sagedil. Honestly, I used to check this site a bunch of times every day. Since the update to the site, I've just been coming in less and less, and every time I do, I look around and wonder where the Snuson I used to know went. Snus and Snus Accessories has lost primacy to People and World Around Us, where I usually just see the sort of crap news and political debates I can find in the comments section of any news blog. Protracted political rants that devolve within a page into "You're a liberal, ergo you're a communist trying to ruin our land, and Obama is secretly a gay, Muslim, transgender, terrorist Terminator sent from the future to ruin America!" on the one side, and the other screaming "Oh yeah, well you're a Fascist who wants our children to die in senseless wars while the 90% of the people who aren't rich starve, and Dick Cheney is actually Hitler's zombie, and also happens to be a mentally incompetent paedophile, possessed by the angry spirit of Ed Gein!"
Maybe I've just burnt myself out on SnusOn, but it just seems to me like the forum has gone too far in trying to provide everything, and it's kind of lost touch with how it started, and what it's really about. I'm a little bummed that I'm finding myself mostly sticking to SnuffHouse, with the rare venture (and even more rare post) over here, and was wondering if it was just me. Anyway, just giving a little heads to the friends I do have on here, so that they know what happened if in the coming months my visits and posts taper off even further. There's a good chance I'll still check in occasionally, but I don't expect to really be posting much any more, simply because almost everything on here either bores or aggravates me to no end now. Maybe I'll just go hang out in the Newbies section, where people still regularly talk about that snus thing I hear we used to discuss on here.
Edit: By the way, not really trying to knock Ice or anyone. For many others, it seems like this is still a great forum to them. Just saying, it's not doing it for me like it used to, is all.
Maybe I've just burnt myself out on SnusOn, but it just seems to me like the forum has gone too far in trying to provide everything, and it's kind of lost touch with how it started, and what it's really about. I'm a little bummed that I'm finding myself mostly sticking to SnuffHouse, with the rare venture (and even more rare post) over here, and was wondering if it was just me. Anyway, just giving a little heads to the friends I do have on here, so that they know what happened if in the coming months my visits and posts taper off even further. There's a good chance I'll still check in occasionally, but I don't expect to really be posting much any more, simply because almost everything on here either bores or aggravates me to no end now. Maybe I'll just go hang out in the Newbies section, where people still regularly talk about that snus thing I hear we used to discuss on here.
Edit: By the way, not really trying to knock Ice or anyone. For many others, it seems like this is still a great forum to them. Just saying, it's not doing it for me like it used to, is all.