Droid. X

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  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Droid. X

    I am typing this from my droid x. It is really cool i am actually talking and making the text come out. The screen size is awesome does anyone else have this phone?
  • f. bandersnatch
    • Mar 2010
    • 725

    No. I hate smart phones. Screw technology. Enjoy being turned into a non-productive automaton by skynet.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Don't have one, but I want to thank you for not buying Apple :^)


      • bipolarbear1968
        • Mar 2010
        • 1074

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        Don't have one, but I want to thank you for not buying Apple :^)


        • Ainkor
          • Sep 2008
          • 1144

          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
          Don't have one, but I want to thank you for not buying Apple :^)
          While I don't have that particular phone, I do have an Android phone with a 4.3in screen. Pretty smooth and very nifty! I still am partial to iPhones though :P


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            I have the EVO, my friend has the Droid X. Both great phones. So much bigger and nicer than the iPhone (I switched from an iPhone 3GS and have never been happier). Congrats!


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              I like android phones but I recently went back to the iPhone. The AppStore and functionality of the iPhone is unbeatable.


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                I've been suspicious of actually laying down my cash for a smartphone up until now. In the past smartphones haven't been up to the job - apart from Apple.
                Android however is going to beat Apple hands down. I got my hands on an HTC Desire and it really is the dogs knackers. The screen is extremely clear and the web browsing is fast - everything is very easy to use - and the most important thing for a smartphone is that it's responsive.
                I've had a Nokia E72 and it's not up to the job - smartphones are the way forward. Trying to browse snuson is a pain in the neck but with the HTC it's there in a flash.

                My contract is up next month so I'll be buying one. The HTC makes Apple look outdated.

                As far as apps go - yeah, Apple has more apps but they're all sh** that you wouldn't use. Pretty much all the popular apps for Apple are also available for android.


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  I have an HTC Hero, and just upgraded the operating system to the newest version. Man, it's fast as hell now. I browse & post on here all the time from my phone, especially if I'm waiting somewhere and just need to kill time. The functionality of this phone is incredible, I love it. I want the new Droid X, but need to wait awhile, don't want to pony up all the cash for one, and my contract has several months left...so I'll wait.


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                    I have an HTC Hero, and just upgraded the operating system to the newest version. Man, it's fast as hell now. I browse & post on here all the time from my phone, especially if I'm waiting somewhere and just need to kill time. The functionality of this phone is incredible, I love it. I want the new Droid X, but need to wait awhile, don't want to pony up all the cash for one, and my contract has several months left...so I'll wait.
                    I have a sprint hero sitting around somewhere. Yes it's a really nice phone and I like android but really apple just has the iPhone set so far above everything else that I had to go back to it. And typing on the iPhone is a dream, I did this whole post without really looking at it.

                    Android and iOS are really close in functionality though and the new blackberry OS is not too far behind. Blackberry is finally stepping it up. I liked my blackberry but the main reason you get addicted to it is for BBM but besides that it is slightly lacking.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                      Don't have one, but I want to thank you for not buying Apple :^)

                      Apple rules all.


                      • Monkey
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 3290

                        I just got my Droid X. Beats the crap out of my blackberry.

                        I was due for the upgrade anyway so I figured I'd go for it.

                        I am planning on canceiling my nternet at the house and run just on the droid. When 2.2 hits for this thing I'll be able to stream anything off the net right to my tv. I've been watching tv on my computer as I don't watch enough tv justify cable.


                        • Simplysnus
                          • May 2010
                          • 481

                          coolio, I like when someone gets new tech, vicariously live through 'em.

                          I'll probably switch from apple to android at some point, but my wife won't, so I may be stuck on at&t unless we just both end up with individual plans. I'm a java guy, so its a bitter pill using the iPhone.


                          • Monkey
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 3290

                            I really dislike all that is apple


                            • CoderGuy
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2679

                              Originally posted by Simplysnus View Post
                              coolio, I like when someone gets new tech, vicariously live through 'em.

                              I'll probably switch from apple to android at some point, but my wife won't, so I may be stuck on at&t unless we just both end up with individual plans. I'm a java guy, so its a bitter pill using the iPhone.
                              I did that when I switched from iPhone to HTC EVO on Sprint, split the plans that is. So now I have Sprint and the rest of the family is on AT&T with iPhones. I don't regret it. Android is so much easier to write apps on, Java in Eclipse beats Objective C in XCode any day.


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