Originally posted by texasmade
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Okay tex, i get that those are bad things. Im saying why does the fact israel does them fascinate you. Why do you chose this one country to hold to a higher standard? Shooting kids and killing innocents is older than prostitution my friend. Im not saying what they are doing is right, what i am saying is that you cannot legitimately call them terrorists. People like to think in the last few thousand years human nature has changed or that something is somehow different, but its not. What israel does is what the US does and what many countries do. Why are you not concerned with whats happening in africa right now, rwanda etc, why does everyone focus on israel? Thats my question. Why is israel held to a higher standard, and called terrorists for doing what everyone else does or has done in recent history. Tex, your state would not be part of america if it were not for us doing in the past the same thing the israelis are doing today. It sucks but its part of life.
And if someone has a problem with it, then march an army down there and try stopping them, this is the way of the world.