Got busted by undercover cop selling my snus :D Nazis & WW2 & Concentration Camp O MY

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  • danielan
    • Apr 2010
    • 1514

    Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
    I see it as a tactic to frighten our members from engaging in private trades and sales.
    Oh dear, a cautionary tale about the possible consequences of breaking the law (I'm not a lawyer, but I think private sales of tobacco are illegal (require a license) in all 50 US states and a wide number of other countries)?

    Not on MY SnusOn!


    • krahv

      =)About fitting I live with my parents if u know what i mean


      • dxh
        • Jun 2010
        • 340

        Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
        As they say here at Snuson..+1.
        I was thinking the same thing. I understand there is corruption and innocent people who have been accused in America. But if people who are truly guilty would take accountability for their poor decision making and own up, then the U.S. justice system might move just a little bit quicker and more efficiently. Maybe then murderers, rapists, and thieves can get the punishment they deserve instead of some under the table plea agreement just so the D.A. can hurry up and get to the next case in a backlog of thousands.

        EDIT: Now that I've had time to reflect, I think it's natural for people faced with long prison sentences or death penalties to plead not guilty. Can't say I would plead guilty either if faced with those sentences. I think a person's inherent need for self-preservation and happiness overrides the character trait of integrity in those situations. But for simple misdemeanors, c'mon. Don't drag out a charge of public intoxication all the way to a jury trial.
        Drug offences make up the most of our prison population. Marijuana is the most common drug that 'drug offenders' are prosecuted on. This is insanity.
        I really can't think about it our I get depressed. Prisoners are the new slaves in America. They generate a huge amount of money.


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Holy Crap!!!!

          There are 20 cans of nearly expired snus on the snus exchange for $210 USD and Freshman snuser "Bliz134" lists his location as Estonia!!!!!

          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752


            Made ya look
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              krahv, You have avoided any answers. You tell me to Google the school,etc.

              The one thing you can provide is the name of the snus forum you met the cop on and his member name.

              You evade every question, including the counrtr you are from.
              You answer is for me to Google it. That is because you made the whole thing up.

              Google my country.
              Google the police station ( because you do not know)

              OPO Consulting Estonia - Fake Job (Money Mule Scam)

              FBI embeds cyber-investigators in Ukraine, Estonia

              Estonia, online scams


              How about a phone number of the police station?
              What was the name of the snus forum you met the cop on?
              You said you Googled his name. What's his name?
              You said he is going to school to become a cop. What school?


              • NonServiam
                • May 2010
                • 736

                Originally posted by dxh View Post
                Drug offences make up the most of our prison population. Marijuana is the most common drug that 'drug offenders' are prosecuted on. This is insanity.
                I really can't think about it our I get depressed. Prisoners are the new slaves in America. They generate a huge amount of money.
                Not sure if you were agreeing or disagreeing with me, but I will agree with you there. The War On Drugs is a joke. Especially marijuana. If our prisons and jails weren't so overcrowded with dopers, then maybe violent criminals could serve their full sentences.

                But on the other hand, I also don't want some meth monkey mixing chemicals in their home, blowing sh*t up, or driving down the road next to me and my family with a mobile lab. I think we could make some exceptions for cases like that though.

                Hell, it already says on the back of the products they use to manufacture meth: It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product inconsistent with its label. Let's stick that to them, it already says Federal Law.


                • danielan
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1514

                  Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                  "this forum"
                  Hi Joe... I think I discovered the basic problem here.

                  I'm pretty sure that when krahv said "this forum" in his first post he did not mean to say "SnusOn".

                  But rather, I think he meant, and later clarified, that he meant "this forum" in the general "a forum" sense.

                  You know... As in, "So, three guys walked into this bar..." doesn't necessarily mean whichever particular bar you are sitting in when you relate the tale.


                  • MJ26
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 333

                    Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                    You have to remeber that in the EU, any sale of snus is illegal (except in or from Sweden) Having a tobacco license has got nothing to do with it.
                    It's like being in the US and putting an ad on Craigslist offering to sell your spare moonshine. Not too smart.
                    Yeah that's true. There is still quite easy to get it from local persons in scandic countries. Most of finnish users get it through their frends who supply it usually from boats who sell it Tax-Free. The price is regularly 4-7 euros in places who sell it illicitly and the brands are often just Ettan and General because there isn't lot of choises in Tax-Free shops. I do not know how huge is snus usage all over the Europe but I think it's highest in Sweden, Norway and Finland. There is many other countries who have their own snuff brands on the middle Europe by sale even it's illegal but It has nothing to do with snus and they do sell it even it's illegal as they do in Denmark. They have difficulties to fully prohibit it.


                    • Joe234
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1948

                      Originally posted by NonServiam View Post

                      But on the other hand, I also don't want some meth monkey mixing chemicals in their home, blowing sh*t up, or driving down the road next to me and my family with a mobile lab. I think we could make some exceptions for cases like that though.
                      If drugs were legal there would be few meth monkeys.

                      Meth is a legal prescription drug under the brand name Desoxyn ( methamphetamine Hydrochloride ).
                      That is why it is schedule II not schedule I. It was once available in liquid injectable form from two
                      drug companies. John Kennedy shot meth. Or I should say his doctor shot him up. Dr. Feelgood.

                      Care of JFK by Dr. Max Jacobson, aka Dr. Feelgood


                      • NonServiam
                        • May 2010
                        • 736

                        Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                        If drugs were legal there would be few meth monkeys.

                        Meth is a legal prescription drug under the brand name Desoxyn ( methamphetamine Hydrochloride ).
                        That is why it is schedule II not schedule I. It was once available in liquid injectable form from two
                        drug companies. John Kennedy shot meth. Or I should say his doctor shot him up. Dr. Feelgood.

                        Care of JFK by Dr. Max Jacobson, aka Dr. Feelgood

                        True it is. Very few doctors prescribe it today due to the stigma of the word "meth". If it remained a RX though, I could see where people would continue to make their own, or commit additional crimes by forging scripts.

                        While I am against prohibition of some drugs, I can't help but think that if the gov't is able to legalize and then tax/regulate, how out of control will the taxes be? We're already experience that with tobacco. If the taxes become too outrageous on drugs, then it will breed a blackmarket and cartels all over again. Though I don't know if it would be to the extent we see today.

                        But yeah, if Desoxyn gets their rocks off as good as their Drano Delight, then put it behind the counter for those of legal age to buy. It's got to be better than all the meth lab junk littering our streets. Sure some crime may increase with break-ins to businesses selling the stuff, but it's not a perfect world.


                        • krahv

                          Okay joe, im sorry if i scared you. This discussion is even more ridiculous than the bust was. If u come to ur senses and get sober ull propably understand how weird ur paranoia is.

                          Your argument of scaring people who reside other side of the world, who have completely different laws wich im not even familiar with is little funny but same time worrisome. Seriously. Its like wearing thought screening helmet so the aliens couldnt read ur mind.

                          If u start from the beginning and isolate only our posts and read with a clear mind you would propably calm down. First u started to doubt me because i didnt know what juristiction cop it was. Then u found out on ur own we have only regular police wich i told u.

                          Then u start accusing me because i have common decency and dont post other peoples names on public forum. As much i have gathered from ur posts u'd have no problems pulling shit like that and scamming people.
                          I understand u are not very outgoing and likeable person. Amirite ? Most people understand by the age of 20 that other people around them dont think or act like them. But u still do ? If u think its funny and worth the trouble to post made up stories on public forum its fine by me, but most people around u dont have time or energy to go trough hassle like that.

                          Im even thinking that u dont read most of my post, only taking little bits and pieces and develope some kind of paranoia out of them.

                          What does these scams you posted got to do with this thread and situation ? More and more u show how narrow minded u are.

                          And yes im avoiding ur silly request about scanning the documents and looking up police phone numbers, and guess why ? Because i think ur wierd and i dont take u as equal and worth the trouble because apparently u have some serious health issue and something against me.

                          Okay ?


                          • danielan
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1514

                            Originally posted by krahv View Post
                            Seriously. Its like wearing thought screening helmet so the aliens couldnt read ur mind.

                            The best part of this whole thread is that, when you go back and read Joe's comments, there is one inescapable conclusion...

                            Joe is a "birther"...


                            • krahv

                              Had to find out who birther is.

                              A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth, birth certificate, favorite birthday, or whether or not he has heard the song Africa by Toto.

                              "Did you know that Barack Obama's parents concealed the location of his birth because they knew he would grow up to be President? What? Of course it makes sense, I'm a birther!"


                              • dxh
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 340

                                Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                                Not sure if you were agreeing or disagreeing with me, but I will agree with you there. The War On Drugs is a joke. Especially marijuana. If our prisons and jails weren't so overcrowded with dopers, then maybe violent criminals could serve their full sentences.

                                But on the other hand, I also don't want some meth monkey mixing chemicals in their home, blowing sh*t up, or driving down the road next to me and my family with a mobile lab. I think we could make some exceptions for cases like that though.

                                Hell, it already says on the back of the products they use to manufacture meth: It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product inconsistent with its label. Let's stick that to them, it already says Federal Law.
                                Yeah. Meth cookers have a special place in hell and in prison. I am speaking of the user mainly. Drug users don't belong in jail, they belong in rehab(if they choose).
                                We will never eradicate drug abuse. The best approach is regulation and treatment. Maybe meth addicts would enjoy adderall or ritalin. Heroin could be replaced by synthetic opiates(the rich who can afford it already abuse anyway). Pot should stay how it is, nature knows best.
                                In the end it is a personal choice thing. What right does anyone have to say what I can put in my body.
                                Hijack done


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