Coming in a few months:
1. The lowest bracket for the personal income tax is going to increase from 10 percent to 15 percent.
2. The next lowest bracket for the personal income tax is going to increase from 25 percent to 28 percent.
3. The 28 percent tax bracket is going to increase to 31 percent.
4. The 33 percent tax bracket is going to increase to 36 percent.
5. The 33 percent tax bracket is going to increase to 36 percent.
6. In 2011, the death tax is scheduled to return. So instead of paying zero percent, estates of $1 million or more are going to be taxed at a rate of 55 percent
7. The capital gains tax is going to increase from 15 percent to 20 percent.
8. The tax on dividends is going to increase from 15 percent to 39.6 percent.
9. The "marriage penalty" is also scheduled to be reinstated in 2011.
10. Dozens of health care reform taxes
It is being estimated that the total cost of these tax increases to U.S. taxpayers will be $2.6 trillion through the year 2020.
Lowest tax brackets increasing, capital gains tax increasing, dividends tax increasing, penalty for being married, tax for healthcare? Can someone explain to me how this only effects the rich like I keep hearing everywhere in the news?
And lets not forget about all the other taxes Americans already pay
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax
Gift Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Payroll Taxes
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
School Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer registration tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
1. The lowest bracket for the personal income tax is going to increase from 10 percent to 15 percent.
2. The next lowest bracket for the personal income tax is going to increase from 25 percent to 28 percent.
3. The 28 percent tax bracket is going to increase to 31 percent.
4. The 33 percent tax bracket is going to increase to 36 percent.
5. The 33 percent tax bracket is going to increase to 36 percent.
6. In 2011, the death tax is scheduled to return. So instead of paying zero percent, estates of $1 million or more are going to be taxed at a rate of 55 percent
7. The capital gains tax is going to increase from 15 percent to 20 percent.
8. The tax on dividends is going to increase from 15 percent to 39.6 percent.
9. The "marriage penalty" is also scheduled to be reinstated in 2011.
10. Dozens of health care reform taxes
It is being estimated that the total cost of these tax increases to U.S. taxpayers will be $2.6 trillion through the year 2020.
Lowest tax brackets increasing, capital gains tax increasing, dividends tax increasing, penalty for being married, tax for healthcare? Can someone explain to me how this only effects the rich like I keep hearing everywhere in the news?
And lets not forget about all the other taxes Americans already pay
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax
Gift Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Payroll Taxes
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
School Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer registration tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax