So, yeah I'm pretty pissed right now. Starting Oct. 1st, my place of employment is banning the use of ALL types of tobacco on the premises. In addition, we have a form we have to fill out that asks whether or not we use tobacco. If we say yes, we have to pay an extra $50 month on our health insurance. If we say no, we're subject to random drug testing for tobacco. If we say no on the form but test positive, we're guaranteed disciplinary action.
It's damn aggravating for a snuser. I can easily snus at work without anyone ever seeing it, and I know I don't have to worry about the same health concerns that a smoker would.
So I guess it's either time to quit or to dish out the extra $50 and say F*** em. If it's the latter, I can guarantee you I'll still use my snus at work.
Moved from Snus
It's damn aggravating for a snuser. I can easily snus at work without anyone ever seeing it, and I know I don't have to worry about the same health concerns that a smoker would.
So I guess it's either time to quit or to dish out the extra $50 and say F*** em. If it's the latter, I can guarantee you I'll still use my snus at work.
Moved from Snus