Civilization 5 is a Muslim Theocracy Simulator

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Civilization 5 is a Muslim Theocracy Simulator

    Friends, my grandson just got done telling me about an indoctrination tool being sold as a game. Sid Meyer's Civilization 5 is a Muslim Theocracy Simulator. The indotrination begins with the cover of the game. It's labeled as made by Firaxis. Obviously this stands for "Fear" the "Islamic Revolution" and the "Axis of Evil!" They say it's just a game that teaches children about history. I got news for them- everything OUR CHILDREN need to know about history THEY CAN GET FROM the BIBLE!

    I know we've all been trying to stop the formation of Terror Babbys and the construction of the 164 story Barack Obama Muslim Celebration of 9/11 MonumentMosque FEMACORN REDUCATION BUILDING, but I think this game might be the biggest threat America will ever face.

    Civilzation 5 is about one thing: Making the Muslims control the world. The player is encouraged to use "Whatever means necessary" to secure hegemony. (Sounds familiar and scary right?). Here are some of the lowlights:

    • The "game" forces our children to be Persians. I looked it up on conserviapedia and Persian is just a fancy ivory tower way of saying Iranian!
    • The game doesn't provide Regonomics on it's tech tree! This is some grade-A BS! The player is ENOUCRAGD to raise TAXES. I remind you that the ROMANS, who were basically Islamists, TAXED Jesus Himself!
    • The "game" gives points for killing Americans. What kind of sick barbarian lets American soilders die!? We need to declare war and SEND ABOUT 50,000 TROOPS To Japan or whereever THIS game is made!
    • Children are encouraged to use Diplomacy to SOLVE problems! COME ON! Diplomacy is for DEMOCRATS, HOMOSEXUALS, and SOCIAL/FASHIONISTAS. In AMERICA we use our FISTS and our PROTESTS SIGNS! The FOUNDERS DIDN"T WRITE A LETTER telling the King of England to take his TEA and SHOVE IT! THEY GOT OUT THIER GUNS AND SHOT THE REDCOATS! AMERICA HELL YAH!
    • The game is anti-women. It is designed so that MEN will stay at home and play it. This will inevitably lead ALL AMERICAN women to lesbianism.
    To add insult to injury it's being sold on 9/21 just 10 days after the anniversary of when the US was attacked by Saddam Hussien's Persian Terrorists.

    This is who your CHILDREN will mindlessly OBEY if they play this "game"! That is NOT WHAT AN AMERICAN LEADER LOOKS LIKE! IS THERE ANY DOUBT THIS GAME IS A direct result of OBAMA stealing the election from Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin (Blessings and Peace Be Upon Her)!

    If you're LIKE ME you're probably in tears. Well let me remind you what AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT!:

    LOL. Also, Civ 5 ftw!
  • Chigger
    • Aug 2010
    • 126

    Hehe nice one. I used to play Civ but the last one was Civ III. If I rmemeber correctly I often played as the Vikings becuase they had the best early ships and the Berserker troops kicked arse.


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030



      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253

        Sgreger... Your grandson??? Aren't you like 22 or something..


        • Snussles
          • Jul 2010
          • 108

          I always enjoyed playing as the Indians, the fast workers were such a plus. Can't wait for Civ5!


          • c.nash
            Banned Users
            • May 2010
            • 3511

            Roflmao. I played a little civ back in the day. I doubt I'll buy Civ 5 but I have friends that will.

            Who cares? It's a game! lol


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
              Sgreger... Your grandson??? Aren't you like 22 or something..

              Lol, yah i'm 24 but the writer of this hilarious article is (i'm assuming) older. It was a joke intended to make fune of the whacky conspiracy theories of conservapedia.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                It's amazing the Earth is only 6000 years old, and dinosaurs and man co-existed, and Noah had dinos on the ark.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                  It's amazing the Earth is only 6000 years old, and dinosaurs and man co-existed, and Noah had dinos on the ark.

                  Tom is jsut starting shit at this point lol. We all know why you cant fit 2 of each species onto a boat. I do think it's maybe remotely possible that man and dinosaurs may have co-existed though, seems to be a lot of paintings and whatenot that seem to look like dinosaurs. Then again they could be overexadurations of crocodiles or something. Maybe someone saw a big crocodile and killed it and was trying to tell a talle tale as though he slayed some huge behemoth. I dunno, seems possible either way.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    They could be post-dinoric creatures that went extinct while man was still around.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                      They could be post-dinoric creatures that went extinct while man was still around.

                      Yah I think it is certainly in the realm of possibility that some dinosaurs lived a little longer than we estimate and early humans may have come in contact with them, then passed down the story of them for a while. This may be the origin of dragon stories etc. Either that or Jesus told the devil to troll humans by burying them at different depths in the soil to test our will, lol.


                      • wadetheblade
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 572

                        that is too funny.


                        • Roo
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 3446

                          I propose that ancient humans, like us, also came across dinosaur bones, enough of them to come to a similar conclusion that what they were finding was lizard-like, and the dragon was born. They did not have to co-exist, but rather the bones they were finding painted a clear enough picture of what the animal may have looked like.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by Roo View Post
                            I propose that ancient humans, like us, also came across dinosaur bones, enough of them to come to a similar conclusion that what they were finding was lizard-like, and the dragon was born. They did not have to co-exist, but rather the bones they were finding painted a clear enough picture of what the animal may have looked like.

                            Wow, that's actually a very valid theory. I mean it's hard for me to think they were excavating stuff and re-assembling bones to see what it looked like, but I suppose it is definitely possible. If I saw some giant bones I would assume the animal still existed and maybe draw it on the cave wall lol. That's probably the best theory i've heard on this subject yet, good one Roo!


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              Thanks man. I'm not suggesting that people 5,000 years ago were reconstructing skeletons Smithsonian-style, but imagine you're digging a well back in the day and you come across a T-Rex jaw bone, some teeth, part of a foot, a big-ass rib, and some tail bones. I'd think it was a dragon too! Also, while it's quite plausible that dragon legends were born independently in the British Isles and China, several years ago some human remains were found in Central Asia along what was to become the established Silk Route after their time, and among them were strands of reddish hair and pieces of cloth with patterns that were distinctly Gaelic or Celtic, suggesting that adventurers were traveling between Northern Europe and China far earlier than previously thought. With the richness of dinosaur remains in China and Mongolia, it's quite possible that dragon legends simply spread westward with traders and adventurers a long, long time ago


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