yeah, a liquor enema would kill you. The booze wouldn't get filtered at all by the alcoholics best friends, the liver and the kidneys. Actually, it might be the absolute cheapest way to get drunk, as long as one is careful.
A Strange Old Tool . . . .
Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Postyeah, a liquor enema would kill you. The booze wouldn't get filtered at all by the alcoholics best friends, the liver and the kidneys. Actually, it might be the absolute cheapest way to get drunk, as long as one is careful.
Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Postyeah, a liquor enema would kill you. The booze wouldn't get filtered at all by the alcoholics best friends, the liver and the kidneys. Actually, it might be the absolute cheapest way to get drunk, as long as one is careful.
The biggest problems, IMO, (I mean aside from finding someone freaky enough to help you with this) would be of determining dosage within a contracted period. The intake of the alcohol would be much faster then taking it orally, which would probably tend to spike your blood alcohol, in conjunction with this, the amount would also be significantly more then usually drank in a similar time period.
Then if you went too far, puking - our natural defense against alcoholic stupidity - would not help.
People are pretty resilient. Until/unless you drown in your own vomit, people have even survived injecting liquor straight into their veins.