Originally posted by c.nash
Got busted by undercover cop selling my snus :D Nazis & WW2 & Concentration Camp O MY
Originally posted by CoderGuy View PostNext you'll be telling us Jesus wasn't really a blonde haired blue eyed white guy. Geez.
Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Postwhat does this have to do with the point of tom's post? When was the last time you heard that hitler's army was multi-racial? I can't say I've ever seen pictures like that from the main stream media, while I am no fan of Hitler, I am a fan of true information, so I will take that for what it's worth,,,,,,
Originally posted by CoderGuy View PostNext you'll be telling us Jesus wasn't really a blonde haired blue eyed white guy. Geez.
Christian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of loosely affiliated believers and churches with a racialized theology. Many promote a Eurocentric interpretation of Christianity. According to Chester L. Quarles, professor of criminal justice at the University of Mississippi, some of the Christian Identity movement's followers hold that non-Caucasian peoples have no souls, and can therefore never earn God's favor or be saved. [1] Believers in the theology affirm that Jesus Christ paid only for the sins of the House of Israel and the House of Judah and that salvation must be received through both redemption and race. In many variations of Christian Identity thought, a key commonality is British Israelism, which teaches that many white Europeans are the literal descendants of the Israelites through the ten tribes which were taken away into captivity by the armies of Assyria. Christian Identity asserts in addition that these (White European) Israelites are still God's Chosen People, that Jesus was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah, and that modern Jews are not at all Israelites nor Hebrews, but are instead descended from people with Turco-Mongolian blood, or Khazars, or are descendants of the Biblical Esau-Edom, who traded his birthright for a bowl of lentil stew. (Genesis 25:29–34). "...Modern Identity Christianity evolved from the nineteenth-century doctrine of British Israelism. The ideological transformations that would arise from [a theology originally favorable to the Jews] into the racist and anti-Semitic doctrines of Christian Identity took place in the interwar years of the twentieth century....While it is impossible to locate the precise moment at which modern Identity Christianity was born, several key events are particularly notable. A 1930 Bible conference brought together a number of leading American British Israelites, including Howard Rand, the head of the Anglo-Saxon Federation of America...” [2] The Christian Identity movement first received widespread attention by mainstream media in 1984, when the white nationalist organization known as The Order embarked on a murderous crime spree before being taken down by the FBI. Tax resister and militia movement organizer Gordon Kahl, whose death in a 1983 shootout with authorities helped inspire The Order, also had connections to the Christian Identity movement. [3][4] The movement returned to public attention in 1992 and 1993, in the wake of the deadly Ruby Ridge confrontation, when newspapers discovered that former Green Beret and right-wing separatist Randy Weaver had at least a loose association with Christian Identity believers. [5] No single document expresses the Christian Identity belief system; however, adherents draw upon arguments from linguistic, historical, archaeological and Biblical sources to support their beliefs. Estimates are that these groups have 2,000 to 50,000 members in the United States of America, [6] and an unknown number in Canada and the rest of the British Commonwealth. Christian Identity believers reject the beliefs of most contemporary Christian denominations. They claim that modern Christian churches are teaching a heresy: the belief that God's promises to Israel (through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) have been expanded to create a spiritual people of "Israel", which constitutes the Christian "Church". In turn, most modern Christian denominations and organizations denounce Christian Identity as heresy and condemn the use of the Christian Bible as a basis for promoting anti-Semitism. Adherents of Christian Identity claim that Europeans are the true descendants of the Biblical Jacob, hence they are the true Israel, and that it is those who are against the interests of European-descended Christians that are the true anti-Semites.
Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
Originally posted by Joe234 View PostThey call it C.I. Christian Identity
No single document expresses the Christian Identity belief system;.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by tom502 View Post
It was pretty amazing that even Spielberg added that to a mainstream hollywood propaganda film.
There were also many East Europeans that also held ranks with the Communists so it is nothing surprising that there were Jews/blacks/arabs fighting with the Fascists.
I dont think there was ever a plan for a massive kill-off of non German whites..which is how our schools, media and mainstream opinions elude to.
It would of been pretty much a dominant German power, similar to how the Communists controlled east euro.
If you want to look into a similar forced starvation like what happened in the Jewish camps that resulted in substantially far more deaths look into the Ukrainian holocaust. Maybe also look into the ethnicity of those in charge that set that in motion.
Originally posted by truthwolf1 View PostI somewhat recall that Spielberg actually did have one scene when the Jews were arriving at the work camps they were being directed into lines by their fellow Jewish collaboraters. (Which is a historical fact)
It was pretty amazing that even Spielberg added that to a mainstream hollywood propaganda film.
There were also many East Europeans that also held ranks with the Communists so it is nothing surprising that there were Jews/blacks/arabs fighting with the Fascists.
I dont think there was ever a plan for a massive kill-off of non German whites..which is how our schools, media and mainstream opinions elude to.
It would of been pretty much a dominant German power, similar to how the Communists controlled east euro.
If you want to look into a similar forced starvation like what happened in the Jewish camps that resulted in substantially far more deaths look into the Ukrainian holocaust. Maybe also look into the ethnicity of those in charge that set that in motion.
Everyone has committted their attrocities. What Hitler did wasn't particularly worse relative to many other tragedies carried out by other empires, but what hitler did was a pretty classic case of "Invent fake scapegoat-enemy, blame all of your countrie's problems on them, then offer a solution to fix it (the more radical the better!)".
Kind of like if we were to blame all of our problems on terrorism and then round up all of the terrorists into camps, where the rest of americans would say "they deserve it, who cares how they're treated". That is the environment that leads to shit like the holocaust (which did happen). It's just that hitlers holocaust was publicized more since he was more open about his intentions and the larger international community needed to squarely point the finger at someone once the bloody affair that was WWII was at an end. Even our internment camps were pretty gruesome, as were the Russian gulags, but the Nazi's really did take it a step further in many circumstances.
What set Germany apart big time was that they authorized the large-scale use of the prisoners as guinea pigs for science. They let them do all sorts of brutal shit to the jews for the sake of science, and what emerged was a very relevant and usefull body of research that has benefitted us since then, but that came at an immense human cost. Eugenics was big at the time and Hitler wasn't alone in his belief in using eugenics to make the world a "better place", I believe most world powers have likely used human test subjects but have always been quiet about it, hitler was less discreet and thus got caught with his pants down when it all came to an end. I think the alien abduction thing, for example, may just be the government snatching yokels up on the countryside every now and again to test their new shit on, but who knows since they've never gotten caught. But he is the one who got caught with his pants down actively running programs to exterminate jews and use their slave labor for the war machine, and he authorized the gruesome medical experiments that were carried out on many of the prisoners. They treated them like animals and I don't think anyone should downplay how tragic the event was.
Let's not pretend that what Hitler did was unique, but lets also not downplay the tragedy that was the holocaust. Regardless of the fine details, it was a sad period of history, but only one of many that did (and will continue) to occur. Shit went unhinged around 1913 last century, and it's 2011 now, so it's probably right about time for some crazy shit to happen again. Just give it a generation or two and we will see it happen again but witha new scapegoat. My bet is that the "terrorists" will be the next group to get it.
EDIT: No one contests the fact that some jews joined the ranks of th germans, and that even in the camps themselves the jews were the ones pulling the proverbial trigger as it were, knowing damn well that they would be nex tin line, but it bought them a better standard of living for the time being so they sold out until it was their turn to die as well. This is like how some of the indians betrayed their people and helped the eruopeans conquest of the new world, and we all know how that turned out. That holocaust was largely successfull in that we did almost completely eradicate the indians and subjected them to small reservations that, to this day, remain terrible places in a large way. It always happens that way, the people being exterminated see that their fate is sealed and jump ship onto the winning party's side, but they know that in the end their fate is sealed and that they are only buying themselves time before the inveitable happens. Same thing with the jews that helped the 3rd reich, it is just human nature to look out for one's self before the larger group, and we'll see it happen again the next time some big tragedy occurs.
Define Terrorists. Last time I checked in the MIAC report I was put on the list....... http://www.scribd.com/doc/13290698/T...eport-20Feb09-
Invent fake scapegoat-enemy, blame all of your countrie's problems on them, then offer a solution to fix it (the more radical the better!)".
They have been bashing the Jews since the Roman era. What about the pogroms in Russia? Fiddler on the roof!! If anything the Germans took it to let's get some hours out of these people in a work camp and then exodus which went horribly wrong.
but the Nazi's really did take it a step further in many circumstances.
It is that thought that I disagree with. If you would of said (equal) I would of grudgingly agreed..
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