Link to Mel Gibson recording.

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  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    Link to Mel Gibson recording.

    wow! He sounds crazy.
  • danielan
    • Apr 2010
    • 1514

    He sounds like a drunk.

    One of those long-time drunks whose mind isn't working quite right any more.

    Too bad. I kind of liked his movies.

    On a funnier note - it sounds like he is mostly mad because he didn't get a blow job @ 2:10.


    Mel Gibson: Stay on this phone and don't hang up on me. I have plenty of energy to drive over there. You understand me? AND I WILL! SO JUST F------ LISTEN TO ME. LISTEN TO MY F------ RANTING. LISTEN TO WHAT YOU DO TO ME.
    OG: I didn't do anything to you.
    MG: A pain in the ass!
    OG: You are ruining my life!
    MG: You make my life so f------ difficult!
    OG: Well you know what, it's so --
    MG: Why can't you be a woman who f------ supports me instead of a woman that sucks off me. And just f------ sucks me dry. And wants, and wants. Go through this relationship if you're a good woman and you love me. I don't believe you anymore. I'm sick of your bulls---! Has any relationship ever worked with you? NO!
    OG: Listen to me. You don't love me because somebody who loves does not behave this way.
    MG: Shut the f--- up. I know I'm behaving like this because I know absolutely that you do not love me and you treat me with no consideration.
    OG: One second please. Can I please speak?
    MG: I love you because I've treated you with every kindness, every consideration. You rejected … you will never be happy. F--- you! Get the f--- away from me! But my daughter is important! All right? Now, you have one more chance. And I mean it. Now f------ go if you want, but I will give you one more chance. (huffing with anger) You make me wanna smoke. You f----- my day up. You care about yourself.
    OG: You're so selfish.
    MG: When I've been so f------ good to you. You f------ try to destroy me.
    OG: I didn't do anything. I did not do anything. This is your selfish imagination. That's bull!
    MG: Shut the f--- up! You should just f------ smile and blow me! 'Cause I deserve it.
    OG: I'm sleeping with the baby. I'm waking up every two hours. I fell asleep because I was waiting for you because you weren't ready to go to the jacuzzi as we agreed.
    MG: Who the f--- cares? We agreed nothing.
    You agreed. You just f------ expect s---. Go to the g--damn jacuzzi yourself, go down to the f------ jacuzzi. You have no f------ soul! My soul is screaming because you don't have one to join mine. You have no f------ soul. I left my wife because we had no spiritual common ground. You and I have none. Zero. You won't even f------ try. (huffing again) You don't care. You don't care.
    OG: You just enjoy insulting me. That's all.
    MG: F--- you, I so f------ do. Because you've hurt me so bad. You insult me with every look, every breath, every heartbeat.
    OG: I did not do anything. I apologize for nothing.
    MG: What? What? You apologize for nothing? Well then you're a dishonest c---! Because you need to apologize for a reason.
    OG: I wanted to have peace. You are unbalanced.
    MG: Instinctively, I feel that. And I will not be patronized by you.
    OG: You're unbalanced. You need medication.
    If you will not f------ admit that, then get the f--- out. I will make your g--damn life miserable. Alright?
    OG: You need medication.
    MG: What? What?
    OG: You need medication.
    MG: I need a woman, not a f------ little girl with a f----- dysfunctional c---. I need a f------ woman. I don't need medication. You need a f------ bat to the side of the head. All right? How about that? You need a f------ doctor. You need a f------ brain transplant. You need a f------ … you need a f------ soul.
    I need medication? I need someone who f------ treats me like a man, like a human being. With kindness, who understands what gratitude is because I f------ bend over backwards with my balls in a knot. and she gives me s--- with a f------ sour look and says I'm mean. What the f--- is that? This is mean! Get it! You get it now? What mean is? Get it? (huffing)
    You f------ don't care about me. I'm having a hard time and you f------ yank the rug, you bitch. You f------, selfish bitch. Don't you dare hang up on me.
    OG: I can't listen to this anymore.
    MG: You hang up, I'm coming over there.
    OG: I'll call the police.
    MG: What?
    OG: I'll call the police.
    MG: You f------ c---. I'm coming to my house. You're in my house, honey.
    OG: Yes, but you … don't call me honey.
    MG: You're in my house, so I'll call the police and tell them there's someone in my house. How about that?
    OG: You can do that. That's fine.
    MG: F--- you! I don't involve the police in anything because I stand up for myself. You, you weak c---, you call the f------ cops.
    OG: Then I will go to Alicia's right now.
    MG: Why don't you f--- off to that c--- bitch Alicia's.
    She was f------ making eyes at me. She'd have s----- me in 5 seconds. Take that one up with her. I was trying to spare your g--damn feelings. She'd have b---- me in 5 seconds! She's not your friend. You don't have any f------ friends except me. And you treat me like s---. So that's why I'm so f------ angry. Because I don't have any friends. And I try to make one from you and you treat me like s--- and you f------ use me. The career is over! And boy, when I said that, you lit out of here faster than I've ever seen you before. And now you'll be at Alicia's place. You just showed me what you are. Absolutely. Unequivocally.
    OG: I don't care if you don't spend another penny. Listen to me, Mel, I don't give a damn if you don't spend another penny on me.
    MG: Oh yes you do!
    OG: I'm just fearing for the life of my daughter.
    MG: You'll find some other f----- to pay for you.
    OG: Listen to me…
    MG: You're a c--- and a whore! That's what you are and you have just proved it. You got out of here in record time.
    OG: Because I'm saving my life and my daughter's life. That's what I'm doing. I don't give a damn about my music. And I don't give a damn about you spending another penny. I'm saving her life. You almost killed us, did you forget?
    The last three years have been a f------ gravy train for you.
    OG: You were hitting a woman with a child in her hands. You! What kind of a man is that, hitting a woman when she's holding a child in her hands? Breaking her teeth, twice, in the face. What kind of man is that?
    MG: Oooh, you're all angry now! You know what, you f------ deserved it.
    OG: You're gonna answer, one day, boy, you're gonna answer.
    MG: Huh? What? Are you threatening me?
    OG: Nothing, nothing. I'm not the one to threaten.
    MG: I'm threatening you? I'll put you in a f------ rose garden, you c---. You understand that? Because I'm capable of it. You understand that? Get a f------ restraining order. For what? What are you gonna get a restraining order for? For me being drunk and disorderly? For hitting you? For what?

    There's apparently another:


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      as far as I've heard there are 5 tapes.

      This guy sounds like he's totally unhinged. Something is awry here though. I want to know what she did. At the end of the 5th tape Mel goes into it a little and then cites the example of her son being "F-ed up" and her spending $5 million (or him spending it on her) and she not saying thank you. That seemed to get to her and she ended the call quickly rather than let him rant on in this psychotic way.

      Anyhoo, what's your favorite line so far? I think mine is:

      Mel: "You went to sleep and didn't blow me. I deserve to be blown...FIRST! BEFORE the jacuzzi!"
      either that or just the enraged "Arrrrgrhgrhrgrhrghrghghgh! You make me want to smoke!"

      I think many people have felt like saying some of these things. It was pretty exhilarating hearing the words being screamed at someone. It's clear that Mr. Gibson is troubled. I'm not so sure the woman is lilly-white but it doesn't warrant getting treated like that. How did he let it get to that point? I guess being detached from all of the other work. To think that he's got more money than God, talent up the wazoo, good looking, successful, and yet this is how the real Mel Gibson is. Sad really.


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        Tapes may have been tampered with:


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Mel is a great American hero.


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            I think Mel expressed his views quite articulately and my opinion not recieving a promised blow job is a serious infraction.
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • timholian
              • Apr 2010
              • 1448

              Originally posted by danielan View Post
              He sounds like a drunk.

              One of those long-time drunks whose mind isn't working quite right any more.

              Too bad. I kind of liked his movies.
              I agree... I even liked his new movie Edge Of Darkness.

              Hey..... we still have Bruce Willis! lol


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Even if he is a drunk and a jerk, I still enjoy many of his movies, and will continue to do so.


                • BadAxe
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 631

                  The tape I heard really sounds like this girl pushed his button till he exploded and lost control, sounds like a total setup to me. My wife and I were listening and she said "This should not have even have been released. This is like when you and I fight and one of us pushes the other over the edge and we scream things we don't mean". And I have to agree. While it does sound like Mel has lost it, it really seems fishy, and I think this woman really pushed his buttons hoping he would go off the edge.

                  Now I could be totally off base, but I only heard the one tape.


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                    They have been, he was actually calling Christian Bale:


                    • danielan
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1514

                      Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
                      They have been, he was actually calling Christian Bale:

                      There are some weird things on those recordings...

                      Why is he huffing and puffing so much? I don't yell much, but I can do it for a LONG time before I get out of breath from it.

                      What does he mean, "I have plenty of energy to drive over there"?

                      Then in the second recording he says something like, "I'm paying my taxes, not the credit card bill".

                      "So that's why I'm so f------ angry. Because I don't have any friends."

                      But, yeah, as others have mentioned it does sound like a bit of a setup. He's, based on his past behavior, got some problems, but if I ever yelled at my wife and she either didn't yell back or got all mellow like that - I'd be pretty sure it was a setup.

                      Happily, we finished our yelling at one another phase 10+ years ago.


                      • timholian
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1448

                        Its easy to set up the willing.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          I think the Hollywood crowd of Jewish and left leaning rule has been out to get Mel since Passion of the Christ.
                          Not condoning smacking your wife, racial slurs but seems this guy gets quite the considerable media heat when these things happen.


                          • danielan
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1514

                            Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                            but seems this guy gets quite the considerable media heat when these things happen.
                            Well, he does tend to go REALLY over the top when he blows up.

                            "What are you looking at, sugar tits?"

                            How do you not show that on the news?


                            • dxh
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 340

                              Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                              Mel is a great American hero.
                              He is Australian...
                              And a cook.

                              Southpark had it right.


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