Um, again, why do you think that people who believe Hitler killed Jews during WW II are neocons?
Many of the NeoCon Bush Admin had dual citizenship with Isreal or were Jewish. This is why a smaller group here in the US and many outside of America believe the "Jews" did 911.
My guess is that it was parts of the Bush Admin like "Cheney" for one, that had full knoweledge of what was going to happen that day. Same with parts of the Israel/Pakistan government.
Those parts have heavy ties with the military industrial complex.
If anything that we are learning from the wars and missing trillions is that this is about profit and oil. Nothing more, nothing less.
Um, again, why do you think that people who believe Hitler killed Jews during WW II are neocons?
Many of the NeoCon Bush Admin had dual citizenship with Isreal or were Jewish. This is why a smaller group here in the US and many outside of America believe the "Jews" did 911.
My guess is that it was parts of the Bush Admin like "Cheney" for one, that had full knoweledge of what was going to happen that day. Same with parts of the Israel/Pakistan government.
Those parts have heavy ties with the military industrial complex.
If anything that we are learning from the wars and missing trillions is that this is about profit and oil. Nothing more, nothing less.
Truthwolf, bro, your not being fair to any of the parties involved here. Your logic is that a lot of Bush admin guys were both jews and Americans. Okay, that could be true, but you believe that because half of them were this way that surely it was them that did it? I mean, they were almost all white, right? Why not say it was a white conspiracy. And what if half of them were black, does that mean that the Africans did it? I mean that logic just doesn’t make sense to me, the fact a percentage of them were of a certain nationality doesn’t lead me to believe there is some conspiracy perpetuated by that nationality.
I think we all know what happened on 9-11. It’s the same story just repeating itself. They had intel for a while prior to 9-11 that 9-11 was going to happen, and they pretty much just sat back and let it happen. Then WHEN it happened, they were sure to be slow to respond in order to get maximum effect from the event.(NORAD was out to lunch, likely on purpose). I think at worst they knew it was going to happen and didn’t do anything.
Anyways, truthwolf, what if you said you believed we went to the moon, and people said you are a neocon because of that belief. Would that be fair? I mean half the admin were republicans, right?
For the record I am certainly not a neocon. I am a right of center libertarian so I tend to agree with the right more often than I do with the left, but that is completely different than being a neocon. The world is not that black and white, left or right, there is a center field and I think most Americans find themselves somewhere in the middle.
No, you are missing a little of what I am thinking.
I think a new investigation would bring out more of who was complacent in the Bush Admin.
To just flat out say it was the Jews is in my research does not add up. If you research the Pakistani connection you find it is much bigger and points to the Military Industrial Complex. There is a lot of read though on Mossad fronts of security, the moving vans and how many of these companies closed shop after 911. Could they of had a hand in a operation like this? of course, could they of just been documenting the event of course also.. but those are all unanswered facts that should be scrutinized. With the clout of the Jewish influence in politics I think most of this gets covered up and we dont get the truth and we are left to only wonder and accept blindly the 911 commission report.
"I think a new investigation would bring out more of who was complacent in the Bush Admin. "
Lol, no a new report wouldn't show anything more than the other reports. Even some of the investigators from the other report had doubts but that didn't make it into the report. You can't have the gov audit itself, it will never find the corruption that exists.It's like me auditing my own tax record, if I had that kind of power I would never pay taxes.
The thing is that if Mossad planned this, than tell me why Israel was warning the US for weeks prior to 9-11 sayign "it's going to happen" and the US did nothing. Then other countries started warning us and we still ingored it. If they wanted it to happen, I don't see why they would be screaming at our intel service that "Your buildings are about to get blown up". I think this is just the Bush admin being too lax with things. Then, at the same time, it was only a year into Bush's term and i've learned via the Obama admin that we can't expect a president to fix or do anything in their first year, right? I mean he had to clean up Clinton's mess, right?
All this pie-in-the-sky thinking about investigating this stuff is just that, fantasy. The gov is corrupt and we will never know what happened because there will never be a proper investigation. You know that as well as I. It's not in anyones intirest. The dems wanted to go to war as bad as the republicans and they all signed off on it, so none of this would mean any bonus points for the dems, therefore they will not order an investigation.
If I cheat on my taxes and fail to pay, oh let's say $50,000, the suits will show up at my door and I may even have to spend jail time.
But if the gov looses nearly 9 billion dollars that was supposed to go towards reconstructing a broken country we bombed the shiat out of, that's overlooked and no one even gets fired.
I can understand some of their claims in that there are some blaring unanswered questions, like why tower 7 fell when nothing happened to it, no planes hitting it or anything. But those that believe the jews used a particle beam weapon on it or hit the pentagon with missles seem to have a lot of theories but very little evidence.
I think this was like pearl harbor. They knew it was going to happen and let it happen because they wanted to get into a war.
People, we are almost ina depression. If things get worse, the gov is going to be looking at what to do with several million unemployed military aged men. Read some history and do the math, it wouldn't surprise me if WWIII kicked off in my lifetime.
Anyways, if you could point out for me which of my comments are neocon talking points, that would be a big help, because I fail to see how me and the neocons agree on anything here other than that Jews were slaughtered during WWII.
That would be because you'd automatically assumed, or at least for smear purposes, that I was some kind of muslim sympathizer, or nazi.................that isn't debate or discussion, it's smear and right out of the neocon (warmed over trotskyite) playbook;
Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semetic ... The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind."
--Moscow Central Commitee, 1943
Neocons agree on quite a bit actually, at least with regards to isreal.......................isreal's interrests come before anything else.
I do not go for the particle beam theories, either. I do hold a good deal of belief for the theories that someone prepared a controlled demolition of the WTC buildings for which the plane hits were just a cover-up.
List of taxes in effect today: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national...