james Lee - A Cry for Our Planet Silenced by a Bullet

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    james Lee - A Cry for Our Planet Silenced by a Bullet

    james Lee - A Cry for Our Planet Silenced by a Bullet



    A gunman police shot to death after he took hostages at Discovery Channel's headquarters said he hated the company's shows such as "Kate Plus 8" because they promote population growth and its environmental programming because it did little to save the planet.
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I think overpopulation is a big problem, worldwide. We need some sort of selective reproduction standards. But taking hostages at gunpoint, and having maybe bombs, and doing this at a TV station, is just mentally unbalanced. If he really had a "message", he should have made Youtube videos or wrote a book. His actions only hurt his "cause" because it's now linked with this nutso.


    • NonServiam
      • May 2010
      • 736

      I agree with some his stance. I think mankind has become one of the greatest parasites and burdens that earth has ever experienced. We are like a bunch of spoiled red-headed step children sucking their parent's bank account dry. But arming yourself and taking hostages in a building that also houses a 100+ child daycare, is not only stupid, reckless, and low, but he deserved to get taken out and luckily no one else was hurt. He could have done so much more for his cause by other means.


      • desirexe
        • Feb 2008
        • 1170

        I hate all those shows about "pollution babies" as well but sheesh, I just change the channel. The sad thing is, this man's 'manifesto' shows his intelligence, if you disregard all the psycho parts.


        • texastorm
          • Jul 2010
          • 386

          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
          I think overpopulation is a big problem, worldwide. We need some sort of selective reproduction standards...
          Perhaps a math test... if you make three babies by age 25 and they all make three babies by age 25 in 100 years how many babies did your dumb ass make?

          Oops wait math tests are racist, I am pretty sure I read that somewhere.... never mind


          • NonServiam
            • May 2010
            • 736

            Originally posted by texastorm View Post
            Perhaps a math test... if you make three babies by age 25 and they all make three babies by age 25 in 100 years how many babies did your dumb ass make?

            Oops wait math tests are racist, I am pretty sure I read that somewhere.... never mind
            I believe I proposed reproduction restrictions via aptitude and responsibility tests in another thread a long time ago. The whole sterilizing folks who are not up to standard idea seemed to ruffle a few feathers if I recall.

            Edit: Now that I think about it, I think I was using this idea in reference to the abuse of gov't assistance rather than overpopulation.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              It's the third world who are breeding like rabbits and the 1st world who's population is receding. See it with my own friends. Many will never have kids and the one's that do are not replacing the numbers of the previous generation.

              This guy was either completely done with life, mentally unstable or possibly ready for prison but took a bullet instead while trying to make his point.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                james Lee - A Cry for Our Planet Silenced by a Bullet



                A gunman police shot to death after he took hostages at Discovery Channel's headquarters said he hated the company's shows such as "Kate Plus 8" because they promote population growth and its environmental programming because it did little to save the planet.

                A cry for our planet silenced by a bullet? Are you shitting me? So if a tea party member blew up the IRS headquarters, CNN would run a headline saying "A cry for freedom, silenced by a bullet"? I doubt it.

                Look people, you know none of you would be first in line to "do your part" for the planet by killing yourselves and your family. If that was your stance, you would have done it already.

                Think big picture here, humans are part of nature, we are a product of the natural process. Everything will find balance, don't worry about it. And even if the planet dies and so do humans, so ****ing what? If there are no humans here to enjoy it, really what purpose does the planet serve? It's nothing other than a bunch of autonomous, instinct driven robots procreating into infinity. Who cares?

                The population thing will solve itself. The additional population will cause all sorts of problems, and as always humans will overcome that enviromental pressure. Either some will die off or technology will allow us to overcome the problem. It is how things work and it hasn't changed for a hundred billion years and it never will. Get over yourselves.


                • c.nash
                  Banned Users
                  • May 2010
                  • 3511

                  Kill 'em all.. lol

                  This is why I only want one... Maybe two children. :P

                  American Dream. haha


                  • NonServiam
                    • May 2010
                    • 736

                    As George Carlin said- The planet is not going anywhere....We are! (or something like that)


                    • Simplysnus
                      • May 2010
                      • 481

                      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                      A cry for our planet silenced by a bullet? Are you shitting me? So if a tea party member blew up the IRS headquarters, CNN would run a headline saying "A cry for freedom, silenced by a bullet"? I doubt it.
                      It's i-report, not like CNN put up that headline..


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Quite the existentialist post there gregs, I like it. Remember my theory about AIDS? I won't repost it. You made me that one time... at band camp.

                        OK now that I've gone too far, I'll just say that it's a virus that minimizes human populations by transmission via the very act of procreation. Nuff said, not trying to offend anyone, shutting trap *now*. Oh one more thing, I mean real AIDS, not what some people imagine to be an affliction partial to any sexual orientation. That has nothing to do with it. My theory has nothing to do with homophobic bullshit. AIDS is for everyone, a chance for the virus to take a piece our pie. Life is life, the Universe doesn't care if it's human or otherwise. The Universe doesn't give a shit at all. Full circle to my first sentence. K I'm done now.


                        • Joe234
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1948

                          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                          A cry for our planet silenced by a bullet? Are you shitting me? So if a tea party member blew up the IRS headquarters, CNN would run a headline saying "A cry for freedom, silenced by a bullet"? I doubt it.

                          He was wrong. However he didn't blow anything up. Where is Alex Jones when we need him?


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Perhaps he should have reached for a remote instead of a gun!


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by Roo
                              Quite the existentialist post there gregs, I like it. Remember my theory about AIDS? I won't repost it. You made me that one time... at band camp.

                              OK now that I've gone too far, I'll just say that it's a virus that minimizes human populations by transmission via the very act of procreation. Nuff said, not trying to offend anyone, shutting trap *now*. Oh one more thing, I mean real AIDS, not what some people imagine to be an affliction partial to any sexual orientation. That has nothing to do with it. My theory has nothing to do with homophobic bullshit. AIDS is for everyone, a chance for the virus to take a piece our pie. Life is life, the Universe doesn't care if it's human or otherwise. The Universe doesn't give a shit at all. Full circle to my first sentence. K I'm done now.

                              Aids is there because of population. As we continue to grow in numbers, new crazy diseases will emerge. What better way to spread than through sex? Im telling you, the earth will find balance, it will create something to eat us, i'm telling you. Its how it ALWAYS works and that will never change. Humans are no exception to the rule.

