Do not buy hulu plus

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Do not buy hulu plus

    So i bought it under the impression that by paying the $9.99 i would have access to the full season of my favorite shows. Instead, I only get about 3 available episodes for most shows. It has LESS content than the free version, and still has adds.

    Apparently the only benefit is if you have a mobile device like an ipad, iphone or tv. The paid version on a computer has LESS content than the free version. And get this, if something is available in the free version, if you log in under your Hulu Plus account, it will disappear. Then when you log back off, it will appear again. Hulu plus actually restricts the content.

    Then, for the final kicker, when I click on "drop dead diva" for my wife (only 3 episodes available), it just kicks me to the ABC website. So i'm paying hulu for absolutely NO service, they just redirect me to the networks site which I could have done for free.

    9.99 a month for LESS shows than the free site. Absolute fail.

  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    I much prefer netflix. I watch it on my ps3.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      I have netflix too but their selection is crappy and it's too hard to find things you want. And you can only watch the first episode of TV seasons dvd's so the amount of content is too small. I want streaming TV, but Hulu plus seems to only be valuable if you are trying to watch it through xbox or PS3.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        Ouch. That sucks man.

        I don't pay for stuff like that, but I might get a slingbox in the future. :P


        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          I'm happy to report that I haven't been hit by the TV-itis bug!!
          Saves a ton of money!

          I generally fall asleep with PBS on.


          • StuKlu
            • Feb 2010
            • 1192

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            I have netflix too but their selection is crappy and it's too hard to find things you want. And you can only watch the first episode of TV seasons dvd's so the amount of content is too small. I want streaming TV, but Hulu plus seems to only be valuable if you are trying to watch it through xbox or PS3.
            Stew, it's not true that you can only watch the first episode of TV season DVDs. If you look at the second line of the listing for each DVD you will see "select different episode" and then you can pick any episode you like. The selection is not at all crappy - the picture and sound quality could be a bit better but overall I think the Netflix streaming service is top notch.


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
              So i bought it under the impression that by paying the $9.99 i would have access to the full season of my favorite shows. Instead, I only get about 3 available episodes for most shows. It has LESS content than the free version, and still has adds.

              Apparently the only benefit is if you have a mobile device like an ipad, iphone or tv. The paid version on a computer has LESS content than the free version. And get this, if something is available in the free version, if you log in under your Hulu Plus account, it will disappear. Then when you log back off, it will appear again. Hulu plus actually restricts the content.

              Then, for the final kicker, when I click on "drop dead diva" for my wife (only 3 episodes available), it just kicks me to the ABC website. So i'm paying hulu for absolutely NO service, they just redirect me to the networks site which I could have done for free.

              9.99 a month for LESS shows than the free site. Absolute fail.

              DO NOT BUY.
              Thanks for the heads up. I just got my "invitation" to pay 10 bucks per month. It must be the agreement with the content providers causing the restricted data "you can provide our shows on your website but if they want mobile you can only show 3 episodes". I will ignore the invitation now.

              On a similar note, I buy a lot of season passes on iTunes to watch on my iPad while I travel but occasionally want to watch on my TV. So I need to pay 200+ for an Apple TV so that I can stream content I already bought and paid for on a TV I own. Something not right here lol


              • CoderGuy
                • Jul 2009
                • 2679

                Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                Ouch. That sucks man.

                I don't pay for stuff like that, but I might get a slingbox in the future. :P

                I have a Slingbox and it's great. I use it a lot while at hotels to watch recorded content.


                • bipolarbear1968
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1074

                  When Hulu decides to start streaming on the Ruko, then I might hand over some cash.


                  • Snussles
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 108

                    I gave up and continued being a pirate. Can be up to date with the shows, no commercials, etc. I tried hule but was never a fan of how the selection of the episodes seemed to have some weird delay to it, in terms of air date, and were stuck on the same few episodes for more than a month. Most of the time it seemed like there is more variety of the episodes being rerun on TV rather than hulu. And also that bit about premium channels....


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                      Thanks for the heads up. I just got my "invitation" to pay 10 bucks per month. It must be the agreement with the content providers causing the restricted data "you can provide our shows on your website but if they want mobile you can only show 3 episodes". I will ignore the invitation now.

                      On a similar note, I buy a lot of season passes on iTunes to watch on my iPad while I travel but occasionally want to watch on my TV. So I need to pay 200+ for an Apple TV so that I can stream content I already bought and paid for on a TV I own. Something not right here lol

                      UPDATE: Okay, first of all, if you have an Ipad or xbox, this is worth the $10 because it gives you access on those devices. So that is 1. #2 is I figured out that they have "Season tickets" for certain shows and they rotate. After reviewing it, they actually have quite a large collection of full seasons. Family guy, american dad, etc etc. There are some shows that remain the 305 latest episodes.

                      I am going to keep my subscription because it has all of the old shows and all of their seasons, this will be cool to watch old stuff. As far as new shows, MOST of them have the full season, though a few of them only have the standard 305 episodes. So while it is not all seasons of all shows like I expected, it is worth the 10$ a month because it will essentially supplant my cable bill. There is enough content to warrant the $10 and now I can watch on my Ipad.

                      Just do not buy it if you think it's every season of every show. It's every season for most good new shows and all old shows (from star trek to rocky and bullwinkle), but some new shows like drop dead diva, army wives etc are only the standard 5 shows.

                      So all in all I think it's worth the $10 upon further review. Just be aware of what your getting. I think this is a must if you have a mobile app like an ipad or iphone, xbox or 360.

                      ALSO: Does anyone have an iphone 4? I went to AT&T yesterday and it looked pretty cool. I need a new phone so I was thinking of getting one. Anyone have one? I played with it for a while and it seemed pretty high speed.


                      • N0mad
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 550

                        Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
                        When Hulu decides to start streaming on the Ruko, then I might hand over some cash.
                        BPB do you have a Roku Box now?


                        • bipolarbear1968
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1074

                          Originally posted by N0mad
                          BPB do you have a Roku Box now?
                          Yes I do. I bought it for the sole purpose of streaming online netflix on the HDTV. Now, with and Radiotime added, It's been wondeful.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
                            Yes I do. I bought it for the sole purpose of streaming online netflix on the HDTV. Now, with and Radiotime added, It's been wondeful.
                            What is And what is radiotime?


                            • bipolarbear1968
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 1074

                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              What is And what is radiotime?
                     is pretty much a database/downloads for public domain freebies

                              Radiotime is a large collection of internet radio/world/local stations for the Roku.


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