Teacher ask children in skool " children name an object which is heavy and light " ( object which Can be the most heavy and most light in the World) one pupile rase his hand and says " helium" -- it is not totaly correct boy
( the other says "aluminium"-" not correct "- says teacher one little boy in the corner Of classroom very eger to answer rased his hand and waiting when teacher Will respond to him , finely teacher givs him à word and that boy says" Dear teacher i think that the most light and heavy thing is Penis"What ;((????"in the classroom it is quite children are afrad what teacher Can Do With that boy ;(( But teacher where very expearenced person and ask the boy"Can you explain why son?;(" "well penis is lightest in the warld becous of 1 thought it Can go up ...... And it is heaviest Becouse if it is down nothing in the World Can raise it Up"
