Obama is tougher on immigration than Bush

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Obama is tougher on immigration than Bush

    So here is an outline of how Obama has been handling the immigration front, and I must say I am impressed and in fact astounded to hear that this is the case.

    What he has done since he’s been in office:

    - Slowed down work-site raids on illegal. Focuses mainly on punishing employers by levying record fines on those who hire illegals

    - Deported 25% more illegal’s than Bush.

    - Quadrupled audits of companies suspected of hiring illegals. (Compared to Bush)

    - Deployed troops to the Mexican border

    - Puts focus on repeat offenders, those with criminal records, and those that have been deported already in the past. Is lenient on mothers or those tending to the ill, and focuses mainly on the criminals.

    - Is now using fingerprinting to identify illegals in our jails and deporting them.

    Complaints by both sides:

    - Right: By only prosecuting and deporting the criminals, and allowing the others just looking for work to come through, it is nothing more than selective amnesty, as anyone who is here illegally has commited a federal felony.

    - Left: Upset that immigration laws are being enforced at all. Points out that while the official focus is on catching and deporting criminal illegals, those just looking for work are often times deported as well.

    Both are legit opinions and this proves why no President ever wants to touch the illegal immigration issue. It’s a lose/lose situation and both sides will always hate you. But it appears he is, in fact, doing something about it (likely in an attempt to get the right to warm up to him so he can pass immigration reform)

    Here is the article:


    In a bid to remake the enforcement of federal immigration laws, the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.

    The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency expects to deport about 400,000 people this fiscal year, nearly 10 percent above the Bush administration's 2008 total and 25 percent more than were deported in 2007. The pace of company audits has roughly quadrupled since President George W. Bush's final year in office.

    The Obama administration has been moving away from using work-site raids to target employers. Just 765 undocumented workers have been arrested at their jobs this fiscal year, compared with 5,100 in 2008, according to Department of Homeland Security figures. Instead, officers have increased employer audits, studying the employee documentation of 2,875 companies suspected of hiring illegal workers and assessing $6.4 million in fines.

    On the ground, a program known as Secure Communities uses the fingerprints of people in custody for other reasons to identify deportable immigrants.

    The Secure Communities project has identified 240,000 illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, according to DHS figures. Of those, about 30,000 have been deported, including 8,600 convicted of what the agency calls "the most egregious offenses."

    A June 30 memorandum from ICE director John Morton instructed officers to focus their "principal attention" on felons and repeat lawbreakers. The policy, influenced by a series of sometimes-heated White House meetings, also targets repeat border crossers and declares that parents caring for children or the infirm should be detained only in unusual cases.

    "We're trying to put our money where our mouth is," Morton said in an interview, describing the goal as a "rational" immigration policy. "You've got to have aggressive enforcement against criminal offenders. You have to have a secure border. You have to have some integrity in the system."
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    We need to do what N. Korea does.


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      ^^ +1


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Even the Obama admin admits that illegals tend to turn cirminal once here. 50% of those deported commited a serious crime.

        Nearly 50 percent of the people who have been deported from the United States this budget year have a criminal conviction, from driving without a license and DUI to major felonies, ICE's Morton said. That represents an increase of more than 36,000 over the same period in 2009, which showed a rise of 22,000 over 2008. "Occasionally, you will hear criticism that our criminal alien efforts are focused around people with cracked tailpipes and speeding tickets. That's simply false," Morton said.

        Morton's June 30 memorandum set priorities for the capture, detention and removal of illegal immigrants. With the federal system facing a limit on how many people it can deport each year, he wrote, "principal attention" must go to people convicted of felonies or at least three misdemeanors punishable by jail time.

        ^^ So since they can only handle processing the deportation of 400,000 illegals a year, they claim, (and Obama is deporting that many this year), they are rounding up the ones that have commited a serious felony, or at least 3 misdemeaners that are punishable by jail time.

        So tell me you Arizona haters, is Obama a blatant racist for obviously hating brown people without descrimination? Is this "ethnic cleansing" by Obama?

        I knew this is how it would play out, this is why they decided no to sue Arizona over it being a racist bill, because they conceded that it is no more racist than what they are currently doing (which is not racist at all). Instead they are just suing to say that it's the feds job and not the states.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          We could round them up and send them to Iraq and Afganistan.


          • Snussles
            • Jul 2010
            • 108

            Despite the new president, don't we have the same people in congress as before, the ones that are actually making these decisions? In that case I think it is better said that "he is improving on the previous model" rather than "being tougher". I really doubt that Obama really has that much control over what policies are being made, it is not like everything was throw out the window when bush got elected.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Snussles View Post
              Despite the new president, don't we have the same people in congress as before, the ones that are actually making these decisions? In that case I think it is better said that "he is improving on the previous model" rather than "being tougher". I really doubt that Obama really has that much control over what policies are being made, it is not like everything was throw out the window when bush got elected.
              No the President can issue memorandums and "orders" if you will to DHS, ICE and the like, as they are all federal authorities. Congress does not handle the management of these authorities, though it can pass legislation that defines their powers etc. So yes it is by his command personally. And no they didn't throw out what Bush was doing at all, but admittedly Bush favored illegal immegrants and lobbied heavily for their support come voting time, which is something that always pissed me off.

              I mean I know Obama is doing this just to make republicans look stupid for saying he's soft on immegration, but either way i'm glad at least SOMETHING is happening. And now that we know the AZ law is not racist, I just want to give a collective "I TOLD YOU SO" to all you people on here as well as La Raza, the ACLU, the entire state of California, and every other idiot who thinks enforcing existing immegration laws is racist in some way or some kind of "ethnic cleansing" of brown people. Booyashaka.


              • ratcheer
                • Jul 2010
                • 621

                Those troops he deployed to the border need to mosey on over to Laredo, where two ranches have been taken by the Zeta gang.




                • deadohsky
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 625

                  Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
                  Those troops he deployed to the border need to mosey on over to Laredo, where two ranches have been taken by the Zeta gang.


                  This is why it bugs me that the mainstream media and government are labeling bills/ laws like Arizona's as racist. It's not the case. It is about protecting the country IMO. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants; just do it legally. I myself am looking to move to another country and am looking at what needs to be done so i can go about the correct and legal way.


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