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  • eyephantom
    • Jul 2009
    • 333


    just curious, who here are among the more evolved?
  • Randall
    • May 2010
    • 753

    I'm workin' on it.


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      Yeah me. I gradually went bald in my thirties and in my late thirties it all of a sudden all just cleared off and more hair started appearing elsewhere like around my navel and ears. I shave my head now by myself and it's saved me a couple of hundred pounds a year in barbers fees.
      I was surprised that I actually prefer it - it's much fresher in the summer. You just got to watch out for the sun - I've got a sunscreen oil, it's expensive at about £20 but it'll last a year and is just as good as a hat. And - you don't need a comb ever - brilliant.


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        I shave my head as well.

        I started thinning about four years ago right in the front of my head and figured it wasn't going to fill back in by itself so I shaved it.

        Unfairly, the rest of my body is like a hair farm.

        I like being bald especially living in Florida. It keeps me cooler than a wiry mess of hair ever could. If I still lived in New England, I don't think I'd be happy in the winter with my baldness.

        Also, it makes me sexy as hell and irresistable to all. ;-)


        • Curtisp
          • Jun 2010
          • 189

          Me too..baldness and body hair is indicative of massive quantities of testosterone..All women want us, and all men are jealous of us..


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            Yep. Bald here too.

            Mine is completely by choice. I shaved it a year ago or so and I don't know why I didn't do it a long time ago. I have psoriasis that riddles my scalp if I don't take care of it. The meds are expensive and my hair was absorbing much of it. Sunlight also help the condition so I decided to shave it. I now use about 25% of the meds and only one script instead of 3. As far as maintenance goes it's about 50% cheaper than having hair when you consider the razors/cream. My wife thinks it sexy so that's enough for me. So easy to take care of. It is cold in the winter here in MA, but hats are good. I slice a good chunk of skin off every now and then but it heals in 6 days. All-in-all I recommend it providing your head is nicely shaped.

            Hair is for girls.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              Ah no - I feel for you WickedKitchen with the psoriasis - I've got a skin condition on one of my hands that I treat with the strongest steroid and that's bad enough for me.

              I've got a modern style flat cap I wear in the winter - it's the modern slimline type and it's dark olive green. Doesn't sound good but it does look good.


              • WickedKitchen
                • Nov 2009
                • 2528

                Groovy cap. A little expensive, but sharp looking nonetheless.

                I use a good steroid on it too and now I only tend to it for two or three days in a row every three weeks or so and if I keep up that pace you can't even tell that I have it. I have never let it slide and not take care of it 'cos i'm convinced that in a year or two it would cover my entire body.

                I also like when I get dressed up to go somewhere and I shine it a little.


                • texastorm
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 386

                  My head has been cleanly shaved now for 4 months and I am never going back! I did it as a prank on my best friend who has balded slowly over the years and now shaves the rest. I have always had a massive amount of hair on my head and always told him I would gladly give him my hair... so I did! So I shaved it as a joke, but now I love the feeling. Winter may change my opinion, but it has been an especially hot summer here and I love having a cool head.


                  • Roo
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 3446

                    Ich bin ein Baldheader. I started losing it at 21, been shaving ever since. (10 years)


                    • danielan
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1514

                      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                      I've got a skin condition on one of my hands that I treat with the strongest steroid and that's bad enough for me.
                      This seems like an excuse for one of your hands being very muscular...

                      But, on topic... No, not bald.


                      • justintempler
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 3090

                        I went bald by choice for about a year, 3 years ago. I got tired of shaving to keep it looking good.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by Roo View Post
                          Ich bin ein Baldheader. I started losing it at 21, been shaving ever since. (10 years)
                          It's been the same with me. I still have hair but my widows peak keeps getting deeper and deeper. I never though this would happen to me, IM ONLY 24!!!!! But at least I know i'm not alone lol. Lets get a group deal on rogaine guys!


                          • deadohsky
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 625

                            Count me in. Not really quite sure when i started losing it, probably 18-19. I found out i was going bald thanks to my aunt. I used to ALWAYS wear hats and i never really took a mirror to look at the back of my head. My father died when i was 20 (24 now) and i obviously couldn't wear a hat to the funeral and when i got to the church the first thing my aunt said to me was 'you're getting thin up there'. Nice time to find out you are going bald lol. I shaved it probably about a year later and haven't looked back.


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              I've got at question which may or may not relate - do you bald guys have a bit of a temper?
                              I just wonder whether my temper - (which over the years I've tempered (lol) because I'm aware of it) is to do with testosterone and also related with the hair loss.

                              I feel like I'm massively aggressive all the time and I have to over-compensate by trying my damndest to be nice which I find extremely difficult a lot of the time. For instance if I'm out in the car with my son and somebody is driving dangerously I really get out of my pram. I've actually opened someones car door and pulled the guy out of the driver seat for this.
                              I've done other things as well - but I was so violent I'm embarassed.

                              So Eyephantom - I wouldn't say I was evolved as I regularly come out of my cave - and if I suppress it I come out of my cave in a very big way - one day.


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