Keith Olbermann on NOT Missing Bush

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Keith Olbermann on NOT Missing Bush


    Keith Olbermann on NOT Missing Bush

    MiniRtist |wrote:
    Keith pushes back against a ridiculous article suggesting that Americans miss George W. Bush. Yeah, we miss him - like we miss a really bad toothache.

  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    I didn't like Bush either but I don't think that Obama is exactly blazing trails. Politics is nothing but trying to figure out what is the lessor of two evils most of the time.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      People remember how much money they made under bush. They were great economic times. Not obamas fault, but thats the reason why some miss bush, it was better times back then financially. Its natural during a recession for people tonhate the current leadership.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
        People remember how much money they made under bush. They were great economic times. Not obamas fault, but thats the reason why some miss bush, it was better times back then financially. Its natural during a recession for people tonhate the current leadership.
        Well, except for that last bit when the house of cards came crashing down. Every cluster**** that's happening now had it's genesis in the Bush administration.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Well, except for that last bit when the house of cards came crashing down. Every cluster**** that's happening now had it's genesis in the Bush administration.

          No no thats not what i meant. I understand that his policies paved the way to the hell in which we currently reside. What i am saying is that people are emotional, that they remember the good old days of 03 when things were good. Since things suck now they look back to better times. Thats the reason some are saying they miss bush.

          Im saying its a natural reaction. Even though bush's policies helped lead to our collapse, the average joe just remembers that he was still employed etc.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            No no thats not what i meant. I understand that his policies paved the way to the hell in which we currently reside. What i am saying is that people are emotional, that they remember the good old days of 03 when things were good. Since things suck now they look back to better times. Thats the reason some are saying they miss bush.

            Im saying its a natural reaction. Even though bush's policies helped lead to our collapse, the average joe just remembers that he was still employed etc.
            Oh, I know what you meant, but the economy was clearly crashed before Obama even got in office. That's awfully myopic of people not to see that. The Clinton years were some of the best we've had in a long time. I wonder if people miss Clinton.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
              Oh, I know what you meant, but the economy was clearly crashed before Obama even got in office. That's awfully myopic of people not to see that. The Clinton years were some of the best we've had in a long time. I wonder if people miss Clinton.

              This is what im saying, if the economy tanked during bushs first 10 minutes in office, they WOULD be missing clinton. Most people dont like connecting the dots, they just think real simple. They think "i was employed, the economy was good", and just want that to come back. They dont think about the fact that bush tanked the economy back in like 07, they see things as black and white, and since obama is in charge and things suck, they blame him and want the old guy back.

              When bush was in everyone complained, now obama is in and everyone is complaining, its nothing really new as far as presidents go.

              Most people dont know what led to the economic collapse. They just think obama got elected and then things crashed, so they associate it with him. Thats all im saying. Not defending bush in any way.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I'd be interested in seeing how the history books rate the last few presidents. Ya know, maybe the 2060 edition of US history. Get a good outside perspective, without the partisan horseshit, and with 20:20 hindsight.


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  '03 was the good 'ol days? Unemployment was basically at current rates, at least in Portland where I lived at the time. I was just hitting the streets with my spankin' new Bachelor of Arts degree (lol) and it took me 5 months to land a job selling Eurail Passes for $9/hour. Woohoo. I don't miss '03 one bit. Imagine how many Americans wouldn't have died in Iraq without that ****er calling the shots. We might be pulling out of Afghanistan instead, and might have found Osama by now because a hell of a lot more people would have deployed to actually look for him instead of dragging Saddam out of holes in the ground and fighting terrorists who flocked to Iraq from its surrounding countries.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by Roo View Post
                    '03 was the good 'ol days? Unemployment was basically at current rates, at least in Portland where I lived at the time. I was just hitting the streets with my spankin' new Bachelor of Arts degree (lol) and it took me 5 months to land a job selling Eurail Passes for $9/hour. Woohoo. I don't miss '03 one bit. Imagine how many Americans wouldn't have died in Iraq without that ****er calling the shots. We might be pulling out of Afghanistan instead, and might have found Osama by now because a hell of a lot more people would have deployed to actually look for him instead of dragging Saddam out of holes in the ground and fighting terrorists who flocked to Iraq from its surrounding countries.

                    God, can nobody here read? Let me break it down barney style for everyone: BUSH WAS AN IDIOT. We get it. HE CAUSED MANY OF THE PROBLEMS WE CURRENTLY FACE. We get it. I AM NO DEFENDING HIM OR HIS POLICIES. Do you get it?

                    What I am saying is that the economy was in VERY good condition for a good portion of his time in office, mainly because cliton left him with a nice surplus and because we hadn't blown all of our money on war and tapping peoples phones. I am saying that there are people out there who miss Bush because for them things were much better as far as they can recall. For example, small business wasn't afraid that if they made over $250,000 a year they would be taxed extra, or they didn't worry about not being able to get a loan to expand their business because the economy hadn't collapsed.

                    As you can see, unemployment was lower back then than it is now. So a lot of people who are now unemployed are probbaly remembering a few years back when they were employed and n worrying about losing their job.

                    Roo, just because you didn't have a good time in 03 or whatever does not represent a good cross section of America. You are 1 out of nearly 400 million people. We all agree that Bush had a lot to do with this crash, and the democrats had an equal part. They started running the show in 07 and that is when things got bad REAL fast. On top of that, when they were in charge under clinton they paved the road for all of these subprime mortgages that went bottoms up. Things like repealing glass stiegel and replacing it with Grahm Leach Blailey, and the fair housing act etc.

                    Also, I get it that Bush wanted to go to war and that it was a complete and total waste, but please try to be less partisan when you assess a situation. The democrats were behind it, all of our international allies were behind it and even sent their own troops in. The democrats voted for it and havn't stopped voting for it at any point, even once they got the majority. So to lay the blame on 1 man because he was president at the time is to completely disregard how civics work in our country. No war exists if congress does not fund it, and the democrats voted to fund it. 29 democrats voted for the Iraq war resolution and 21 voted against, so more than half of the democrats were FOR funding the war.

                    Please be fair and place blame where blame is due, on EVERYONE since at least the clinton years, and probably further back than that. This financial collapse was too complex to have rested on the decisions of 1 man.

                    EDIT: Roo, i'm no sure what universe you are living in when you claim that unemployment rates in 03 were the same as they are currently. We have the highest unemployment rate we've had in a LONG time. As the chart above clearly shows, unemployment rates were dramatically lower than they are today.
                    Attached Files


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Lol sgreger, chill man it's Friday. I wasn't implying that you beat off to George Bush, and I wasn't being partisan. No one can deny that it was he and his administration who got the entire country riled up about invading a non-threatening country. That was just some plain ol' Bush shit-talking. As for the unemployment situation, I was not trying to use my predicament in 2003 as a cross-section of the entire United States. Your mention of 2003 just brought back memories of some hard times... for me. And I wasn't too far off with my example of where I was at the time. Not America, not you, but me. August 2010 unemployment rate for the entire USA was 9.2% I believe. Peep the graph, and damnit man, happy Friday.

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                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by Roo View Post
                        Lol sgreger, chill man it's Friday. I wasn't implying that you beat off to George Bush, and I wasn't being partisan. No one can deny that it was he and his administration who got the entire country riled up about invading a non-threatening country. That was just some plain ol' Bush shit-talking. As for the unemployment situation, I was not trying to use my predicament in 2003 as a cross-section of the entire United States. Your mention of 2003 just brought back memories of some hard times... for me. And I wasn't too far off with my example of where I was at the time. Not America, not you, but me. August 2010 unemployment rate for the entire USA was 9.2% I believe. Peep the graph, and damnit man, happy Friday.

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                        Lol, I been working out 5 days a week and pounding supplements so i'm a little on edge, as you can tell! Lucky for me I am about to head out to lake Tahoe once I get off work today and escape into the forest for the weekend.

                        There are 12 million 600 thousand more people unemployed this month than there were at this point in 03. Even in great economic times there is always some new college grad getting the stiff. Lucky for me, I was still in high school in 03! lololol.

                        This whole war was a ****in waste of blood and money. No one has been paying attention to the financial sector for over a decade so collapse was inevitable. For example:

                        Ben Bernanke, who told Congress in 2007 that the subprime mortgage crisis was "likely to be contained," says he failed to spot flaws in the US financial system. Really?

                        I mean we are either being ran by criminals, or idiots so stupid that it should be criminal. Everyone plays dumb about everything.

                        Now we are looking at more stimulis measures, wasting more money, even though it NEVER works. Some examples of past stimulis efforts failing miserably :
                        • During the 1930s, New Deal lawmakers doubled federal spending--yet unemployment remained above 20 percent until World War II.
                        • Japan responded to a 1990 recession by passing 10 stimulus spending bills over 8 years (building the largest national debt in the industrialized world)--yet its economy remained stagnant.
                        • In 2001, President Bush responded to a recession by "injecting" tax rebates into the economy. The economy did not respond until two years later, when tax rate reductions were implemented.
                        • In 2008, President Bush tried to head off the current recession with another round of tax rebates. The recession continued to worsen.
                        • Now, the most recent $787 billion stimulus bill was intended to keep the unemployment rate from exceeding 8 percent. In November, it topped 10 percent.
                        Undeterred by these repeated stimulus failures, President Obama is calling for yet another stimulus bill. There is every reason to expect another round to fail as miserably as the past ones.

                        Happy friday Roo, and happy long weekend to all (except Roo).

                        EDIT: And to top it all off:

                        120 Days to Go Until Largest Tax Hikes in History...


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          My fullproof solution to fixing corruption during the next election is this: During political campaigning, candidates have to wear a NASCAR-driver suit that has the patches of their campaign sponsors.


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