Reality is finally dawning in the White House. So is panic
President Obama hits record low in poll. 47% strongly disapprove
RASMUSSEN: Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans Lead by 12: GOP 48% Dems 36%...
The Summer of Recovery Ends: Epic Fail Fall Begins
In Chicago, Confidence In Obama Wanes...
Dems wary of WH's huge new spending plan...
Economic woes jeopardize prospects...
PAPER: Small businesses feel squeezed by Obama policies...
Poll: GOP can handle budget slightly better than Democrats. Other Poll: American public can cope with stupidity slightly better than memory loss
Number of Democratic House members who voted for ObamaCare: 219. Number of Democratic House members who have run ads bragging about voting for ObamaCare: 0
Obama calls for $50 billion in more orange cones, high school dropouts directing traffic, and frustration for American drivers
Just like with the Wall Street bankers, Obama decides to favor a handful of Americans over everyone else
Next up on Obama administration's agenda? Cutting Social Security
How big is the coming Democratic slaughter in November? RAND PAUL is not only up 15 points in Kentucky, he's polling 37% of the African-American vote. RAND PAUL
Obama reflects on jobs 'We're moving in the right direction." Forgets to mention the net job loss of 54K in August
Soros Launches 'Frontal Assault' Against Tea Party...
Get your popcorn out everyone! November is going to be better than a reality show. (Hell, even reality shows are polling higher than democrats at this point. lol)
The democrats are actually out running adds touting how they didn't vote for Obamacare and defied Pelosi and Obama. The ones who did vote for healthcare are trying not to mention it since 60% of americans want it reapealed, with 45% STRONGLY wanting it repealed. Polls are even showing that Americans feel republicans can handle the budget better! Do you know how bad you have to suck to convince America that republicans could handle the budget better, only a mere 2 years after Bush got out?
