I Spel, You Spell

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    I Spel, You Spell

    One in five said it was their belief the art of spelling
    was something 'you just learn in school'.

    3500 Britons were surveyed to compile this list
    of commonly misspelt words. Only one word,
    manoeuvre, is chiefly British,
    a variant of maneuver.

    'Separate' is most commonly misspelt word

    'Manoeuvre', which is problematic due to the unusual combination of OE and U, came third and 'embarrass', in which an R or an S often falls by the wayside, was fourth.

    'Occurrence' emerged as the fifth most commonly misspelt word due to confusion over the double C and double R.

    A spokesman for market research company OnePoll.com, which carried out the study of 3,500 Britons, said: ''There seem to be some words which we always struggle to get down onto paper, and 'separate' is one of those which eludes us.

    ''A common mistake many make is writing a word the way it sounds which leaves us muddling up one letter with another and getting it wrong.

    ''Fortunately, computers' spell-check corrects wrongly spelt words for us, but that means we become lazy and never learn the correct spelling.

    ''There's no excuse not to learn how words are formed - it's drilled into us from such a young age and if the words are frequently used we should make a conscious effort to get it right next time.

    ''The fact we judge other people's intelligence by their written word, yet don't like to be judged ourselves, means we should all pick up a dictionary once in a while.''

    The study also found 'consensus' and 'unnecessary' cause problems for many, coming sixth and seventh.

    'Acceptable', which causes issues partly because of the two Cs, was eighth, while 'broccoli' came ninth.

    The top ten was completed by the word 'referred'.

    Other difficult words to feature include 'bureaucracy' at 11, 'connoisseur' at 14 and 'particularly' at 17.

    Confusion over the number of Ns in 'questionnaire' meant it came 13th, with 'entrepreneur' 16th and 'parallel' at 20.

    Words which just failed to make the top 20 include 'calendar', 'pigeon' and 'changeable'.

    It also emerged one in six people often spell words so incorrectly while typing their PC doesn't recognise the word they are attempting.

    Two out of three admitted using spell-check on computers had made them lazy when writing letters or notes by hand.

    One in five blamed predictive text messaging for their bad spelling.

    But despite the frequency of errors, most of us (77 per cent) believe our spelling is either 'good' or 'very good'.

    The study also found 46 per cent judge other people on their spelling, with 27 per cent admitting they believe people who cannot spell are 'thick'.

    Three out of ten said they were embarrassed by their poor spelling skills and one in ten corrected others when they spell something incorrectly.

    One in five said it was their belief the art of spelling was something 'you just learn in school'.
    Top 20 misspelt words:
    1. Separate
    2. Definitely
    3. Manoeuvre
    4. Embarrass
    5. Occurrence
    6. Consensus
    7. Unnecessary
    8. Acceptable
    9. Broccoli
    10. Referred
    11. Bureaucracy
    12. Supersede
    13. Questionnaire
    14. Connoisseur
    15. A lot
    16. Entrepreneur
    17. Particularly
    18. Liquify
    19. Conscience
    20. Parallel

    Top-notch overall
    Okay for the most part
    Never really notice
    Mostly poor for the most part
    Really bad overall
  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    lol.. I don't know about everyone else but I try to spell correctly. :P


    • rickcharles606
      • Mar 2009
      • 2307

      Same here, I try to spell correctly and if I don't know....google, lol

      EDIT: However, my punctuation is for shit. I use far to many commas and create entirely to many run on sentences.


      • Curtisp
        • Jun 2010
        • 189

        I just want to know if Snusgetter is permanently attached to the internnet...oops forgot to spell check.


        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          Originally posted by Curtisp View Post
          I just want to know if Snusgetter is permanently attached to the internnet...oops forgot to spell check.
          As my profile notes:
          Interests: Pretty much still looking to get a life!!
          Occupation: Retired and proud of it!!
          SNUSON, for the time being, is an addictive interlude that keeps
          me humming along the white styrofoam brickless road.

          Although my postings don't show it, my mind stays (over)active.
          (And I don't nap so much!!)


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            I ALMOST FORGOT..


            • Curtisp
              • Jun 2010
              • 189

              Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
              I ALMOST FORGOT..
              Thank you ,buddy. At the age of 51 i will take being called a "young" anything.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I donte reely notise. I loer mi standerds on the intarnet, and asuum peepl r just in a hury, or r yusing an ifone or sumthing. I notise misteaks mor in print.


                • StuKlu
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 1192

                  Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                  Same here, I try to spell correctly and if I don't know....google, lol

                  EDIT: However, my punctuation is for shit. I use far to many commas and create entirely to many run on sentences.
                  TOO many, not to many Rick. LOL


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Originally posted by Curtisp View Post
                    Thank you ,buddy. At the age of 51 i will take being called a "young" anything.
                    I'm so sorry Curt.

                    Evidently the card got lost in the mail.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by StuKlu View Post
                      TOO many, not to many Rick. LOL
                      Intentional...but now I want too punch you in the throat, LMAO Stu


                      • snusgetter
                        • May 2010
                        • 10903

                        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                        I donte reely notise. I loer mi standerds on the intarnet, and asuum peepl r just in a hury, or r yusing an ifone or sumthing. I notise misteaks mor in print.

                        As for me, I'm totally unforgiving when I see misspellings at major sites, especially news sites.

                        Such as CNN, MSNBC, the Noo Yawk Times, the Baastin Globe ... and even occasionally at the BBC!

                        And its happening more and more these days.

                        Some of the errors could easily be classified as hard-slap-across-the-face mistakes.

                        That no one bothers to proofread before nor after publication.

                        They must be rushing back to MyFaceLookySee, where the quick spurt of words is not as disorienting.

                        Don't qualified human editors exist anymore?

                        For spelling, grammar, coherent comprehension of the written word?

                        Oh, wait ... here's one now...


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Wheres the option for "mostly good, except sgreger1"


                          • ChaoticGemini
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 564

                            Oh, I am a bad speller. I used to say horrible until I started recognizing too much bad spelling from other people. Most of the words on the list I don't see that big of a problem with, but #2 on the list **highlight, copy, paste** "Definitely" is a big problem for me. You would think the millions of times I have looked that word up (dictionary, spell check, google, asking friends, etc) I would learn to spell the damn thing. Instead, I often find myself sounding a bit pretentious when I simply avoid the misspelling and use the word "Certainly" instead.


                            • snusgetter
                              • May 2010
                              • 10903

                              Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                              Intentional...but now I want too punch you in the throat, LMAO Stu
                              NOW NOW CHILLIN'

