Originally posted by dxh
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Professor's 13 Keys Predict Obama Will Get Re-Elected
Originally posted by timholian View PostI agree that it would be nice to have informed people do the voting but it will not and can not happen. Hell, I wish there was a test for parents but good luck enforcing that.
Originally posted by timholian View PostI was just giving you shit from when I said that if you defect you should only take the clothes on your back.
Originally posted by timholian View PostBTW.... we are not a Democracy.... we are a Democratic Republic.... Its not one man one vote.... its vote and let the Electoral College figure out if they will go with your vote or not. (Yes, I know its not that cut and dry but its it in a nutshell.
As far as tests for voting, I only want people to know WHO they are voting for and not really WHY. So this is not a test of basic knowledge, or even political knowledge. I just want people to have some basic idea of whom they are voting for , or against, or out of office.
My ex wife bless her heart would go into the ballot box and vote all republican... because her parents were republican. If you were to ask her who half the local politicians she voted in were, she could not have answered, because she had no idea.
Knowing WHO you are voting for, would force you to look inward and ask yourself WHY you are voting for that person.
Most people can name the Vice president, but do you know the local judges you voted in? your local government has far more pull over you than the Federal government(at least for now) and yet many people just pull the switch all D or all R and have no idea who they just voted for, but only that they consider themselves D or R.
So in my opinion a simple question of either who the incumbent is/or was, is a simple thing. HOWEVER I know it could only work in theory as if ever implemented would cost billions upon billions of dollars once the government complicated it and made it 900 pages long, then tagged it full of pork barrel spending and state handouts to get it approved. Such is life.
Originally posted by texastorm View PostAs far as tests for voting, I only want people to know WHO they are voting for and not really WHY. So this is not a test of basic knowledge, or even political knowledge. I just want people to have some basic idea of whom they are voting for , or against, or out of office.
My ex wife bless her heart would go into the ballot box and vote all republican... because her patents were republican. If you were to ask her who half the local politicians she voted in were, she could not have answered, because she had no idea.
Knowing WHO you are voting for, would force you to look inward and ask yourself WHY you are voting for that person.
Most people can name the Vice president, but do you know the local judges you voted in? your local government has far more pull over you than the Federal government(at least for now) and yet many people just pull the switch all D or all R and have to idea who they just voted for, but only that they consider themselves D or R.
So in my opinion a simple question of either who the incumbent is/or was, is a simple thing. HOWEVER I know it could only work in theory as if ever implemented would cost billions upon billions of dollars once the government complicated it and made it 900 pages long, then tagged it full of pork barrel spending and state handouts to get it approved. Such is life.
I consider myself fiercely involved in politics and like to fancy myself as being more informed about things of a political nature than the average joe , I read actual legislation and scrutinize bills my representatives vote on, I get an email every time a representative votes for something and I know what the bill was about, I research measures before I vote on them, however I must admit that even I could no name every single judge in my state or even the names of the people who are running for election this year. I do like danielan and leave blank who I do not know, but like your ex wife, many just vote D or R. As you say, such as life.
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