Guys, has anyone else ever read this? My article I posted the other day about this wiki claiming relitivity is a liberal conspiracy inspired me to read more from conservapedia. All I can say is WOW, I mean absolute endles amounts of facepalm, enough to go around and share with your friends and family.
Look at some of this stuff:
They talk about "scientific proof" that the bible is right and atheists are wrong, and that what Christians believe is scientificaly proven, whereas atheism has no facts to support it.
According to Consvervapedia, the official numbers are:
Counterexamples to the Bible= 0 Counterexamples to Evolution= 60 IQ of Atheists= 0 divided by 60
Here is a list of methods they have at their disposal to show as "evidence" for their claim.
- Arguments based on the historical accounts of the Bible;
- Defense of the historical accuracy of the Bible;
- Christian Legal Apologetics
- Bible prophecy
- Biblical Archaeology, seeking to show that the Bible is consistent with the physical evidence;
- Creation science and Creationism, seeking to show that the creation accounts of the Bible are the most reasonable explanation for life as we know it and that the evolutionary paradigm is untenable.
What is this nonesense about the historical accuracy of the bible, that has nothing to do with anything. All they do is prove that the cities and rulers etc described in the bible were actual cities and rulers at the time in which the bible claims to have been written.
But that means nothing. For example: If I wrote a bible today, I would note that the prophet sgreger1 lived in San Francisco, and that Obama was president. What conservapedia is doing here is akin to someone at a future date looking back at the "bible" I wrote and saying "See, historical evidence shows that there was a san francisco, and Obama was the leader at the time! This renders everything in the text to be true beyond any doubt!"
And what is this creation "science". Creationism is, by design, impossible to prove using the scientific method, because it assumes the existence of entities and events which are beyond the scope fo scientific inquiry. We cannot prove god snapped his fingers one day and man and the stars and everything just suddenly appeared. There is no way it will ever be possible to prove that using science, absent a first hand testimony from God if he ever decides to come down here and have a chat at the UN or something. And creationism is "the most reasonable explanation for life"? How about no, while we can't discount it completely, it seems that god snapping his fingers is not the "most reasonable", but rather a more reasonable theory would be that it was the result a slow progression of life evolving into an ever more diverse,comlex, and interconnected system of organisms all living in a similar environment (since that is what we observe today).
If anyone wants to go on a twisted journey through a maze of disinfo and pseudo-science, this site is a must!