Was that tobacco in frame 21 in that small garden in NM?
It sure looks like it, doesn't it? It isn't an edible that I'm aware of... Maybe a flower of some kind. Justintempler would probably be able to give a positive ID on it.
The appeal here, is these people then, lived a more natural life, that's in conflict with the "normal" modern life we have now, a life focused on artificiality, and value based on materialism. People had full lives, based around family, and nature, not ipods, computers, cable TV, video games, credit cards, and whatever else we have created to keep up separated from a natural life. They were poor, perhaps, materially, but they seem to have something most of us today don't have, and that's why we as a modern society digs it's own grave.
I think that's accurate. People didn't have as much, so they appreciated the small pleasures more. We have everything available now, but don't enjoy it as much because it's expected.
The appeal here, is these people then, lived a more natural life, that's in conflict with the "normal" modern life we have now, a life focused on artificiality, and value based on materialism. People had full lives, based around family, and nature, not ipods, computers, cable TV, video games, credit cards, and whatever else we have created to keep up separated from a natural life. They were poor, perhaps, materially, but they seem to have something most of us today don't have, and that's why we as a modern society digs it's own grave.
Yes! Exactly what I was thinking. Things were just simpler then. I would have loved to have lived during these times. Of course, you know people fifty years from now will be looking back at our times and thinking things were just simpler.
Good article if you have time to read it. I agree with most of it except that I think that conservatives in power use issues like abortion, gay marriage,...