Got busted by undercover cop selling my snus :D Nazis & WW2 & Concentration Camp O MY

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by tom502 View Post
    All the UFO that are seen every day and photograghed and videoed, may be Nazi craft. I mean, they have to be from somewhere. Another planet? Inter-dimensional? Hollow Earth? I guess anything is possible. Roswell could have been a Nazi craft crash. The US government alludes to aliens, as a misinformation tactic, as they would not want us to know that the Nazis have a moonbase, and are flying around the world in saucer craft. We know they had contact with the Vril, we know they had these craft. It's reported they went to the moon in 1942, and to Mars in 1946. And then the mission to the Aldebaran system. Our media has led us all to believe they are ETs flying these things, and maybe it is, but it could be just more plausible that it's the Nazis.

    Tom, even in your own literature (of which I read every page of and was actually very intiresting and not as off the wall as I expected), they never say anything about going light speed or anything like that. Therefore they could not have gone to other star systems or anything like that.
    There was a group of people who got in cahoots with this chick who claimed aliens visited her, so this group decided to dedicate their time and resources to building aircraft that could allow them to travel to the aliens, and since they had nazi funding the whole thing turned into a black budget aircraft project which was originally not for military purposes and was never finished because the war was lost first. To me it looks like they were building some very advanced aircraft, but were never very successfull because the war ended too soon. <-- For this there is substantial proof from both sides.

    We do know the allies made note in official memos regarding the "foo fighters", claiming they would come around and harrass allied aircraft with EMP type stuff that messed up their electronics but that's about it. I don't think the project was ever finished. Keep in mind that not only was the US working on these "ufo" designs as well, but after the war we took over all of their projects, so anything you see today is likely coming from the US. I still maintin most if not all ufo's are US in origin.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      I believe they are from the nazi moonbase. But I have no proof, other than bits of info one can find. I guess it's my religion.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by tom502 View Post
        I believe they are from the nazi moonbase. But I have no proof, other than bits of info one can find. I guess it's my religion.

        I just think that an operation of that size would be noticeable, even to ameature astronomers using telescopes in their backyard. I believe there is overwhelming and suffieciently convincing evidence that the Nazis were working on advanced aircraft, some of them with a circular wing "flying saucer" design, but I can't see much evidence that anything came of it, as the war ended too soon and they never finished. we know canada and america picked up the projects, which canada then claimed were useless and sold to the air force, who continued to fund it for another decade. So who knows. I just think that if anything, any aircraft you see are assembled here on tera firma. I don't think we would be wasting so much money on space shuttles and expensive rockets if we had the technology to just float up to the moon. They like to keep things secret for military purposes, but at some point it becomes impracticle. They don't ride horses into war anymore because the tech is too advanced now to warrant that. Same with UFO's, if we had that kind of propulsion and tech we wouldn't be riding our shuttles to space anymore, it is just too costly.

        Either that or there is an entire clandestine space program that is completely out of sight from the public eye that is doing all of this in secret, meanwhile after going to the moon the government has played down the importance of space and just about slashed NASA out of the budget, instead diverting funds to their black space program.

        I could accept either theory to be honest.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Well, it gives me solace and hope.
          Some people believe God sent Jesus as his son, who did miracles and walked on water, and raised the dead. And Moses parted a sea, and made his staff turn to a snake.
          Some believe the angle Gabriel came to Muhammed in a cave, and revealed to him the Quran.
          Some believe Joseph Smith spoke with God and Jesus, and found golden plates that he was able to translate into the book of Moses.

          I happen to believe that the Nazis went to the hollow earth, and met the Vril people, who gave them the energy of anti-gravitational flight. Which they used to make saucer craft, and go to the moon, and Mars. And build a moonbase on the dark side. Hitler did not kill himself, and went with them. They have also went to other starsystems, and the UFOs we see today, are their crafts, watching the Earth, and taking supplies to the moon. The Roswell crash could also have been one of theirs. They also had contact with the greys, and other beings, and have an alliance with them. The US had hints of this, and so started WW2, in an attempt to take their wisdom, but they failed. Someday, they will make it known to the world, and the US already knows they are on the moon, and Mars, but keep it top secret, as their technology is far superior, so they just let it be. Maybe soon Darth Fuhrer will return from the Death Moon, maybe the "war" isn't over. Maybe the believers will be "raptured"? Maybe.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            The Roswell Crash had a number of dead greys and one was taken away barely alive.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
              The Roswell Crash had a number of dead greys and one was taken away barely alive.

              Theres a lot of conflicting information about that incident. Obviousely something happened and there are many theories that seem logical to me, some more than others.

              1) At the time we were testing high altitude baloons capable of floating munitions over long distances and then drop those bombs at predetermined locations. They would float the equivalent of a weather baloon up real high (strapped with a bomb), and then let the jet stream carry it over entire continents and explode once it reaches it's destination. When Roswell crashed they (eventually after multiple conflicting reports) claimed it was a weather baloon. At the time this high altitude munitions baloon thing was classified so it would make sense that it was a weather baloon and that this is the reason why they kept it a secret.

              2) People aren't stupid and would have known the difference between a weather baloon and a spherical looking airplane (ufo). This theory says it was a ufo packed with aliens.Keep in mind that a lot of disinfo was being spread and the government at one time maintained that it was probably aliens but that there was no threat to national security (likely as a cover up for something else, detailed in #3) My question is, why would an alien ship crash, it seems that in the years since there have been maybe less than 5 reports of this happening (crashes). This happened out in the desert so there was not any significant presence of EM interference or technology that may have conflicted with the ship, sending it to it's firey grave. So either it was done on purpose, or it was something flown by humans (which crash often).

              3) It was a prototype aircraft developed either by the US or by the Nazis that looks like a ufo, and this may be where the popular ufo shape came from. We know the germans were making aircraft that resembled what we currently would refer to as "ufo's". It could have been that it crash landed as part of a test and perhaps the flight suit looked weird and led people to believe it was aliens, or even more sinisterly, they actually dressed up as aliens in the event it would crash for public relations purposes.

              4) There are aliens, and that at some point we either communicated with them or recovered a crashed ship and reverse engineered some of it, and then tried to make our own (which we then crashed at roswell).

              I think the most likely of these 4 posibilities is that it was an early model test aircraft and therefore was filled with bugs and crashed due to either mechanical or human error. The gov covered this up the same way they would have if a stealth had crashed in the 80's.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Tom, you sholud just put as many of your nazi mooninite pics in your sig as you can. That would be awesome......


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    Just one cool one is enough. I like this one, of the Haunebu II, which was created by the Vril Society.


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      the more i learn about you, the more im pretty sure you are a complete crackpot. i often think you are just playing a part to all of us to get some personal lulz out of it.


                      • bipolarbear1968
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1074

                        Originally posted by daruckis View Post
                        the more i learn about you, the more im pretty sure you are a complete crackpot. i often think you are just playing a part to all of us to get some personal lulz out of it.
                        Have you seen him perform his music on youtube yet? That might explain a few things (lol).

                        No offense, Tom. Your music is great and I'm a fan.

                        Tom is one of the pioneers of snuson and wouldn't be the same without him.


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277

                          yeah i dig astrum too. and i also like tom, and i like having him around, but all im saying is i think this shits completely bonkers. more power to him though. you managed to plant the seed in my head today, tom. after reading this i had to hit wikipedia for a few minutes. maybe someday a nazi craft will come pick up you and kim jong il and you guys will live efficiently ever after on the dark side of the moon.

                          doesnt the moon rotate? is there even a dark side?


                          • MGX
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 127

                            As a fan of crackpot conspiracy theories the nazi moon base is a new one! The moon rotates on its axis; its rotation is such that one side always faces Earth. Put in context of the moon creation theory it fits quite well. The moon has no 'dark side'; just the side opposite the Earth.


                            • f. bandersnatch
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 725

                              I often hope that Tom is just messing with us in a subtle attempt to illustrate the hopelessness of meaningful internet communication through irony.

                              'Hope' being the key word in that sentence, of course.

                              And LaZ, this "The-rad"(truthfully and honestly like this renaming) is already chalk full o' boobies. Just reference pages 1 through current.


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                Thanks guys.
                                I just find it all so facinating. And there is so much we don't know, and so much that has been kept from us.
                                Anything is possible.

                                And if you compare some of my beliefs with those of millions of "traditional" religious believers, my stuff is way less "wacky".


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