scan of the papers three times but
the request was ignored.
What is the phone number of the police station?I'd like to call them and ask if they
go after snus. This is a simple request. If you can't fulfill it you're a liar.
Joe, Lol! Seriously, Why are you giving this guy the 3rd degree. You are starting to sound like Hitler.
Why? Because he first claimed he met a cop trolling this forum. Then he changed it
to another unnamed forum. He then said it was not on this forum he met the cop but
that the cop is now on this forum due to his recommendation.
We have not seen any papers.
I consider this serious. The scammers are laughing. Ever heard of scams?
Plus they get to collect a "pay with credit card convenience fee" -- kind of a more palatable tax!!
Actually you kind of need that, otherwise they get less then the full face value of the fine (since the credit card companies charge the "merchant" a fee), which probably isn't legal for them.