S.C. GOP congressman slams Tea Party ‘demagogues’

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    S.C. GOP congressman slams Tea Party ‘demagogues’


    S.C. GOP congressman slams Tea Party ‘demagogues’


    Rep. Bob Inglis is a six-term Republican congressman from South Carolina (1993-99, 2005-present). Needless to say, you don’t get to that position in S.C. without toeing a very conservative line. Inglis, in fact, was one of the leaders of the Clinton impeachment effort, and enjoys a 93-percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union. Even that kind of record wasn’t good enough for the Fox-Beck-Palin-Limbaugh crowd that has taken over the GOP, however, and Inglis was thrashed in his primary race by a Tea Party favorite, Solicitor Trey Gowdy, 71 to 29 percent.

    Since that defeat, Inglis has been on a sort of crusade to warn his party’s leaders that if they keep going along with Tea Party style “demagoguery,” they’ll take the GOP right off a cliff. There’s a great story about Inglis at Motherjones.com that’s a must-read for anyone interested in what’s going on in the Republican Party. The story begins during the primary campaign, as Inglis meets with a small group of donors who had contributed thousands of dollars to his previous campaigns. But this year . … these donors hadn’t ponied up … “They were upset with me,” Inglis recalls. “They are all Glenn Beck watchers.” About 90 minutes into the meeting, as he remembers it, “They say, ‘Bob, what don’t you get? Barack Obama is a socialist, communist Marxist who wants to destroy the American economy so he can take over as dictator. Health care is part of that. And he wants to open up the Mexican border and turn [the US] into a Muslim nation.’” Inglis didn’t know how to respond.

    Inglis is blunt in his assessment of the extreme right’s effect on the GOP, while noting that Republican leaders are pushing rhetoric tainted with racism, conservative activists are dabbling in anti-Semitic conspiracy theory nonsense, and Sarah Palin celebrates ignorance.

    Inglis goes on to explain why he wouldn’t give in to constituents’ demands that he call Obama a “socialist” (the Ninth Commandment about bearing false witness), a discussion of the Tea Partyers with Rep. John Boehner, and meetings in which he realized the leadership of the GOP was being taken over by the crazies. Finally, Inglis worries that We’re being driven as a herd by these hot microphones — which are like flame throwers — that are causing people to run with fear and panic, and Republican members of Congress are afraid of being run over by that stampeding crowd … When we start just delivering rhetoric and more misinformation…we’re failing the conservative movement, [and] we’re failing the country.


  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    I'm sure the other side of the story is that he's been there forever and people are tired of him, and he probably makes back room deals. Everyone seems to hate incumbents.


    • rollinred
      Banned Users
      • Aug 2008
      • 115

      Sooo... what your saying is that one of these quasi-republican, only say what you think will win, and not want any criticism morons lost to a true conservative Republican?

      Thank God. The more of these John McCain Republicans that we can get rid of in favor of true conservatives the more likely we are get back on the right track of limited government and low taxes that build our businesses, spur growth, and get people back to work.

      Your post just made me so happy because it shows that people are starting to see that we can no longer afford these quasi Republicans and that far more people will vote for and when there is a really good conservative candidate.

      Thanks for posting that man.


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        Inglis goes on to explain why he wouldn’t give in to constituents’ demands that he call Obama a “socialist” (the Ninth Commandment about bearing false witness), a discussion of the Tea Partyers with Rep. John Boehner, and meetings in which he realized the leadership of the GOP was being taken over by the crazies.

        I believe that was the Bush administration. The days are numbered for these type of NeoCons. Ron Paul pretty much stopped the insanity and gave the Republican party a good critique of how it had fallen.
        It us up to them now to go back to their roots and get rid of all these old Bush regime career politician types.


        • Joe234
          • Apr 2010
          • 1948

          Originally posted by rollinred View Post
          Sooo... what your saying is that one of these quasi-republican, only say what you think will win, and not want any criticism morons lost to a true conservative Republican?

          Thank God. The more of these John McCain Republicans that we can get rid of in favor of true conservatives the more likely we are get back on the right track of limited government and low taxes that build our businesses, spur growth, and get people back to work.

          Your post just made me so happy because it shows that people are starting to see that we can no longer afford these quasi Republicans and that far more people will vote for and when there is a really good conservative candidate.

          Thanks for posting that man.
          He lost. That's why he speaks the truth.
          The right wing's days are numbered.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            Definition of demagogue: Someone who says something you don't like.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
              He lost. That's why he speaks the truth.
              The right wing's days are numbered.

              Wait till november man. The pendulum always swings back. Then again, people voted for bush twice so who knows, maybe they will be dumb enough to keep the current group in.

              I dont think todays republicans would do much better, but i think a real republican or a libertarian would do better. Either eay theyr better than the dems, when the dems **** you they call it reform, at least the republicans just shut up and hope no one shoots them before their term is over. I liked how bush didnt talk much.

              Though i loved when he did talk, no better comdy than that.


              • jamesstew
                • May 2008
                • 1440



                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  I love how nowadays if a bunch of average american joes congregate in one area and bitch about the government they are labeled as "demagogues". Next thing you know they'll be calling freedom fighter terrorists..... oh wait.


                  • Joe234
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1948

                    I don't like either party but I see the Dems as the only way to get
                    away from the mess the Repubs helped create.

                    I don't like the Repubs legislating behavior and I dislike
                    the Dems regulating it.


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      I don't like either party but I refuse to vote for any Christian Zionists or anyone that believes they're going to be vacuumed up in the rapture with Kirk Cameron.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        I wish the Libertarian Party had more influence, and was big enough to break through the 2 party duopoly, that are 2 sides of the same coin. I disgaree with tons of the Repubs stances, yet I give them a slight edge over the Dems, which I like less. It's like trying to figure out who to vote for between Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana.


                        • bipolarbear1968
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1074

                          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                          It's like trying to figure out who to vote for between Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana.
                          ...Or in this case, Slim Shady or Eminem.


                          • RobsanX
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2030

                            I guess this is what it was like living through the Red Scare. Paranoia abounds...


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
                              I don't like either party but I refuse to vote for any Christian Zionists or anyone that believes they're going to be vacuumed up in the rapture with Kirk Cameron.

                              Well then you can't vote forf the democrats either because they are also in that catagory. Pelosi, Obama, all of them are christians, and since they all support israel they are zionists to, right? That leaves almost no one left to vote for.


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