Got busted by undercover cop selling my snus :D Nazis & WW2 & Concentration Camp O MY

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Originally posted by krahv View Post

    Joe give me another bitchslap please


    • shikitohno
      • Jul 2009
      • 1156

      Okay, Joe, for the challenge, explain how any of the crap you just posted was relevent, particularly in response to texasmade or myself. Texasmade wasn't saying that the Protocols were real, I'm pretty sure tom's alone in his faith in them. He was commenting on your tactic, which as lxsllr's noted has been used several times in this thread and on this website, of equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism in order to shut down any possible dialogue. Now, posting about Marcus Garvey, and youtube clips of Soca, dub, reggae and Frank Zappa, you're demonstrating another tried and true tactic of those backed into a corner in a debate: diversion and misdirection. If you want a Palestinian state, then you are de facto anti-Zionist, and so by your own post previously, you're one of the anti-Semites you are so vehemently railing against. There is no Zionist faction willing to give up Eastern Jerusalem, while every Palestinian faction attempting to create a Palestinian state considers it vital. So, if you support the Palestinians, you're an anti-Semite, and if you would cut East Jerusalem out of any planed Palestinian state, you're a Zionist by virtue of wanting to create a Palestinian nation dictated by the terms of Zionist factions. If you do not either recant some of your previous statements or provide a reconciliation for the contradictions in your own position,you are in no place to criticize the stance of others, and may as well just stop posting in this thread.

      I'd also like to remind people, anti-Semitism and Zionism are terms with actual meaning. They are not weapons used to shut down rational debate. If you're going to call people anti-Semites or Zionists and expect them to just shut up due to the shame of it, we may as well just close this thread now. And seriously Joe, unless you've got a less tenuous link than Marcus Garvey being Jamaican, you may as well stop posting the links to Soca and what not. I like it too, but it really adds nothing to this thread, except to serve as misdirection to cover up the inadequacies of your current position. Also, I don't agree with tom, and I'm quite willing to believe the holocaust occurred unless compelling evidence otherwise is produced, which it hasn't in this thread, in my opinion. For the most part, I'm in agreement with you, although I'm rather staunchly anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. Just calling you out on some BS moves I see you making, before you jump all over me for being an evil Holocaust denier. The one thing I will agree with them on, is the Holocaust has become a sacred subject. As soon as any doubt in it is mentioned, people take that as a sign that the conversation is over. I don't find what has been posted here compelling enough to doubt it, but you shouldn't get so uppity as soon as someone questions it. That's bad method, and reactions like that to topics are part of the reason why people thought the Earth was the centre of the universe for much longer than they should have.


      • krahv

        u talk good and intelligently, wish i could do it this way =)


        • shikitohno
          • Jul 2009
          • 1156

          Originally posted by krahv View Post
          u talk good and intelligently, wish i could do it this way =)
          You should see my Norwegian. It's horrible. The best suggestion I can give you, is buy a book you've read in you're own language (Estonian, right?) that you really liked in English, along with the thickest English-Estonian/Estonian-English dictionary. Read the book. It'll be frustrating at first, but get much easier by the time you get half way through it. Also, don't pick a book that's too hard for you at first. I used Harry Potter when I was working on my French, because even though it's a pretty simple book, it had lots of vocabulary and covered many grammatical concepts. Also, download podcasts in English and listen to them every couple of days to improve your accent and understanding of the spoken language. Try the BBC's podcast and NPR's, which will expose you to a wide variety of English accents so that you should be familiar with them if you encounter someone who uses one of them. At first, you won't understand much, but as you learn more from the reading, the sounds of the words will start making more and more sense, and within a couple months, you'll probably be able to understand entire broadcasts without having to scramble for the dictionary.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
            reactions like that to topics are part of the reason why people thought the Earth was the centre of the universe for much longer than they should have.
            Well Crap!!!!

            Now I'm both historically naive AND cosmically displaced
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • shikitohno
              • Jul 2009
              • 1156

              Well, dog, I'm not saying we should just accept any random guy's statements of why the Holocaust didn't happen as we believe it did. Just that it shouldn't be like the labels Communist or Socialist in US politics basically is slung around as if it automatically means that the individual it was aimed at is totally unworthy of any consideration, and can't possibly have any valid opinions. I have faith, you're still up to snuff on history. Now cosmically, I can't help you there.


              • Joe234
                • Apr 2010
                • 1948

                Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                Well Crap!!!!

                Now I'm both historically naive AND cosmically displaced

                Frank Zappa: Cosmik Debris (08/27/1974)


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  No no no...........If we're going to have Zappa night we have to start here

                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • Joe234
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1948

                    Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                    No no no...........If we're going to have Zappa night we have to start here

                    Cool. I'll check it it after dinner. My pizza is burning....


                    • LaZeR
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 3994

                      Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                      No no no...........If we're going to have Zappa night we have to start here



                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        or even better..................this

                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • LaZeR
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 3994

                          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                          or even better..................this
                          blah. That's the first youtube video I had to abort .01 sec in.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            Never go dudie that's what ya think
                            Never go dudie that's what ya think
                            Dudie...........never go.....dudie

                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                              Never go dudie that's what ya think
                              Never go dudie that's what ya think
                              Dudie...........never go.....dudie

                              U've done went bonkers DaWg.


                              • Snusdog
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 6752

                                Originally posted by LaZeR
                                blah. That's the first youtube video I had to abort .01 sec in.
                                No laz go back and listen to's horrible but funny as hell..............bout a dancer boy who thinks he's the shit
                                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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