We bit the bullet and switched to Verizon last week at work so now, like a total nerd, I carry an iPhone 4 and a Droid 2. Not sure which one I like better, but the droid is pretty sweet
I heard HTC is going to be first in October.I'm holding out for a Motorola with Windows 7 Phone.
I've had an iPhone for two years. 3G. The 4.0 operating system ruined it. I can't, don't have the time, roll it back. I HATE APPLE!! iTunes is GARBAGE.
I worry Android isn't secure. I was a Motorola user for years before going to the dork side and getting the iPhone two years ago. I would buy a new Motorola on e-Bay all the time and just toss my SIM into it. I could have whatever ringtones I wanted. I made hundreds of them. I could dial by voice, and knew the menus by heart. I could navigate the settings and options with my eyes closed.
I don't want to go back to Razr or Pebl, but since 4.0 nearly bricked my iPhone 3g I've been thinking about it. HURRY UP WINDOWS!!
So I went to Best Buy the other day to browse around while my wife was shopping at TJ Max (Thank you, oh belevolent property managers who placed these...
More often than not, when someone is telling me a story all I can think about is that I can't wait for them to finish so that I can tell my own story...
Was curious if you guys use screen protectors? I know with the iPhone its scratch resistant is it the same with HTC? I ask because I pulled back the protector...