Is this what the world is coming too?

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  • texastorm
    • Jul 2010
    • 386

    Is this what the world is coming too?

    Teen whose heart stopped after attaching electrified clamp to his nipple sues teacher, school

    BY Sean Alfano

    Tuesday, August 31st 2010, 1:32 PM

    Teenage pranks can be shockingly painful.

    The family of a teen whose heart stopped after clamping an electrical cord to his nipple in shop class is suing the school and the teacher, saying the boy suffered brain damage.

    They also say the teacher egged the boy to shock himself by enticing him with a Mountain Dew.

    Last March, Kyle Dubois, 18, put an alligator clamp on one of his nipples, with a classmate placing the clamp on his other nipple, while a third classmate plugged the cord into the wall.

    For three seconds, Dubois endured the electrical shock, dropping him to the floor and stopping his heart, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported.

    The teacher, Thomas Kelley, said he was talking with another student when Dubois shocked himself.

    "I was talking up my fantasy baseball team with one student and the next thing I know there was a commotion," Kelley said. "I look and I hear an ‘Ouch.' I look and there's Kyle going to the ground."

    Dubois parents say Kelley failed to warn the class about the dangers of playing with the electrical cords. The teacher denied he offered up a soda to Dubois and no charges were filed against him.

    In the lawsuit, Dubois is described as suffering from "short-term memory loss" and "brain damage."

    The suit also alleges Kelley frequently left his students alone "for up to 20 minutes at a time."

    Kelley resigned from his job in April.
    Full Story

    Seriously who doesn't know "electricity bad" by age 18? I think this kid had drain bamage before this incident. Lets see I have two aligator clips attached to a wall plug... Billy just bet me a Mountain Dew I wont clamp them to my nipples.... yeah this is a great idea!

    The world is full of morons... I seriously believe that there should be no lawsuits allowed for common knowledge things. Even if the teacher did egg him on, what moron electrifies his nipples?
  • bipolarbear1968
    • Mar 2010
    • 1074

    Sounds like a "get rich" scheme to me....


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      LOL, well it turns out kids havn't learned anything since i was in school. Stupid lawsuit is stupid. Their kid is a retard. The teacher should have been watching but the kid knew the dangers. If I was on that jury I would say not guilty.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
        If I was on that jury I would say not guilty.
        If I were fuhrer, the family would be thrown in a reeducation camp for a year. They'd learn all about hard work, AND electricity, as well as personal responsibility.


        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          if i were fuhrer, id see to it that kid got a mountain dew.

          a deal is a ****ing deal.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435



            • snusgetter
              • May 2010
              • 10903

              "what moron electrifies his nipples?"

              Kyle Dubois, for one!!

              Gotta wonder what he would have been offered to electrify his 'boy toy' for 3 seconds!!


              • Simplysnus
                • May 2010
                • 481

                I'm sure you were all brilliant as teenagers..


                • snusgetter
                  • May 2010
                  • 10903

                  Teenagers are always brilliant.

                  "The lights are on but nobody's home."

                  Some of us are teenagers for life!!


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    Idiot. Lol

                    I've seen people do similar but knew they were being dumbasses, and wouldn't sue. Lol


                    • Simplysnus
                      • May 2010
                      • 481

                      It's also coming to this, wtf?


                      She had just bought a pair of sunglasses and was celebrating a new job when a woman walked up to her with a cup and said: "Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?

                      The woman then splashed acid from the cup onto Storro, who stumbled in pain and fell to the ground screaming. She felt agonizing pain as the skin on her face bubbled and sizzled


                      • WickedKitchen
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 2528

                        Let the weak ones die off I say.

                        My daughter fractured her arm on a slide at my neighbor's house last summer. The other kid came down after her while she was sitting on the bottom of the slide after she went down. Now most peoples' reactions would be outrage at how the mother might not have been watching them. It was a friggin' accident and my first thought was "baby, why the heck didn't you get out of the way?" I've told her this repeatedly in the past...they're going to crash into you if you don't get off the slide when you get to the bottom. Maybe I'm a bad dad, but I came from the school of hard knocks.

                        Now in this story with the electricity I'd say that the kid had brain damage already. In Junior HS we were allowed to use Bunson burners...yeah, they left a class of 12 year olds play with fire and beakers and endless amounts of flammable gas. Hee hee...that was good fun. You were only brave if you could keep your hand over the flame for five seconds. If you burned yourself the nurse would pour isopropyl alcohol on you...just to teach you a lesson.


                        • WickedKitchen
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 2528

                          Originally posted by Simplysnus View Post
                          It's also coming to this, wtf?


                          She had just bought a pair of sunglasses and was celebrating a new job when a woman walked up to her with a cup and said: "Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?

                          The woman then splashed acid from the cup onto Storro, who stumbled in pain and fell to the ground screaming. She felt agonizing pain as the skin on her face bubbled and sizzled
                          She was hot too...I guess now she's smokin'


                          • snusgetter
                            • May 2010
                            • 10903

                            Talk about Sadism!!

                            Doctors Remove Nails From Body of Sri Lankan Woman Tortured by Saudi Employers

                            "Sri Lankan doctors have successfully removed 18 metal objects from the body of a Sri Lankan woman who says she was tortured by her employers in Saudi Arabia. L. Ariyawathi came back to Sri Lanka Aug. 21 and was admitted to the hospital where doctors found 24 metal objects inside her body."

                            (includes photos)


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Have I ever mentioned how much I hate people?


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