The pie is a lie
USPS loses 3.5 billion this quarter.
Originally posted by RobsanX View PostI've been thinking a lot about your situation, and I think I've come up with a theory. I haven't really fleshed it out, because I'm busy too, but it boils down to a hypothesis that this country has grown economically to capacity. We've stagnated (or receded lately), and the only way for the private sector to maintain apparent growth is by cutting back, i.e. cutting your salary, cutting your benefits, cutting domestic jobs, cutting spending on everything except the salaries of those who do the cutting. Hey it's the free market. If you believe in it, revel in it!
Here is how I see things. Our economy seems to work on a semi fascist relationship between corporations and the government. They have essentially bought direct representation via lobbying, and have therefore used money to buy votes instead of the intended method where legislators listen to their constituents and vote accordingly. The corporations are running things. At the same time I don’t have a problem with capitalism or corporations, but rather with greed (which inevitably takes over in a capitalist or any other type of economic system).
The thing is that we are in a boom and bust economy and wages, as well as how much things cost, go up in value during good times (like the 90’s), then, eventually the bubble busts and we have a short recession. It’s kind of a crappy and unstable/volatile system. Not sure how to fix that.
My thing is that labor is so cheap in the rest of the world, whereas in America we have been so successful due to capitalism that we now enjoy a higher standard of living. We expect to get paid a lot and therefore we do get paid a lot and therefore things are more expensive. This is bad for jobs and for the country because it means it’s cheaper to pay people in third world countries to make shit. This just lends more to the volatility of our crappy economic system.
I am just saying the gov should let it crash so things can deflate for a while. Deflation will shut down a lot of the big evil players like Goldman Sachs, Fanny/Freddy, CITI group, GM etc. Instead the gov gives them free money which allows these bloodsuckers to stay alive instead of letting them die for running their business into the ground. Private investors should have eaten up those cheap assets at pennies on the dollar, as opposed to the government buying it up with our money. I just don’t feel that is the role of the government.
Government giving hundreds of billions to the corporations that ruined the country, just so that those corporations can lay off thousands anyways and give themselves billion dollar bonuses is not how I think a country should be run. But hey, it’s the new thing and all the cool kids are doing it.