Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel
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A tool for the neo-cons? I think you have the wrong guy. I don't believe that the concept of the holocaust is a neocon idea, especially considering how left wing Israel has always been. I know the history of WWII, I know the scandal, I know how it was about money, I know about how the US and europe orriginally liked Hitler, I know about all of the conspiracy theories surrounding it, many of which I agree with. But none of that changes the fact that at some point in time the germans killed a bunch of jews, I don't understand what you don't get. Is it 100% the official story? No it never is, but to deny SOMETHING happened is just stupid. If you can overlook evidence like that, than what could I ever possibly do to convince you. Stop being a shill for the muslims. Go preach that shit at a mosque, not at me. You can say theholocasust is fake, the germans were the good guys, that the jews run the entire world (including this thread) and that America is the cause of the whole worlds problems all you want over there.