That bitch sucks at lip syncing and I don't even know wtf she is doing during the whole video...
Sure she wasn't having a seizure?
You don't suppository that you got the Frida & the H&J vids mixed up, do you?
That could lead to head and stomach upsets that, when combined, can lead to
IBS (Irritable Brain Syndrome), thus resulting in a cataclysmic release of putrified
energy into this forum... I think we've already run into some of its victims.
And I've got just the cure:
Now that your system has been cleansed, back to our regularly unscheduled colonic -- er I mean foruming.
OK guys here is what we have got. Rather than just creating a hall of fame (which will be looked at once by most and then forgotten). The mods think it...
Arthur (Snusgetter) Godfrey was a beloved member of Snuson, whose wit, generosity, and kindness did so much to make this community the family that it...