Keith Olbermann Special Comment On Shirley Sherrod Controversy
I am generally more right leaning than left (registered independent though) and when this story first broke I got the emails from friends and family that jumped all over it and I too forwarded it to my friends, but then I read more about it on Tuesday and got really pissed off. So much so that I spent the whole day Tuesday ranting about it at work and to my family. FoxNews and more importantly the Tea Party was doing exactly what I hate about religion; manipulating the data to make people believe what they want them to believe, and hoping their followers are too stupid to actually ask questions and check into the facts (it's not new, all media is doing this these days and it also pisses me off). Then yesterday my rants were corroborated by the real story breaking. Unfortunately the truth was not well received by my right wing conservative family members and only met with, "well it could have been true". Like Olbermann said, she is forever in prison by some people and that pisses me off too. She is exactly the type of person this world needs; someone that has learned from their mistakes and is trying to educate others, and now to many she will just be, "hey your that rasist" (spelling intentionally wrong as most of those people don't know how to spell).
As I said the media has been doing this for a while. Gone are the days of unbiased news reporting so we could make up our own minds. Now we have the Republican news, the Democrat news, the religious news, etc. etc. On top of that forget even trying to get facts or truth from our elected officials (especially during election times, which seems to have expanded now to 2 years before elections). It's gotten so bad that I can't even tell the truth from the lies anymore, what is real and what isn't. Like a court trial that is won or lost of the performances of the attorneys, right or not, our future will be determined by whomever has the best script and can convince more people their story sounds good (or by whichever side has the dumbest followers).
The naacp at least should have listened to the entire video, the same with the white house.
But, I think Brietbart does make a point, when he says it's about the audiance vocalizing approval when she disses the honkey. Even though, her as person gave a story of racial enlightenment, which is great, and she should not have been fired, or whatever. It did seem to me, she was addressing a crowd of honkey dislikers, but then also, her story may have helped them turn from their biased ways too.
Yeah, the whole thing is stupid, because everyone jumped to conclusions based on those video excerpts.
But, it was the naacp that started this, with it's hate campaign against American patriots, that prompted this vid to even be released, even though it did show an inaccurate story.
Originally posted by tom502 View PostThe naacp at least should have listened to the entire video, the same with the white house.
But, I think Brietbart does make a point, when he says it's about the audiance vocalizing approval when she disses the honkey. Even though, her as person gave a story of racial enlightenment, which is great, and she should not have been fired, or whatever. It did seem to me, she was addressing a crowd of honkey dislikers, but then also, her story may have helped them turn from their biased ways too.
Yeah, the whole thing is stupid, because everyone jumped to conclusions based on those video excerpts.
But, it was the naacp that started this, with it's hate campaign against American patriots, that prompted this vid to even be released, even though it did show an inaccurate story.
I forget which talking head said it, but he was most concerned about the Obama administration acting so swiftly on a Breitbart/Fox hatchet job. I have to agree with that assessment.
Why is this or any administration letting a glorified right-wing blogger affect its decision making? What a sad situation.
The thing is that the left has no problem blindly trying to ruin those on the right with charges of racism, and often times they will label someone a racist with less evidence than breitbart had in his edited video of this Sherrod chick. I don't think it's a good idea for Breitbart to stoop down to their level and try to make racism out of something that isn't racist. Leave that to the left.
The left will quickly accuse anyone on the right of being racist for any reason and often times without any supporting evidence, and they would lick their lips at the thought of getting an innocent conservative fired over it and would never second guess their decision. But we should not stoop down to their level. And also, it's Breitbart, he's always coming out with crazy edited videos that show thigns out of context, how was this not to be expected?
The full video of the supposed racist USDA employee Breitbart's been ranting about has been released. You probably don't have to click on the link to guess what it actually shows
White House admits it got punk'd by Breitbart
Shirley Sherrod should get her job back, and Breitbart should apologize. By Jonah Goldberg?
Breitbart video of USDA official's comments was edited, taken out of context, and actually occured 24 years ago, before the individual even worked for USDA
Ann Coulter reveals the true victim of the Shirley Sherrod video, Andrew Breitbart . LOL
Shirley Sherrod gave the USDA "the full force of her efforts" before they hired her in the first place
Conservaties rush to defend Shirley Sherrod from the liberal media and NAACP
Among all of the media and government who fell for Breitbart's video edit hoodwink, there was one lone holdout: Shepard Smith. He wouldn't run the video because "we did not and do not trust the source"
And just for giggles:
Republican campaign is sending a volunteer dressed in a duck suit to follow their Democrat opponent because he "ducks the issues." Wasn't this on an episode of West Wing?
One-fourth of Democrats think Jesus will "definitely return" within 40 years, even though half mistakenly called His arrival for November 2008
Desmond Tutu confirms that Obama cares about black people even less than Bush; leftists now contend Kanye West has more credibility on such issues than a Nobel laureate