Maybe going to Denmark.

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  • victoryredchevy
    • Jan 2008
    • 303

    Maybe going to Denmark.

    :?: My best friend's family, with whom I'm living, has a friend that lives in Denmark. Her name is Tina and she was a foreign exchange student that stayed here with them in the U.S. Anyway, the family is planning a trip to Denmark to visit for a while and my buddy said I should travel along with them so he can experience it with a friend. I won't pretend to know the first thing about Denmark or even Europe so, I was wondering if some of you that are close to Denmark or anyone that knows anything about it could fill me in on this country. I'd like to know what to expect when I step foot on Danish soil. I know it's not connected to Sweden(damn!), but it is awful close. Is there a way to commute back and forth between the two countries or is it impossible? Is there snus in Denmark or is it banned there(hopefully it's not!)? Anyway, some info about this nation would really be helpful to know what to expect. :P
  • yummi4tunekookie
    • Feb 2008
    • 277

    You are so freaking lucky, I want to beat you with a rock. I have yet to set foot outside the US. I hope you do go, though, and that you have fun!


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Well, I'm sure Subtilo can give you all of the details, but I think, like the rest of the EU, that snus is technically banned for sale in Denmark, but they get around it somewhat as I think in reality they sell loose snus no problem, but no portions. At any rate, if you're in Copenhagen you can just scoot across the Øresundsbron, which connects Copenhagen and Malmö, Sweden. It's only about 40km between them. There you can buy all the snus you desire 8)


      • victoryredchevy
        • Jan 2008
        • 303

        You want to beat me with a rock! Did you steal that from my signature? Ha. I've never set foot outside of the States either. Actually the most distant I've been from my beloved homestate of Arkansas is probably Illinois! It should be an interesting experience. I'm looking forward to it. Sweet. Thanks Zero. I was hoping I could get to Sweden from Denmark. If I'm not mistaken, I believe we just might be staying in Copenhagen. I could be wrong, I'll have to check on that. I just wasn't sure if it was off-limits to cross back and forth from the two countries. It would be unbelievable to go to Sweden and actually purchase snus there. Plus, the experience of an entirely different culture. I can't wait.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          Nah, within Europe it's extremely easy to travel between countries - you just cross, really. Stamp your passport and away you go.


          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            Originally posted by victoryredchevy
            You want to beat me with a rock! Did you steal that from my signature? Ha. I've never set foot outside of the States either. Actually the most distant I've been from my beloved homestate of Arkansas is probably Illinois!
            Since it seems I've been a tiny bit further from my home state than you, I suppose I'll rescind my statement about rock-pummeling you. I actually didn't get that from your signature, though. I'm simply a fan of beating people senseless with blunt objects :mrgreen:


            • The Wolf
              • Oct 2007
              • 132

              Denmark is a great country, though I have been there only a few times. You should make a trip to Finland when you're in Denmark and try the delicious Salmiakki Koskenkorva which I mentioned before. I just can't get enough of it, I have a bottle of it again. Too bad you'll have to be 20 to buy it and I'm not even 18 yet, but thankfully my brother's a great guy. :wink:

              What to expect from Denmark...? Nice people who talk like you'll never understand what they're saying, beautiful landscapes and Legos.


              • victoryredchevy
                • Jan 2008
                • 303

                I wish I could visit all the scandinavian countries while I'm there. I'll have plenty of time to map out where all to visit while in Denmark, as I believe this trip may not take place until next year. It's never too early to start dreaming about possibly visiting the homeland of snus, though! I must admit, I am looking forward to seeing Denmark from what I've heard, but the thought of visiting Sweden intrigues me the most. What a coincedence that I'm a user of Swedish snus and I'm going to be so close to Sweden without that ever being planned. Nice... :P


                • Stargazer
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 225

                  flat, bad weather most of the time, lot's og rain and wind, nice people that drink a lot of beer, people that talk like they have a potato stuck down their throat, good food, deacent beer.

                  lot's of things realy.

                  it's a nice place, but be warned, there has been rioting and burning of schools and stuff ther lately. Pluss, they can be a little negative
                  to american foreign policy. So take it easy on the political stuff.


                  • victoryredchevy
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 303

                    Ha, no worries. I'm not big on many American policies in general. I'm not really involved in much of the political propaganda here in the states. To me, the entire American government needs a complete overhaul anyway. I am a proud American through and through, but I just simply don't support alot of what's going on. Anyway... I'm just going for the experience. I won't flaunt my pro-American beliefs and patriotism on foriegn soil. That'd be retarded to do. If certain people want to badmouth America, as a whole, let them. They obviously have the wrong idea about the true core of American people. I claim no allegiance to any American politician or leader in office, only to te nation itself. On that note, I'll step down from my soapbox and spare you of anymore long, drawn-out lecture of my Americanism!


                    • Subtilo
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 524

                      It is possible to buy snus in Denmark - but only lös and almost only in Copenhagen. The kiosks at the central station has the largest selection, which - sadly - is limited to General, Grov, different types of Offroad and sometimes Ettan. I do know one place that carries portions of various kinds, but since it is illegal it's a very discrete business.

                      As Zero wrote: Malmö is 40 minutes away by train and you don't even have to leave the station to find all the snus in the world.

                      Just ask if there is anything else you want to know. Or if you need more details ...

                      (I wanted to write more but I've got a broken hand right now ... it takes forever to handle a keyboard)


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        Get well soon, Subtilo!


                        • Subtilo
                          • Dec 2006
                          • 524

                          Thanks man ... :wink:

