S.C. GOP congressman slams Tea Party ‘demagogues’

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  • dxh
    • Jun 2010
    • 340

    Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
    Good choice DXH.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      That's a good jam. Not really my style of music, but I like the groove :^)


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        Yo! That shit is dope G!


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
          We(USA) send more money to Israel every year than anywhere else, and we are gonna pay for their new Arrow missle program.
          Yes but that isn't part of some "zionist" conspiracy, that is about business. Like truthwolf mentioned, China and Russia give money to their friends, and together they forge a large partnership, an alliance. We are stronger together than we are devided. This is all the US is doing with Israel. We have intirests in the middle east, therefore when we find a friend out there, we help him out. Like the mob, we give them money, buy them a plasma TV, new car etc, but it means that someday we can call in a favor.

          Russia helps Iran, China helps N Korea, we help Israel etc etc. It's all about forming alliances and getting people on your side. If there were a zionist conspiracy and jews ran everything, than more countries would be behind Israel. Instead, back in the real world, Israel controls nothing, which is why we are their only friend, since we are the only ones willing to help them out (because it is in our intirest).

          Those of you who want us to cut off Israel don't realize what it would mean. We don't have many friends anymore. If we cut them off, that means our enemies have a gang of friends and we are stuck by ourselves in a dark alley.


          • Joe234
            • Apr 2010
            • 1948

            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
            I think to have any chance of winning an election in the USA, you must be a Christian Zionist.

            I saw Ron Reagan Jr. on TV a few years ago saying this:

            Ron Reagan Jr. was asked on TV if he'd ever run for President.

            In a June 26, 2004, interview on Larry King Live, while discussing reasons why he would not run for political office, Ron Reagan stated "I'm an atheist... polls all say that, you know, people won't elect an atheist."



            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
              Yes but that isn't part of some "zionist" conspiracy, that is about business. Like truthwolf mentioned, China and Russia give money to their friends, and together they forge a large partnership, an alliance. We are stronger together than we are devided. This is all the US is doing with Israel. We have intirests in the middle east, therefore when we find a friend out there, we help him out. Like the mob, we give them money, buy them a plasma TV, new car etc, but it means that someday we can call in a favor.

              Russia helps Iran, China helps N Korea, we help Israel etc etc. It's all about forming alliances and getting people on your side. If there were a zionist conspiracy and jews ran everything, than more countries would be behind Israel. Instead, back in the real world, Israel controls nothing, which is why we are their only friend, since we are the only ones willing to help them out (because it is in our intirest).

              Those of you who want us to cut off Israel don't realize what it would mean. We don't have many friends anymore. If we cut them off, that means our enemies have a gang of friends and we are stuck by ourselves in a dark alley.
              Right. We need a balanced approach that doesn't kiss Israel's ass while recognizing and
              defending her right to exist. This along with establishing a Palestinian homeland.

              This has nothing to do wtih ZOG.


              • LaZeR
                • Oct 2009
                • 3994

                Originally posted by dxh View Post
                Yo shit! That jaw makes me waNNa lighT one up DaWG.

                My head b BoBBin so hard I can't even hold onto my p33n3r.


                • bipolarbear1968
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1074

                  Originally posted by dxh View Post
                  Does Snusdawg like this tune?


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