I'm starting to feel like...

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  • CoderGuy
    • Jul 2009
    • 2679

    Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
    so........no one appreciates my sparkling personality anymore. bummer
    I'm sure someone does... don't dispair!

    Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
    I've only been part of the site for a couple of months so I don't really have any idea how it used to be. This site is great though, all my questions as a newbie were answered promptly and were a great help. Now being a snus user for a few months it's become a regular part of my life that's second nature and lost some of its excitement. So I'm finding myself checking the board less and less often.

    I can honestly say if it wasn't for this site and it's members (ESPECIALLY PP!) I would not have made the lifestyle change to snus and broke the nasty habit of smoking. I would not have known about the variety of snus (the tobacco guy had told me Camel was the ONLY snus) and especially would not have learned about the health benefits of snus.

    This site literally saved my life and I thank it! And all the members like PP and all the other key members that have been there for everyone (sage included until he abandoned us).


    • CoderGuy
      • Jul 2009
      • 2679

      Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
      I don't care what you all say. I'm gona have fun here even if I have to play with myself.
      Sometimes that's the most fun I have (playing with myself... not you lol) Although there have been times where even my hand has a headache.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Christ - since I said that it had gone quiet - well now there's loadsa posts!!! WTF.

        ..............and about those Nazi concentration camps.............


        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          SNUSON was (and still is) my main goto place for snus info.

          As already mentioned, post-PACT, there's much less snus interplay and, until very recently, more about complaints concerning shipments and non-shipments of snus. That has pretty much leveled off in the past week or so.

          SNUSON is an online community and as such there's a diversity of personalities that keeps the community somewhat vibrant for the most part. I view each thread as a different room in a large community center; unless you're bored, you won't visit every room on a regular basis but will find those of particular interest to you and visit them regularly.

          Now, who woulda thunk that a thread like Can't reach to wipe?? would be a source of entertainment and good information? Here's a function we all do daily (hopefully) without much thought. I don't recall snus being mentioned at all but in less than 2 days it's had over 450 views and more than 50 replies. Not bad for a side-trip that might not have a lasting impact. I did learn, though, that "with metamucil I shoot nice hard rockets." That alone is worth the price of admission!

          The new year will soon be here, PACT will be even more assimilated into our daily existence ... and snus manufacturers will be bringing out more snus 'concoctions' for us to try and then to debate before we return to our tried-and-true favorites.

          In other words, SNUSON.


          • myuserid
            • Jun 2010
            • 1645

            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
            I'm looking forward to the SnusX lös kit being available to Americans
            I didn't know that.

            Now I'm excited about it. I want to try my hand at this.


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              Like LX said interests come and go. Like others have said how much snus can you talk. I way prefer this forum to snuffhouse, Way more interesting and people who are free to discuss what they like. But that's my opinion. I really wouldn't be here if it was all snus all the time. I love everybody's contributions and even have come to tolerate Joe224. This place has a great diversity and dichotomy. It's rarely dull. But I understand where your coming from. Shit changes. Post if you like don't if you won't. I do feel it's kinda lame for you to make the OP. I guess I just don't understand why people have to voice their discontent about a forum they don't have to participate in if they don't want to. But it's all good. I wish you the best........


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I'm not sure I fully agree, but snus trends come and go, and lately, not much good has happened, mostly bad really. PACT has made snus more expensive, more brands are not available, I suspect people are not making those often and small orders from getsnus anymore, back before the take over, I'd often get a 5 count of various stuff, got a free can, and shipping was dirt cheap. Last order I made from then post Northerner was 12 cans, and it cost $60. I feel reluctant to do it again. I currently have about 18 cans in the freezer, and we do still discuss new snus, like the new American Camels, and the new stuff from Sweden. What I think has hurt the forum, snus-wise, is PACT, hardly any new people now, etc. So, those of us who still enjoy snuson, may not have any snus topics, so we use the other sections. I miss sage too, I really liked him but he took the site too personal and let it get to him. It's just a forum, and is what it is, and just try to have fun with it.


                • Simplysnus
                  • May 2010
                  • 481

                  Sounds like snuscentral to me, very quiet with an occasional burst of snus talk. I like that forum too just for the great snus peeps over there and the info they have, but with no new orders, etc, it's hard to be snus dominant in this phase of the cycle.

                  Personally I use some of the other forums and chime in on snus when I have something to ask, discuss, or respond to news wise or newb wise.


                  • WickedKitchen
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 2528

                    Sorry to hear that you don't like it here much anymore, shikitohno. It's too bad for me 'cos I really enjoyed your posts. I think you're a pretty shrewd person and you offer a good insight on things.

                    I agree that it's less snus and more other stuff but it's fun and we all still have snus in common. I've made friends with people here too and that makes it wicked cool in my book. To me, it's more than just a message board. It's entertainment, commiseration, advice, and generally comprised of somewhat normal people that are actually happy to help out with some things.

                    I could talk about Grov all day but I fear I'd get repetitive and it would bore people and then I'd sound like a Grov-nazi. I'm sure I sound like some other things to other people but in my 36 years I've learned that it takes all kinds to make a good story.

                    Again, if you leave then we wish you well, but I hope to read your posts again in the future.


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      I don't talk about snus at all anymore for the most part because I really only use one kind, and I'm over talking about it extensively. I've said it before, but what keeps me active is the fact that I've never bothered with any other online forum whatsoever. This is it for me, and there are many people here, including you shikitohno, whose opinions, experiences, prose, and humor I value highly. I could go in search of another place to talk about Islam and Japanese toilets, but I'd rather not. I like you folks just fine. Quite a bit, actually.


                      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 2781

                        I kinda go in cycles depending on who's posting and how much they annoy me I don't usually participate in political threads because I'm lazy and it's not worth it IMO. I do like to try to welcome new snusers and help them out if possible. This forum has had a very positive influence on me and has helped me quit smoking cigs. That is enough for me to want to spread the snus love to others. I enjoy reading this forum, and have a great deal of respect for the posters here. Certain personalities annoy me, but it's a pretty small percentage of ya'lls and I try not to get on peoples cases. So much love to all, and SnusOn!


                        • raptor
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 753

                          I do miss how this site was back when I last read in late '08. There were always new posts. Now it seems a little dead...


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                            I kinda go in cycles depending on who's posting and how much they annoy me I don't usually participate in political threads because I'm lazy and it's not worth it IMO. I do like to try to welcome new snusers and help them out if possible. This forum has had a very positive influence on me and has helped me quit smoking cigs. That is enough for me to want to spread the snus love to others. I enjoy reading this forum, and have a great deal of respect for the posters here. Certain personalities annoy me, but it's a pretty small percentage of ya'lls and I try not to get on peoples cases. So much love to all, and SnusOn!
                            I agree, which is why I still only 300+ posts. Lately I have been getting jealous of all the 1K posters so I have decided to reply even if I have nothing meaningful to say (sort of like a lot of posters lol). Once or twice I have joined a politically charged thread and it's just not worth the effort. There is no getting your point across in those threads, it's just everyone competing to be the noisiest (and there are a couple that succeed). Like someone else said before and it applies to me as well, this is the only forum I have been on and am on even today as it's the only one I have found worth following.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              The "other" threads stand out more now, I call it the signal to noise ratio, with snus being the signal and other being the noise.

                              pre-PACT people got frequent small orders and if a new snus was released it was no big deal to place an order for just a couple cans. We also had swag to talk about.
                              post-PACT there are fewer things to get "excited" about and people are ordering less so we have fewer snus posts.

                              I'm posting less because I don't want to contribute to the noise level in here unless it's snus related.


                              • truthwolf1
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 2696

                                forget the past, live in the present.


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