It is that time of year again!

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    It is that time of year again!

    Chocolate, Toasted coconut, caramel, cookie goodness! Oh yes! I just got my hands on my yearly pig-fest supply of girlscout cookies!. Within a week, I will never want another cookie again. Then this time next year... IT's ON! :lol:
  • yummi4tunekookie
    • Feb 2008
    • 277

    OMG, is it Girl Scout cookie time again?! I haven't ordered them regularly since high school :cry: I'll definitely be on the lookout this time :shock:


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      You have to track down someone who has a daughter in the scouts or find then in front of a store. The dont go door-to-door anymore. Too many perverts apparently. The girls and parents have been setting up shop on the weekends in front of the Kroger here.


      • yummi4tunekookie
        • Feb 2008
        • 277

        That's so sad! What is WRONG with people nowadays?! :cry:


        • Harry
          • Dec 2007
          • 213

          You don't have someone with a daughter at your office hawking that shit for their kid? I hate that.

          "No, I don't want to order any of those cardboard profit wafers.

          If everyone else wasn't afraid of losing their job and therefore ordering 5 boxes each to get them on the Assistant Director's good side, that's exactly what I'd say.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by Harry
            You don't have someone with a daughter at your office hawking that shit for their kid? I hate that.

            "No, I don't want to order any of those cardboard profit wafers.

            If everyone else wasn't afraid of losing their job and therefore ordering 5 boxes each to get them on the Assistant Director's good side, that's exactly what I'd say.
            I'm with you to a certain extent. All of those sales programs are a mild form of extortion. The way it works is you buy some of your coworkers crap in exchange for them buying some of your crap when the time comes around, and there's a unspoken social pressure to play the game.

            I don't participate in any of those activities. My daughter has different sales programs for school, dance, and gymnastics, but I'm not going to hawk overpriced products so the school can make a very small profit. I'd rather donate $20 to the school, and that would be same as selling 10-20 units of merchandise :^/

            All that said, Girl Scout Thin Mints rock :^)


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Didn't there used to be a day when Girl Scouts made their own cookies? You know - learning life skills and applying them in an entrepreneurial setting, etc? This whole selling boxed cookies just seems wrong. :?


              • yummi4tunekookie
                • Feb 2008
                • 277

                God, I hated Girl Scouts so freaking much. But those cookies are like crack for me! Must. Find. Girl. Scout. :shock:


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Originally posted by Zero
                  This whole selling boxed cookies just seems wrong. :?
                  How could something so wrong taste so good!

                  Yes, waaaaaaaay back when, the scouts used to bake and sell their own cookies for all the reasons you had mentioned. Nowadays it is just a get-rich scheme/fundraiser for the corporate office who then hands out free disney vacations to the top sellers from each region (costing a minute fraction of the money made from selling the cookies).


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Ironically, scamming, overpricing, extortion, embezzlement, and profiteering are strangely effective "life skills" in the modern age... one ponders the chicken and the egg.


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