List of Coming Tax Hikes for 2011

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    List of Coming Tax Hikes for 2011

    Well Bush's tax cuts will be expiring and the new health care taxes and other taxes or loss of tax deductions will be coming into effect starting Jan 1st of 2011. Many people claim Bush only cut taxes for the wealthy but as you'll see below, there was a plethora of tax cuts for the middle class as well that will not be repealed.

    List of new taxes and loss of deductions coming next year ala the democrats (From

    - Students can no longer deduct tuition or student fees

    - New limits placed on education tax credits

    -Teachers can no longer deduct classroom expenses

    -Employer provided educational aid will be restricted

    - No longer able to deduct student loan interest

    - Death tax returns at 55% for anyone with $1 or more.

    - Bush tax cuts expire. CBO says will cost us 2.6 trillion through 2020 and $115 billion just next year if they aren't renewed.

    - Lowest bracket for personal income tax increases 50%

    - Highest bracket goes from 35% - 39%

    - Marriage Penalty returns

    - Captial gains tax increases 33%

    - Tax on dividends increases by 164%

    - Healthcare Reform adds 3.8% Medicare levy for anyone making $200k+

    - Child tax credit cut in half from $1,000 - $500 (this will really hurt the poor and middle class)

    - Standard deductions for couples will now be lowered to that of single filers.

    - Medicine cabinet tax - you can no longer use health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts, or health reimbursement pretax dollars to purchase nonprescription, over-the-counter medicines.

    - HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike: Additional 20% tax on nonmedical early withdrawals from HSA's

    -Brand Name Drug Tax: Makers and importers of brand name drugs will be taxed $2.5 billion in 2011, then progressively increases each year, reaching 4.2 billion a year in taxes by 2018. This will be passed on to the consumer price of prescription drugs

    -Economic Substance Doctrine: The IRS is now empowered to disallow perfectly legal tax deductions and maneuvers merely because it judges that the deduction or action lacks 'economic substance'.

    - Alternative Minimum Tax will now subject 28.5 million new families to the tax next year, as opposed to 4 million this year

    - Small businesses can no longer expense up to $250,000 of equipment, now they can only expense $25,000.

    More detailed description of each tax here:

    So please, don’t tell me the democrats don’t plan on raising taxes of any kind for anyone making less than $250k. It is so patently false that I don’t know what else to respond with.
  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Thank you Obama, Reed, and Mrs. Pelosi. You are running a fine ship mates. I know you are going to put all these tax dollars to use and make us strong once again.


    • myuserid
      • Jun 2010
      • 1645

      That's Hope and Change for ya.

      Obama's a jerkoff.


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        Big Daddy HOPES all we have left is CHANGE.



        • Jwalker
          • May 2010
          • 1067

          Wow I knew the bush tax cuts expired but didn't think that much about them. Oh well at least this will give americans will have something to vote against in 2012. If those taxes were a book it would be called how to destroy an economy. I'll bet if anything is saved it's the education credits. That's why you don't spend 700 billion dollars with credit cards on stimulus and create a new health care entitlement (which those of you who used to smoke are supposed to fund), that and the wars are going to cost us around a trillion dollars. Don't expect medicare and social security to give you anything because shock payroll tax receipts are down and more people are retiring than expected. Oh and all the stimulus stuff, how many of you are planning to increase your spending next year?


          • texastorm
            • Jul 2010
            • 386

            Hmm maybe thats why snus seems to be held back in the states. If they keep everyone on the cigs then they can collect more sin taxes to fund health care (or at least they will say its for health care)

            Conspiracy? you decide.


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Must be because those tea baggers are so concerned about the deficit!


              • RobsanX
                • Aug 2008
                • 2030

                Can someone tell me what good the Bush tax cuts did other than further concentrate wealth to the richest 2%, run up massive deficits, and get more jobs shipped overseas...


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  The Bush tax cuts allowed people to spend more money. True, there are companies and people that made more money as a result...and some of those pocketed it, but by and large that's all we hear about. What about the vast majority of the people effected that are on the cusp? Those that were able to make an additional 5% or so? What do you think they did with that money? They spent it on their business, on advertising, on enjoyment, on innovation, improvements, efficiencies, etc. This, in turn made a profit for the next guy...and so on. It drove growth and I think that's easy to prove. Now, I can't spend that money the way I would like but only give it to someone else. See, the money will still be spent but when the tax cuts are eliminated our illustrious government will be the ones spending the money instead of the people. I don't think that the government will make the best decisions (one example would be the gold tax that was weaved into, and hidden, in the newest health care legislation)

                  These cuts did not run up deficits. Spending runs up deficits.

                  Not renewing these cuts will make it attractive for MORE businesses to go overseas. Our country runs on business. Real business, not paper pushing, hedge funds, stock markets, investment accounts, etc. We grow and prosper with production of things and with manufacturing and servicing things. An environment needs to be created that makes it attractive to do business of those sorts. I don't forsee that happening with the current government we have elected. There's a state element there too. It's not just the Federal Government. Also, President Obama is not solely to blame for this.

                  This will effect my way of life. I will be able to contribute LESS to my local economy. Plain and simple. Problem is I'll still be contributing the same amount but will see zero rewards of that because it won't go where I want it to go. I won't be able to hire the company to re-side my house next year. My kids might not be going to some of the activities next summer. We probably won't go on a vacation either (but I guess that's someone else's local economy). Also, I won't have the same budget to advertise the business so I can sell more stuff and then have to hire more people to generate that business and others to produce the products. As it is I've shrunk about 30%. I've had to lay off people. That sucks. Now it will just be longer before I can hire them again. That too sucks.


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    So Wicked, were you not able to take advantage of the small business tax incentives this year?


                    • Jimbob_Rebel
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 169

                      Originally posted by RobsanX View Post
                      Can someone tell me what good the Bush tax cuts did other than further concentrate wealth to the richest 2%, run up massive deficits, and get more jobs shipped overseas...
                      Tax cuts don't cause deficits, that happens when the government spends more money than they've extorted from us.Any individual exhibiting the same fiscal irresponsibility as the feds would have a credit rating of "0" and would be unable to get a loan from anyone but a pawn broker,


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
                        Any individual exhibiting the same fiscal irresponsibility as the feds would have a credit rating of "0" and would be unable to get a loan from anyone but a pawn broker,
                        So in your eyes if I make $100,000 per year and mortgage a house for $300,000 I'm fiscally irresponsible because my debt is 300% of my annual earnings. That's not really how it works...


                        • texastorm
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 386

                          Originally posted by RobsanX View Post
                          So in your eyes if I make $100,000 per year and mortgage a house for $300,000 I'm fiscally irresponsible because my debt is 300% of my annual earnings. That's not really how it works...
                          OK so you make 100k per year. You are already spending 300% of your yearly income. You are supporting several families, you pay pensions for your elderly family, and you provide food and health for your illegal immigrant neighbors as well as your family members. You are spending all 3 times what you make.

                          NOW you want to buy 300k house?

                          Are you flipping mad?


                          • Jimbob_Rebel
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 169

                            Originally posted by RobsanX View Post
                            So in your eyes if I make $100,000 per year and mortgage a house for $300,000 I'm fiscally irresponsible because my debt is 300% of my annual earnings. That's not really how it works...
                            It would be immoral if you had no real way to repay the loan without running the counterfieting machine down in your basement because you'd plundered all you could carry away from your neighbors. You would not only have a lousy credit rating, you'd be in jail. The government does not make money or produce anything which people would willingly pay for(or very little beyond stamps and coins). They must extract every nickel they spend at gunpoint from taxpayers. When they spend money they have not yet coerced from the taxpayers, they are saddling future taxpayers with the bill. Those same future taxpayers had no representation when the debt was incurred and "taxation without representation" is generally considered inimical to our alleged form of government (constitutional republic). On a practical level, deficit spending tempts politicians to "tax" the people secretly through inflation rather than risk being ejected from office for raising taxes. Taxes can be pushed up but there is a point of diminishing return since taxes affect human behavior like any other cost and now they are pretty much to the point that the printing press is all they have left. What comes after that is REALLY UGLY...........just google "Weimar Republic".


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              Originally posted by texastorm View Post
                              OK so you make 100k per year. You are already spending 300% of your yearly income. You are supporting several families, you pay pensions for your elderly family, and you provide food and health for your illegal immigrant neighbors as well as your family members. You are spending all 3 times what you make.

                              NOW you want to buy 300k house?

                              Are you flipping mad?
                              I think you're exaggerating a little. The US does not spend 300% more than it takes in, plus all that other stuff.

                              Right now we are running our country on credit. I agree that it can't go on forever, but I don't see how extending tax cuts for the wealthy will help matters. I think that creating jobs is the biggest factor. The rich have enjoyed a decade of the the Bush tax cuts, yet the jobs keep moving overseas. It's time to stop dropping to our knees and giving China and others a big wet blowjob, and start getting Americans back to work again!

