Very interesting Roo. I, for one, think that ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we give them credit for. The dragon theory is very plausible but I think they knew more about the "heavens" than we think they did even if they had no means of proving it...or at least not in the way we do today.
Civilization 5 is a Muslim Theocracy Simulator
Originally posted by WickedKitchen View PostVery interesting Roo. I, for one, think that ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we give them credit for. The dragon theory is very plausible but I think they knew more about the "heavens" than we think they did even if they had no means of proving it...or at least not in the way we do today.
Originally posted by tom502 View Post
This real, but their scientific explanation is it's coincidence.
I have to say though, the original which ive seen does look amazingly like a plane and 2 of the most commonly seen UFO's.
Originally posted by tom502 View PostDon't forget the helicopter.
I've studied the picture you posted and all egyptologists have the same answer: It's a palimpset, the practice of writing over old hyrogliphics. And I am aware that the human mind likes to find patters where none exist, like when you look at your drywall and it looks like faces, or clouds look like common objects. But i'm not going to lie, what are the odds that their language would randomly look like a helicopter, a jet witha bomb, and a one of the most ocmmonly reported UFO's?
And has anyone seen that one coin from the roman days that shows the emperor on it, it looks like hes driving a car with his hands on the wheel and all.
I don't know, but it is kind of an amazing coincidence that this palimpset would look like common aviation gear, it's kind of a stretch for me to believe that.
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