I have long hair, but it's thin, and getting thinner. I also have an extremely short fuse, and 0 patience. Not sure how all that fits in, but there it is :^D
Originally posted by Frosted View PostI've got at question which may or may not relate - do you bald guys have a bit of a temper?
I just wonder whether my temper - (which over the years I've tempered (lol) because I'm aware of it) is to do with testosterone and also related with the hair loss.
I feel like I'm massively aggressive all the time and I have to over-compensate by trying my damndest to be nice which I find extremely difficult a lot of the time. For instance if I'm out in the car with my son and somebody is driving dangerously I really get out of my pram. I've actually opened someones car door and pulled the guy out of the driver seat for this.
I've done other things as well - but I was so violent I'm embarassed.
So Eyephantom - I wouldn't say I was evolved as I regularly come out of my cave - and if I suppress it I come out of my cave in a very big way - one day.
I certainly do have a temper; not sure if i can attribute it to baldness/testosterone though. I believe i got it from my father and he had a full head of hair until chemo : ) lol.
One time in particular where i believe there was team trying to either start a fight or get an insurance claim had me wishing i had a gun on me, not to kill mind you, just illustrate my anger and opposition to their actions. After the situation i talked to my girlfriend and asked her to never let me purchase a fire arm lol.
I'm bald. Don't shave to the skin though too often. I break out around the sides and back of my neck if I shave. I LOVE the head blade. Their products are the bomb. My favorite is Head Lube Matte Finnish. Even though I leave fuzz and only shave with clippers with the smallest guard, I can't stand a shiny dome.
I'm pretty bald, started when I was around 25 but hit pretty fast. I have yet to shave it, still have some up top but don't know how long that will last. Recently I have had a much shorter fuse than normal, but I think that is largely due to being on a camel frost regimine, not getting my daily dose of vit. n, but at least it has kept me from smoking. Tomorrow though my order is scheduled to be delivered. I just hope it comes AFTER I get home from work. On an off note I got a voicemail from ups today telling me about my scheduled delivery...that was odd.
But yes, bald and grumpy is me = )
Frosted, I am as bald as the day is long yet I have almost no temper at all. Cool as a fan. Maybe to a fault, but I like it that way. I rather enjoy not getting pissed off very often. Having said that, if my boss denies my time-off request today for this trip to Malaysia I'm planning, I'll kill the bitch.
Bald here, though by choice. Have absolutely no male-pattern baldness in my family, I just can't stand having hair. Though I agree not everyone can pull it off. You gotta have a nice shape to your head. Some dudes end up looking like a hard boiled egg.
Been shaving my head for 16 years now, since I was 15. I doubt I'll ever go back! Just electric clippers with no guard mostly, but a couple months ago I started goin' all the way to the skin, and with a cut throat(straight razor) at that. Shave like you got a pair.......
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