Porn Illegal

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I just read the article. I think this is "Butt Man" that they're referring to. This is craziness. I consider much of that stuff to be repulsive but I don't think that I should disallow someone else from experiencing it. I mean seriously...there are A LOT of freaks in the world. There are going to continue to be freaks and there will only be a greater number of them in the future. I look at it as a way to get it out of my system...get the poison out, y'know.

    My wife and I had some big discussions about porn. She initially was offended the first time she caught me playing with my "playstation" heh. Then we talked. Many people think that when we look at porn we have an attraction to that person. FALSE. My wife actually thought that I might want to be with one of the porn girls instead of her. Once we realized that it was self-esteem talking the discussion became more meaningful. If I were to stop looking at porn ever it wouldn't stop me from masturbating. If I stopped masturbating I'd probably kill someone or at least shave a few years off of my own life due to I would continue. I want to release every day. I don't expect my wife to have the same libido, nor do I expect her to perform for me so I can take care of myself. We are still intimate way more than average and we're very happy about that. Now if I stopped porn the mental roladex will be filled with what? people that I meet on a daily basis? I asked if she'd rather I think about one of our neighbors when I beat off in the shower...would it be someone that I could actually screw? probably. I can't screw the porn chicks nor do I want to. I have no desire to, really. If I continue fantasizing about a real person then there's a hell of a bigger chance that I would bang one of them. that would be a disaster.

    It's a proven fact that men perform better when there is no sexual tension. Hell, even horses run faster after a release. I think by making this sort of thing illegal (to whatever degree of obscenity) would only increase crime. People will get their fix one way or another, and I for one think that it's far better looking at a digital magazine than trying to get it for real. Sure some people will learn of these things that wouldn't be prone to it but far more will try to go get it if it weren't readily available. Like it or not there are people that are into weird, gross stuff...and when they're consenting adults what's the harm...other than getting a little in your eye?

    Alcohol hurts WAY more people than porn ever will
    Hell, even taxes hurt more people than porn


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      Originally posted by wickedkitchen View Post
      hell, even taxes hurt more people than porn
      Taxes are porn
      (nuff sed)


      • dxh
        • Jun 2010
        • 340

        Originally posted by snusjus View Post
        Porn may be illegal or seriously limited in the future (similar to the UK). The Republicans and Democrats are both against it, so porn's future isn't looking too bright.
        Porn industry is huge...bigger then video games. They will never ban in it in California.


        • texastorm
          • Jul 2010
          • 386

          I had porn before the internet, I will have porn after the internet banishes it to some exiled domain address.

          As for that CC verification, most of those are scams that end up charging you a monthly fee. So no we should not make ALL sites have that stupid scam in place. Are you sure you want your 13 year old kid, sneaking your credit card out of your wallet and signing you up to half a dozen porn sites one night? Then you get the bill 45 days later and its too late, you already got charged for a month of each service and you will have hell cancelling. Its better that it is free. I remember well what it was like in my early teen years, there is no way you could have stopped me from exploring, I was way to curious. I had Playboys and Penthouse under my mattress, and knew where to find stag films too. I also knew a whole bunch of people that openly did drugs. You cant protect your children forever, and in the case of porn, you shouldn't. It's not evil. It's natural, that's why you want to watch (amongst other things).

          Morality should never be the measure. Whats moral to me and whats moral to you are obviously going to be different.


          • dxh
            • Jun 2010
            • 340

            Originally posted by texastorm View Post
            I had porn before the internet, I will have porn after the internet banishes it to some exiled domain address.

            As for that CC verification, most of those are scams that end up charging you a monthly fee. So no we should not make ALL sites have that stupid scam in place. Are you sure you want your 13 year old kid, sneaking your credit card out of your wallet and signing you up to half a dozen porn sites one night? Then you get the bill 45 days later and its too late, you already got charged for a month of each service and you will have hell cancelling. Its better that it is free. I remember well what it was like in my early teen years, there is no way you could have stopped me from exploring, I was way to curious. I had Playboys and Penthouse under my mattress, and knew where to find stag films too. I also knew a whole bunch of people that openly did drugs. You cant protect your children forever, and in the case of porn, you shouldn't. It's not evil. It's natural, that's why you want to watch (amongst other things).

            Morality should never be the measure. Whats moral to me and whats moral to you are obviously going to be different.
            Well said


            • dxh
              • Jun 2010
              • 340

              Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
              So they try to take our snus... now our porn... what the **** is next? To hell with this country. I'd renounce my citizenship and move to Sweden today if it weren't for my wife and kids.
              That will cost ya
              new charges have been put in place for renouncing your citizenship. Over 400 bucks


              • dxh
                • Jun 2010
                • 340

                Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                I'm getting to the point where I need a filter in my own home. I have the same problem with my kids. I can't even let them loose on YouTube. Try and search for some short kid videos and you might find Dora the Explorer overdubbed with some saucy conversations. It was funny the first time I saw it but the kids would think it's real. Terrible. So far, we're pretty much avoiding technology. I think that once the kids get a DS or something of the like there's no turning back. Right now we're still having fun on the swings...kicking soccer balls...playing catch...playing tag...snowball fights and getting free DVDs from the library. I fear the day will come when we might actually own two televisions.

                Now there are plenty of filters available some free and some require payment. I'm sure there not 100% effective but I'd like to think that I can control it to a good degree. Now if I could only control my own attraction to the stuff...
                Open dns works wonders. Check it out. I like to give the kids freedom, but I use open dns to keep some items out of reach.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by dxh View Post
                  Open dns works wonders. Check it out. I like to give the kids freedom, but I use open dns to keep some items out of reach.
                  Ya, I just block the worst of it. I had tried a different filter years ago, and it was too aggressive. It blocked things that shouldn't be blocked. I don't care if my daughter sees naked people, or hears some bad language; it's all a part of life. The categories I block are pornography, sexuality, and tasteless. That blocks out the hardcore stuff, and the stupid crap like 4chan, but you can still see naked people done more artfully, and legitimate conversation. It works pretty well ime.


                  • danielan
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1514

                    I'm sure there is a slippery slope argument in all of this, but have you looked at those 2 videos in question?


                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      I haven't seen the videos (i don't think) but I understand it's some real nasty stuff. I've seen things like it for a fleeting moment before I turned it off. It's stuff that would fit into the tasteless category rather than the natural category...unless of course you enjoy that sort of yellow discipline...or a good old fashioned Cleavland stemaer.

                      Even though most people find it tasteless it would have never been made if there weren't people to buy it.

                      It's definitely a slippery slope too. I just don't understand how this has created damages that would warrant someone going to prison, or even being fined.


                      • danielan
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1514

                        I'm very liberal about porn.

                        But this particular porn is disgusting and, frankly, kind of disturbing - which is its purpose I assume.

                        IMO, It shouldn't be available without appropriate controls to attempt to determine the age of the viewer.


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