What did you dangle that thing from Tom? On your next attempt try to control for it swaying back and forth in the breeze, and make it fly away really fast or make your camera battery die -- anyone actually filming that wouldn't just shut the camera off after 60 seconds and say "well that was neat". Let's hear some gasping and mutterings of disbelief. Cool hobby though, and good start. Next up: Sasquatch costume.
Got busted by undercover cop selling my snus :D Nazis & WW2 & Concentration Camp O MY
Originally posted by Roo View PostWhat did you dangle that thing from Tom? On your next attempt try to control for it swaying back and forth in the breeze, and make it fly away really fast or make your camera battery die -- anyone actually filming that wouldn't just shut the camera off after 60 seconds and say "well that was neat". Let's hear some gasping and mutterings of disbelief. Cool hobby though, and good start. Next up: Sasquatch costume.
Originally posted by tom502 View PostI'm too honest a guy to try and hoax people, but I wish I would really see and film the real deal. I think I can do a better one.
Originally posted by tom502 View PostI took this video today in the backyard. I was sitting at the desk, and saw this shadow through the window fluttering back and forth, I thought it was a bird, but it kept catching my attention, so I went to the back porch, and there it was. I grabbed the video camera and captured what I could till it flew off.
Lol, totally attached to some string. Depth-of-field is all off, it's obviously something small hanging.
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