The alien anal probe thread

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    This small series of vids is very interesting and well done. This is part 1:


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      New main stream news is about this FBI memo saying Roswell was indeed true:


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        OK, I found more info.
        This is about a crash in 1948, in a NM town called Aztec.
        This is the FBI file on the FBI website:


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          This is interesting. Says JFK requested UFO info 10 days before he was killed.


          • timholian
            • Apr 2010
            • 1448

            As a skeptic I have a question for believers:
            Why would an intelligent being come all this way only to observe when they could easily send a robot or other type of probe?
            We didn't just waltz on to the red planet... We sent a robot first.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              If they do come "all that way", I think they must have a greater knowledge of travel, like wormholes or bending space. And then maybe, they have always been here, maybe underground, underocean, on the Moon, on Mars. If these beings are more evolved and advanced than we are, we can't look at their technical abilities in the same mindframe as ours. They have been flying their craft all over Earth for 1000's of years. I do think they use unmanned craft as well, I think the Orbs are that.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                This makes sense to me.

                "As I got involved in classified work, I concluded a couple of things: the higher your clearance level and the more sophisticated the program was, the smarter the people were in the room, almost without exception.

                "These guys get smarter and smarter the more complex it is or the more secret it is, and therefore, they are very clever and have a lot of enjoyment in figuring out how to accomplish their missions, which is to keep the public in the dark."


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451


                  Originally posted by timholian View Post
                  As a skeptic I have a question for believers:
                  Why would an intelligent being come all this way only to observe when they could easily send a robot or other type of probe?
                  We didn't just waltz on to the red planet... We sent a robot first.
                  Well there are a few schools of thought regarding this, the first one being that since these UFO's don't interact with us or show any signs of communication, they are likely just drones. They are probably here on an exploratory mission or some other scientific endeavor, or perhaps they are the filming crew for an intergalactic nation geographic show and we are the lions being watched in the field.

                  The other school of thought maintains that we HAVE been being visited by these things for a long time, nearly as far back as the record goes and some even believe before then. If this is the case, than the exploratory party would have arrived a long time ago already, and at this point in the game they already know what's here and have had 10,000 years to study it. We expect they would have taken action by now, yet they remain indifferent to us. This implies a purely logical being and not one based on emotion like humans, if I went to another planet and saw intelligence I would not be able to go 10,000 years without going to talk to it or at least mess with it a little. They seem to act like robots.

                  If the latter is correct, than my question is: Why are they still not interacting with us? If they have been studying us for that long, they must have learned whatever they came for, and furthermore I imagine it would HAVE to require some serious resources to maintain such an ongoing operation over such an extended period of time. I mean think about it, getting here must be resource intense, so having an ongoing recon mission for 10k+ years seems unrealistic. Tom will now rebuttal that their awesome technology would have long ago solved any energy problems. If this were the case, than I would expect space to loook like the 101 during rush hour, yet it's not. This implies that traveling through space remains an energy intense endeavor even for our advanced alien friends, if travel was that easy than we should see people driving by all the time. So we know it must be hard to get here, yet they have been here forever it seems, so why go through all of the effort just to never make contact?

                  2 choices:

                  1) They came once and never left, or they operate somewher nearby, so close in fact that it is a trivial matter to go drive over to earth.

                  2) Perhaps there used to be a civilization nearby that has long gone extinct, and perhaps these "UFO's we see are just automated drones on a supply route who never got turned off because their operators died.

                  I believe #2 is a serious posibility here.

                  Think about it, these thing never talk to us, they seem to come only for a few minutes and then leave, and they are constantly spotted diving into the water. So either they are operating under the sea, or they are just here to scoop up some energy or something else momentarily and then go back to where they came from.

                  If I ran an intergalactic mining operation, I would first have to develope robots that can travel around inteligently enoughto get the job done, then I would have to program them to strategically gather fuel for itself along the way. It would be impossible to store enough fuel for such a long journey, it is clear that any space-vehicle must be able to acquire it's own energy as it goes. The distances are simply too large to be caught out in the water without a paddle as it were.

                  Given the actions of these UFO's and considering that we have allegedly been seeing them for thousands of years doing the same thing every time (hovering then leaving), we have to consider the idea that these may just be the equivalent of self-sufficient mine carts that once formed a functional mining or transport operation. They may just be automated robots that travel a route and gather energy along the way, and earth may just be one of the programmed stops (or maybe the things find energy where they can and earth meets the conditions.)

                  This explains why we always see them, yet they kind of just stop by for a second and then leave. Maybe there is no importance assigned to earth, maybe they are not here for us, maybe they are just robots completing an automated function, and perhaps their masters have long since perished and the automatons they created are the only thing left behind. I mean a self-repairing space shuttle that is capable of acquiring it's own fuel could theoretically continue to operate until it runs out of resources, which in space is kind of like forever.

                  So I think there is a serious posibility of them being robots. They don't show the normal signs of things that we see with intelligence. They never litter, they never stop to pee, they never get out to **** with the wildlife, and they seem to completely ignore our existance. That, I think, is the most interesting phenomena with the UFO thing: We all assume they are here because of us, yet there is no evidence that this is the case, they seem to just go about whatever they are doing like we were just another local animal species that didn't warrant communication.

                  If that's the case, than I would suggest we continue making them believe that, because we know how we treat things we view as animals, and I don't see why a clearly superior race wouldn't squash us as quickly as they would an ant, with no thought or emotion behind it.


                  • Froofather
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 198

                    To sgreger1: Those are some great ideas! Aliens and UFOs have always held my interest. Your ideas make quite a bit of sense to me


                    • timholian
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1448

                      So, there is no uniform story to aliens and the community that surrounds the subject can't agree on the particulars.
                      When most speak of aliens they seem to have a rock hard conviction....

                      At the risk of sounding like an ass, I wish I could believe.... I really do


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        I believe, but I want to KNOW!


                        • Froofather
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 198

                          You dont sound like an ass. Everyone is allowed their own opinion. I myself believe in aliens. I dont believe they are here to kill us and all that other crap. But if you look at us. We like to study other things. Im sure if we found another planet with inhabitants we would study them. Im just unhappy with all of the anal rape.


                          • Bigblue1
                            Banned Users
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 3923

                            Watched this Dan Aykroyd documentary on netflix a couple weeks ago.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by timholian View Post
                              So, there is no uniform story to aliens and the community that surrounds the subject can't agree on the particulars.
                              When most speak of aliens they seem to have a rock hard conviction....

                              At the risk of sounding like an ass, I wish I could believe.... I really do

                              Well to be fair that is how science works, though I do not claim any of thie UFO stuff involves science. We observe something to be occuring, various people have studied it and/or thought up something in their head, and we have come up with some possible theories around what we are seeing.

                              So no, there is no 1 story, nor even a general idea that everyone can agree upon. Some believe UFO's are x, some believe they are y, and some believe they are z. And the theories vary so much that the only real thing they have in common is the UFO itself.

                              Anyone telling you about "rock solid" evidence in favor of any UFo theory is either a liar or not familiar with what the scientific community would collectively agree constitutes "evidence". Seeing something on a video for example is not evidence, and though firsthand subjective reports of what they "believe" they saw can be usefull, it in no way constitutes evidence. That is how we used to do things, where poeple saw something and then made wild asumptions about what it was, that is how we ended up with sun gods and the like.

                              However, currently there isn't much else to do, people are observing this UFO thing and trying to conclude what is going on, but at the end of the day there is no data of any sort to go on and therefore the only way to make any sense of it is by trying to apply what we already know about our world to the UFO phenomena.

                              My pet theory , based on what I see in the human world, is that these thing don't seem to resemble intellegent operators. Yes they move around with a purpose, and their mere presence on the planet tells us that some intelligence must be behind it, but the actual vehicles themselves do not perform any of the actions that we would expect to see from someone who was here "doing" something. They seem to come here for a quick task and then leave, they never talk, they never litter or at a minimum must be policing up their trash very well, and most importantly: THEY DO NOT SEE A THREAT IN US.

                              This is very important, perhaps the most important of all things to pay attention to. They are here, yet they don't even seem to see us as a passive threat. Hell, even after these ships crash around our high powered electronics the owners never come to recover them or even seem to notice their absence. Any intelligence would see us and what we are doing here and be like "red flag", yet that doens't happen. Even when we go out in the wild to observe spiders, we are cautious and employ various protections against harm. When we go to study lions, we know at first sight that they are dangerous and take measures to reduce the threat while still accomplishing whatever it is we came here to do. Yet these UFO's seem completely indifferent to us, EVEN WHEN WE TRY TO ATTACK THEM. This does not seemt o be intelligence, it seems like they are pre-programmed and never deviate from the plan. I think they may be either currently active drones or perhaps part of some ancient transport lane or something.

                              The point is that the UFO commuity doesn't know what is happening, but to me I don't see aliens. I think they are possbly alien in origin, but the operators seem eerily absent, especially when we consider that the same style of UFO has been reported for thousands of years, or at least hundreds depending on who you talk to. This implies that the vehicle design has not changed, and if aliens are anything like humans they would b upgrading their technology over time. They seem to be using the same ships, so my guess is that the ships came here at some point and somehow during the travel their home planet shut off communications for whatever reason and now all we have are these ****ing drones that fly around weirding people out but never interacting or acknowledging our existence.

                              We built all of this civilization and skyscrapers, even walked a man on the moon, and yet the aliens don't seem to care, they see our cities as ant hills perhaps, I don't know. But I find it hard to believe that any intelligence could sit back and watch for this long without making contact, I think they are robots. Plus, sending organic matter across the universe must be hard, seems like sending robots would be more realistic since they can handle the commute across the galaxy. For all we know, the aliens only made it here once and the few ships they brought are essentially stuck on or near this little island shipwrecked until the owners come back. The original operators are probably long dead, and the movement of these UFO's may just be the automated security system keeping the ships away from harm by staying in the ocean, hovering around, hiding in caves, who knows.

                              But it's all fantasy at this point, nothing I say or "theoorize" on should be taken as scientific in any way, it's all just a thought experiment and no matter what anyone tells you there is no actual evidence for aliens, only evidence that ships fly around which we can't readily identify.


                              • CoderGuy
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 2679

                                After watching the Orion Conspiracy, I am convinced they are nothing but human craft driven by humans and the anal probes are just something they do for fun to push along the misinformation. The crafts are most likely based originally on alien technology though. I think the aliens probably showed up early in human development to help the race along and once we started thinking on our own they moved on to another primitive planet. The rest is just us seeing real UFOs (actually Unidentified Flying Objects) created by various governments.

