They're gonna build you that nice mosque you wanted.

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
    I do cherish my freedom and feel quite at home with the many flaws of my western world. If anything I could change would be to bring back a more fifties type lifestyle between the sexes. Feminism is what has broken everything up in my eyes.

    My theory as why the muslims are a threat is because they do know how to hold a solid family structure. As westerners we are losing that and that really could be the end of us.

    So, to the only way to win this is to Feminize the muslims.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
      So, to the only way to win this is to Feminize the muslims.

      Well they already wear dresses so shouldnt be that hard.


      • myuserid
        • Jun 2010
        • 1645

        Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
        My colleagues and I are the anti-terrorists. We are the people who want to embolden the vast majority of Muslims who hate terrorism to stand up to the radical rhetoric. Our purpose is to interweave America's Muslim population into the mainstream society.
        I don't buy that one bit.

        Why don't "moderate" Muslims come out vocally and condemn these types of attacks?

        I'm starting to think trying to find moderate Muslims is like trying to find unicorns and leprechauns.


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Timothy McVeigh was a patsy, as was sirhan sirhan,and david Koresh and randy weaver didn't deserve to be attacked as well as the children of Waco and Ruby ridge... do some research folks...... No Child should ever die at the hands of the US government..... Watch rule of engagement here's the first part on youtube And read up on Ruby ridge or watch this


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            I remember watching the Waco thing live in a Benigans Bar while the sports fans were cheering as it burned.

            At the time I felt really bad for the kids because I thought Koresh hit the torch.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              I don't buy the 'peaceful' muslim. I believe from my experience it's potentially a problem.

              After the London bombings one of our engineers (a muslim) was talking to us and said that the people deserved it. He was removed from the security office. He's also banned from working in parts of the site where jews work because of history. The only reason he has a job is because nobody wants to offend him. He even got a prayer room set up for him and time off to pray.

              Sorry - I can't get this religion at all. It's like Christianity in the middle ages.


              • jadedcynic
                • Sep 2008
                • 69

                People love the first amendment until they find something offensive. If you don't think Muslims have a right to build a mosque wherever the hell they want to, then why don't you write your congressmen about proposing to do away with the bill of rights.

                Muslims died in the WTC also. It's not just that people have a problem with the mosque being built two blocks away from ground zero. There have been protests all around the country about new mosques. This bigotry and intolerance towards Muslims is getting ridiculous. Even George W. Bush stood up for Muslims after September 11th.


                • jadedcynic
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 69

                  Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                  I don't buy that one bit.

                  Why don't "moderate" Muslims come out vocally and condemn these types of attacks?

                  I'm starting to think trying to find moderate Muslims is like trying to find unicorns and leprechauns.
                  Are you kidding me??? Muslims have condemned it. Plenty of them. It sounds like you haven't even met a Muslim.


                  • Bigblue1
                    Banned Users
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 3923

                    Hey folks, forget about this stupid situation. click the videos I put up, I gaurantee you, that you will be astounded......


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Im telling you, this is like a defacto patriot act. If you let the gov have the power to step in an say "no" to a religion just because todays populist fad is hating them, it will just be another freedom lost.

                      I dont like the fact that they are building a mosque, and overall islam is the religion doing more damage than any other has for several hundred years, but in my america we all play by the same rules. We cannot pick and choose who gets to exercise their freedoms.

                      And as far as finding moderate muslims, the religion of islam is as big as christianity, with several billion people on the planet practicing it. Just because we see a small group acting stupid, you must account for the other billion people who are going about their daily lives like every other person. We must remember that the ones making the most noise and screaming the loudest are usually NOT the majority. Look at liberals, they yell so loud youd think they commanded an army, but poll after poll for decades has shown america is deeply conservative on average, with most near the middle.

                      Dont let the propaganda control you.


                      • Jwalker
                        • May 2010
                        • 1067

                        I think it should be allowed it's not like we can or should legally do anything, but it's obviously a bitch slap to all the people there. I don't think they're going to have a positive reaction and want to go to the community center.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          This is the whole reason we have a constitution. If the Constitution only existed to allow people to build ice cream shops, we wouldn't need it. Who's against ice cream? The whole purpose is to protect unpopular people, with unpopular ideas. I think they're dicks, but I support their building choice just as I would the Nazis, the KKK, the New Black Panthers, or the Baptists. As soon as we start editing people's religious/political choices, we're no better than the Taliban....


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                            Im telling you, this is like a defacto patriot act. If you let the gov have the power to step in an say "no" to a religion just because todays populist fad is hating them, it will just be another freedom lost.

                            I dont like the fact that they are building a mosque, and overall islam is the religion doing more damage than any other has for several hundred years, but in my america we all play by the same rules. We cannot pick and choose who gets to exercise their freedoms.

                            And as far as finding moderate muslims, the religion of islam is as big as christianity, with several billion people on the planet practicing it. Just because we see a small group acting stupid, you must account for the other billion people who are going about their daily lives like every other person. We must remember that the ones making the most noise and screaming the loudest are usually NOT the majority. Look at liberals, they yell so loud youd think they commanded an army, but poll after poll for decades has shown america is deeply conservative on average, with most near the middle.

                            Dont let the propaganda control you.
                            I agree on all points actually. Freedom means freedom for everyone whether we like it or not.


                            • f. bandersnatch
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 725

                              Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                              I don't buy that one bit.

                              Why don't "moderate" Muslims come out vocally and condemn these types of attacks?

                              I'm starting to think trying to find moderate Muslims is like trying to find unicorns and leprechauns.
                              They are everywhere. Literally everywhere. As with all the major religions, the number of moderate, nonviolent Muslims outweighs the violent fundamental types by an exponential margin. If you haven't heard of at least one then you haven't been paying attention.

                              And, for the record, there is already a mosque four blocks away from ground zero:

                              Should we knock that one down?


                              • f. bandersnatch
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 725

                                Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                                Hey folks, forget about this stupid situation. click the videos I put up, I gaurantee you, that you will be astounded......
                                You are certainly right about these two situations. Handled horribly overall. I think that what you have in both waco and in ruby ridge is a symptom of the SWAT disease. Since the mid-eighties, law enforcement has become more and more of a para-military operation. Operational protocol moved further away from civil service and more into civil suppression. I think though that there is some identification within law enforcement to this fact, and changes, admittedly slight, are being made.


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