i just wanted to pop in and say that joe is officially my least favorite person on this forum. and theres really only a small handful of people in that list.
joe, you are the most annoying piece of shit. in what way could any of this possibly be a scam? why would something so trivial matter at all to you?
because youre a stupid asshole who loves to see his own text in bold. grow up kid.
I shoved it to my gf and she had a really good laugh.....
you might want to check the translation...............
welcome to SnusOn.
don't step on the trolls
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
i just wanted to pop in and say that joe is officially my least favorite person on this forum. and theres really only a small handful of people in that list.
joe, you are the most annoying piece of shit. in what way could any of this possibly be a scam? why would something so trivial matter at all to you?
because youre a stupid asshole who loves to see his own text in bold. grow up kid.
Is that really called for?
If this is what this forum is going to evolve into count me out.
I am not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion but can we not keep the banter civil at least?
Seems like you may need to do a little growing up too.
i just wanted to pop in and say that joe is officially my least favorite person on this forum. and theres really only a small handful of people in that list.
joe, you are the most annoying piece of shit. in what way could any of this possibly be a scam? why would something so trivial matter at all to you?
because youre a stupid asshole who loves to see his own text in bold. grow up kid.
Thanks, but the link u provided is actually a russian propaganda and complete BS.
Back story of this is that we removed statue of russian soldire for their effort in WWII wich was in middle of the capital and drove it to the russian cemetery. For us the statue meant the invasion of Estonia wich we suffered casulties at around 25% of population and were among the highest in the world.
For russians, and it is teached to them til this day, it meant that they liberated us from the rule of 3rd reich. So they organized first mass riot here where russian youth burned down the cars and marodised shops etcs like animals. To russians and propably to the world it was shown as police brutality against civilized people. It was crazy times.
They call us faschist because Estonian Legion was under SS. But we had no other choice. US and Churchill promised to protect us against russians but instead they sold us to them. Russian army invaded estonia and right away they started mass murders and rapes until Nazis kicked them out. So estonian young men enlisted to german army to never see a russian put his leg onto the surface of our land and face against our sworn enemy sided by latvians, belgians, flams, french and many more who saw bolshevism as a great enemy of the free world. Never were our grandfater supporters of Hitlers beliefs, but we shared one common goal wich was eliminate the threat.
Its funny how big russia is and how proude their citizens is for the "great" Lenin or Stalin but always they are the sufferers, be it because of baltics or US.
Russians, people who have lived here all their life and most of them who are pretty nice and cool and educated people, to this day dont understand why we are so unthankful for the acts they did during and after WW2.
Russian statue of soldier at its old place, complete comedy
Thanks, but the link u provided is actually a russian propaganda.
Back story of this is that we removed statue for russians for their effort in WWII but for us meant the invasion of Estonia wich we suffered casulties at around 25% and were among the highest.
For russians, and it is teached to them til today, it mean that they liberated us from the rule of 3rd reich. So they organized first mass riot here where russian youth burned down the cars and marodised shop etcs like animals. To russians and propably to the world it was shown as police brutality against civilized people. It was crazy times.
Russians, people who have lived here all their life and most of them who are pretty nice and cool and educated people to this day dont understand why we are so unthankful for the acts they did during and after WW2.
They call us faschist because Estonian Legion was under SS. But we had no other choice. US and Churchill promised to protect us against russians but instead they sold us to them. Russian army invaded estonia and right away they started mass murders and rapes until Nazis kicked them out. So estonian young men enlisted to german army to face against our sworn enemy russians sided with latvians, belgians, flams, french and many more who saw bloshevism as a great enemy of the free world. Never were our grandfater supporters of Hitlers beliefs, but we shared one goals wich was eliminate the threat. 'til this day russians use that against us never knowing what their grandfathers actually did here.
I think Joe mean's well and can't help himself. He is just trying to look out for us all. You know, that liberal mindset where an individual can't take care of themselves.
No, colorful additives or name calling for me? When your testicles descend you will find that you don't need to be so crass when interacting with another person.
See how I did that? I was still able to talk shit without name calling and gratuitous swearing.
In summation, Grow up and treat others the way you would like to be treated. You are dismissed.