Should I jailbreak my IPAD?

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  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
    I managed to get the ECID#, but when I use umbrella it says it can't find my SHS blobs and therefore can't back them up> I put the ipad in recovery mode and everything. i don't want to jailbreak it before I can back everything up so i gotta get over this hurdle. I'll check out the link when I get home, thanks!
    Sreger u sick ****. What's up with that sig! lol


    • Steez
      • May 2010
      • 62

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      I just heard about this, that there is some way to enable flash on the ipad, but couldn't find an article. Thanks! I probably won't do it though since so far I havn't run into any barriers by not having flash. I thoght a majority of the web had flash but apparently they have moved on to HTML 5 now, even youtube and stuff has flash. The only thing with flash that I can't see is hulu but I have an app for that so again, not really missing much.

      Speaking of which, when flash first came out I figured everyone would have animated flash webpages, why didn't that happen? Too slow to load or something? Flash makes things much more interactive and cool. I don't know much about html5 though so not sure if it compares.
      YouTube, Vimeo, and all the other major video sites now have HTML5 video support, or at least in their beta stages. The reason why we see the diminishing number of flash dependent websites is because flash is not a open standard, it requires your prospective client to have flash installed on their machine, whereas HTML and CSS are supported nativity by the browser. Its easier to develop in HTML and CSS. Flash used to be the only way to provide a truly interactive "Web 2.0" experience, but now with interactive frameworks like jQuery, those same things can be accomplished without flash.

      I would never enable flash on my iPhone, it has way to many vulnerabilities in it.


      • f. bandersnatch
        • Mar 2010
        • 725

        Originally posted by daruckis View Post
        yeah dude, i just got an ipod nano from my friend who found some idiots ipod touch at a party and i feel like ive entered the age of technology.
        I have a hot pink ipod nano with a broken screen that I got from my little sister. I made my schizophrenic hobo brethren proud by refusing to let her throw away something that was shiny and made noise. She was like "but you cant tell what song is playing" and I was like "that only matters if you load it with a bunch of shitty music."


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
          I have a hot pink ipod nano with a broken screen that I got from my little sister. I made my schizophrenic hobo brethren proud by refusing to let her throw away something that was shiny and made noise. She was like "but you cant tell what song is playing" and I was like "that only matters if you load it with a bunch of shitty music."

          I seldom select specific songs from my mp3 player. They're always on shuffle, and I'll just skip songs I don't feel like listening to at that moment.


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
            ... "that only matters if you load it with a bunch of shitty music."
            And today, there's plenty of shitty music to wallow through!!

            I'm amazed at some of the 'comeback' groups with sold-out concert tours where you'll find as many, if not more, of the younger generation in attendance. And they know all the lyrics and happily sing along. What rebelliousness!!

            But you troll the FM airways (yes, some of us still do that despite our iPods, etc) and all you hear is the same-o same-o crud. Big Business is in control now more than ever.

            PAYOLA, BABY ... let's bring back da good ol' days and get some variety into da mix!

            Unfortunately, the days of the small independent labels are gone.


            • f. bandersnatch
              • Mar 2010
              • 725

              To be fair, and I don't want to start one of those arguments where PP and LaZ start making overtly racist comments about rap music, but there is a ton of good music being churned out in the world. I think this may have always been the case, but now that the internet is around we can access it. I will preemptively say that if your definition of contemporary music is something along the lines of "whats on the radio and on television" then you are right, there is no good music out there.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                To be fair, and I don't want to start one of those arguments where PP and LaZ start making overtly racist comments about rap music, but there is a ton of good music being churned out in the world. I think this may have always been the case, but now that the internet is around we can access it. I will preemptively say that if your definition of contemporary music is something along the lines of "whats on the radio and on television" then you are right, there is no good music out there.

                Uh oh, racist flamewar in 5 folcks.

                /last chance to get popcorn


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923



                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                    I will preemptively say that if your definition of contemporary music is something along the lines of "whats on the radio and on television" then you are right, there is no good music out there.

                    I'm not really saying there is NO good music out there, but when I'm truckin' along it's usually just the radio since I don't always want to screw around with my iPod while driving.

                    Fortunately, I do get AM1030, which is all-news Radio WBZ ... but there are only so many times you can hear the same stories repeated over and over in all their glorious soundbites. That's when a decent FM station would come in handy. I enjoy all genres but stations today seem to repeat the same dozen songs ad nauseum.

                    Thass all I'm a sayin'.

                    BTW, BB, fresh popcorn is needed.

                    That popcorn looks as dead as Orville!!


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