If Facebook and Youtube were advertised in the 50's

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    If Facebook and Youtube were advertised in the 50's

    Why are those women on the computer? I doubt that the computers are in the kitchen. And not even a single mention of cigarettes.

    Also, notice how a keyboard cat sighting can be made on the computer in the youtube ad lol.

    I wish I could see the internet a hundred years from now... they'll have archeologists digging through what's left of the cached pages and old servers to get a glimpse of modern society. There might be less remaining from 2010 than there is from 1910 today; all the information we ever stored on Facebook, Gmail, Youtube and such will be gone in an instant when the hard disks in the servers start degrading after a hundred years or so...

    Sure things can be replaced or stored on more permanent mediums, but how much digital content will be lost because no one thought to ever back it up?

    But the real question is, does this prove that time travel is real? I think if you dosome research you will find that the 50's QUITE OVIOUSLY copied itself from bioshock, yet bioshock didn't come till nearly 2009. I knew it!
  • bipolarbear1968
    • Mar 2010
    • 1074

    Hey! I think that's how my dad met my mom.


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      Retro is cool no doubt.. You ever watch the show life after people on history channel? It's awesome. They actually had an episode regarding technology and our devices and how they would degrade over time. Also what happens to buildings, bridges etc. I highly reccomend it if you never seen it.


      • visiON
        • Mar 2010
        • 308

        That picture so made me think about Fallout 3 hehe

