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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
    Too right Tom, if greger wasn't such a tool for the neo-cons (modern trotskyites) he'd know the european conflict actually began over the Polish corridor...........a situation aggravated by foolish promises made to the Poles by the Brits and French. These promises stiffened their spines with beery courage where compromise would have served them better.

    America was in the war because we wanted to be. FDR schemed and plotted with Churchill as to how he could enter the conflict against the wills of so much of the electorate.

    A tool for the neo-cons? I think you have the wrong guy. I don't believe that the concept of the holocaust is a neocon idea, especially considering how left wing Israel has always been. I know the history of WWII, I know the scandal, I know how it was about money, I know about how the US and europe orriginally liked Hitler, I know about all of the conspiracy theories surrounding it, many of which I agree with. But none of that changes the fact that at some point in time the germans killed a bunch of jews, I don't understand what you don't get. Is it 100% the official story? No it never is, but to deny SOMETHING happened is just stupid. If you can overlook evidence like that, than what could I ever possibly do to convince you. Stop being a shill for the muslims. Go preach that shit at a mosque, not at me. You can say theholocasust is fake, the germans were the good guys, that the jews run the entire world (including this thread) and that America is the cause of the whole worlds problems all you want over there.


    • Jimbob_Rebel
      • Jun 2010
      • 169

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      Stop being a shill for the muslims. Go preach that shit at a mosque, not at me. You can say theholocasust is fake, the germans were the good guys, that the jews run the entire world (including this thread) and that America is the cause of the whole worlds problems all you want over there.
      Actually, I can say that anywhere I like............which is good..............long drive to the nearest Mosque..........also because I'm a southern baptist.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel
        Actually, I can say that anywhere I like............which is good..............long drive to the nearest Mosque..........also because I'm a southern baptist.

        So who is the good guys in your opinion, really? I mean you think Hitler didn't do anything wrong, that the jews never died in the hollocaust and that they now secretly run the wolrd, I mean who is good (if anyone) in your mind right now. North korea?

        And southern baptist? God I hate to play the race card bro but your religion wouldn't even allow blacks in the church up through the 70's.

        I'm just saying, if monumental evidence of Germans mass slaughtering jews, pols, retards, gays and russians is not enough to convince you, I don't see what I can offer.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          It's a crazy world we live in. Like the Twilight Zone. C'mon Nibiru!


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Lol, Tom I love how when your not defending Hitler, your praying the world will end in the next 2 years. Must be a real party over at your house lolololol


            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
              Too right Tom, if greger wasn't such a tool for the neo-cons (modern trotskyites) he'd know the european conflict actually began over the Polish corridor...........a situation aggravated by foolish promises made to the Poles by the Brits and French. These promises stiffened their spines with beery courage where compromise would have served them better.

              America was in the war because we wanted to be. FDR schemed and plotted with Churchill as to how he could enter the conflict against the wills of so much of the electorate.
              Yea right. Peal Harbor and The bombing of London had nothing to do with it.


              • Joe234
                • Apr 2010
                • 1948

                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                No one believes that stuff anymore. This is 2010, not 1960.
                The skinheads and conspiracy nuts don't. Most sane people do.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                  The skinheads and conspiracy nuts don't. Most sane people do.
                  It would be interesting to see a poll, taken from various countries.
                  I suspect most in the middle east and asia, and south America, and even north eastern europe, have strong doubts.

                  Might be a majority.


                  • Jimbob_Rebel
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 169

                    Don't even try to pretend that FDR had nothing to do with the attack on Pearl Harbor. He knew when he'd lined up an oil/steel boycott with the Dutch and British that the Japs would have no choice other than to try a hail mary.........which they did.

                    Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                    Yea right. Peal Harbor and The bombing of London had nothing to do with it.


                    • Jimbob_Rebel
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 169

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      So who is the good guys in your opinion, really? I mean you think Hitler didn't do anything wrong, that the jews never died in the hollocaust and that they now secretly run the wolrd, I mean who is good (if anyone) in your mind right now. North korea?

                      And southern baptist? God I hate to play the race card bro but your religion wouldn't even allow blacks in the church up through the 70's.

                      I'm just saying, if monumental evidence of Germans mass slaughtering jews, pols, retards, gays and russians is not enough to convince you, I don't see what I can offer.
                      There were no good guys.............which is why, as I've opined before, we should have sat that one out.

                      Greger, when you make the claim that you don't like to play the race card..............why do I get the feeling you're lying to me? I'm not sure what the church was doing back in the 70's as I was raised an Episcopalian, but if they wanted segregated churches I can't see where it's any skin off your nose.

                      You havn't presented monumental evidence of anything besides your neocon bonafides.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
                        There were no good guys.............which is why, as I've opined before, we should have sat that one out.
                        Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post

                        Greger, when you make the claim that you don't like to play the race card..............why do I get the feeling you're lying to me? I'm not sure what the church was doing back in the 70's as I was raised an Episcopalian, but if they wanted segregated churches I can't see where it's any skin off your nose.

                        You havn't presented monumental evidence of anything besides your neocon bonafides.

                        Um, again, why do you think that people who believe Hitler killed Jews during WW II are neocons? I'm really not sure where you got that from.

                        Anyways, i'm not talking about monumental evidence I’ve personally shown you, i'm talking about the monumental evidence that exists in everything from pictures, reports from SS officials, admissions at trials, numerous supporting documents detailing what was happening etc. I mean I can see your skepticism with the numbers they claim or that it was a direct intention to kill every Jews (which it obviously was not), but I don't see how you can deny that Hitler was ****ing with the Jews and trying to kill them. I mean if there is one event in the last 100 years that has supporting evidence to prove that it happened, this is that event.

                        So far you have provided no evidence. Instead you've just said "well maybe those Jews died cause of something else", which is not evidence. That's conjecture backed by nothing but hearsay.

                        Personally I think the holocaust shouldn't be about the Jews because there were many more people killed of other nationalities by Hitler, so not sure why they get all the glory.

                        As far as us sitting out WWII, I think we know why that didn’t happen. I tend to believe in isolationism, aka “don’t get involved with shit that is not defending yourself”. I don’t agree with all this pre-emptive war we’ve grown so accustomed too. I also acknowledge that FDR was a corrupt bastard and knew damn well that Pearl Harbor was about to happen, just like I believe the Bush administration knew damn well 9-11 was about to happen, but they let it happen anyways because it was expedient for them (since they wanted to go to war, both of them). BUT, I do believe it was the right thing to do in the case of WWII as far as fighting the war. If the German’s had been victorious they would have had time to rebuild and establish a massive empire. They were technologically advanced compared to us and were a big enough problem when they were fighting on multiple fronts, therefore once they rebuilt and then came after us, they would have been too powerful to stop. Personally I like speaking English myself. So all in all I think WWII was fighting “the good fight” in a way.

                        Anyways, if you could point out for me which of my comments are neocon talking points, that would be a big help, because I fail to see how me and the neocons agree on anything here other than that Jews were slaughtered during WWII.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          sgreger- being what you have stated yourself, you are also technically a holocaust denier, and by proxy and anti-semite.
                          Of course you will say you are not(and we know you arn't), but this is the problem, that the holocaust is legally a specific thing, and cannot be questioned or disputed in any minute manner, or you become a holocaust denier and anti-semite.
                          The holocaust offically is not some vague bad event in history, it is specificially 6 million Jews killed, by the Nazis' genocide intention, using the means of gas chambers. If you doubt or question one aspect of this, you are a holocaust denier, and by proxy and anti-semite.

                          That's the Holocaust Religion.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Isn't this the tax thread? Christ why don't we ask Ice to set up a Holocaust/Nazi/Hitler subforum already. You guys are really beating off hard to this Holocaust denial thing.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                              sgreger- being what you have stated yourself, you are also technically a holocaust denier, and by proxy and anti-semite.
                              Of course you will say you are not(and we know you arn't), but this is the problem, that the holocaust is legally a specific thing, and cannot be questioned or disputed in any minute manner, or you become a holocaust denier and anti-semite.
                              The holocaust offically is not some vague bad event in history, it is specificially 6 million Jews killed, by the Nazis' genocide intention, using the means of gas chambers. If you doubt or question one aspect of this, you are a holocaust denier, and by proxy and anti-semite.

                              That's the Holocaust Religion.

                              Tom, I know who I am and what I believe. I do not live in Europe or Israel so I could care less what name some jew or brit tries to label me with. The fact is that a tragic event happened and while no official story every covers everything 100% accurately, I feel that while numbers may be uncertain (and irrelivent), it seems amazingly apparent to me that the Nazi's had a concerted effort to kill jews. I don't care how they define it, to me it was still a holocaust and Israel is legitimate country like any other. We all know europe has draconian thought-crime laws and no free speech, so no reason to get in a fit about how they won't let you talk about it.


                              • LaZeR
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 3994

                                Originally posted by Roo View Post
                                Isn't this the tax thread? Christ why don't we ask Ice to set up a Holocaust/Nazi/Hitler subforum already. You guys are really beating off hard to this Holocaust denial thing.


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