November is going to be a BLOODBATH

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    November is going to be a BLOODBATH

    Reality is finally dawning in the White House. So is panic

    President Obama hits record low in poll. 47% strongly disapprove

    RASMUSSEN: Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans Lead by 12: GOP 48% Dems 36%...

    The Summer of Recovery Ends: Epic Fail Fall Begins

    In Chicago, Confidence In Obama Wanes...

    Dems wary of WH's huge new spending plan...



    Economic woes jeopardize prospects...

    PAPER: Small businesses feel squeezed by Obama policies...

    Poll: GOP can handle budget slightly better than Democrats. Other Poll: American public can cope with stupidity slightly better than memory loss

    Number of Democratic House members who voted for ObamaCare: 219. Number of Democratic House members who have run ads bragging about voting for ObamaCare: 0

    Obama calls for $50 billion in more orange cones, high school dropouts directing traffic, and frustration for American drivers

    Just like with the Wall Street bankers, Obama decides to favor a handful of Americans over everyone else

    Next up on Obama administration's agenda? Cutting Social Security

    How big is the coming Democratic slaughter in November? RAND PAUL is not only up 15 points in Kentucky, he's polling 37% of the African-American vote. RAND PAUL

    Obama reflects on jobs 'We're moving in the right direction." Forgets to mention the net job loss of 54K in August

    Soros Launches 'Frontal Assault' Against Tea Party...

    Get your popcorn out everyone! November is going to be better than a reality show. (Hell, even reality shows are polling higher than democrats at this point. lol)

    The democrats are actually out running adds touting how they didn't vote for Obamacare and defied Pelosi and Obama. The ones who did vote for healthcare are trying not to mention it since 60% of americans want it reapealed, with 45% STRONGLY wanting it repealed. Polls are even showing that Americans feel republicans can handle the budget better! Do you know how bad you have to suck to convince America that republicans could handle the budget better, only a mere 2 years after Bush got out?

  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    It's the beginning of the end.


    • NonServiam
      • May 2010
      • 736

      Until the political system is re-structured, it would be a long shot for a Libertarian to ever be elected president. Rep. and Dem. just has too much of the majority. Although Ross Perot (as an Independent) had quite a bit of momentum. At this point, I think Ron Paul, though classified as a Republican, is the best chance that Libertarians have to get the majority of their voice in the White House.

      Man! I finally made it to 500 posts and graduated to Senior Snuser. It's been a struggle to hit the 500 mark this weekend as this forum has been pretty idle. Now I can finally walk away from this computer and eat breakfast, or I guess it's lunch time now.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
        Until the political system is re-structured, it would be a long shot for a Libertarian to ever be elected president. Rep. and Dem. just has too much of the majority. Although Ross Perot (as an Independent) had quite a bit of momentum. At this point, I think Ron Paul, though classified as a Republican, is the best chance that Libertarians have to get the majority of their voice in the White House.

        Man! I finally made it to 500 posts and graduated to Senior Snuser. It's been a struggle to hit the 500 mark this weekend as this forum has been pretty idle.

        Yah it's been kind of slow lately. When there's only snus discussions on the top thread scroller, it seems like less people participate. Thereby I submit my theory that discussing politics and subjects of humor increases traffic on snuson. Admins, please Pm me for the address to which you can send my check.

        I would love to see a Ron Paul 2012 ticket. If he decides to run I am going to donate every spare minute of my time to campaigning for him in my area.


        • Darwin
          • Mar 2010
          • 1372

          Is anyone aware of Paul's specific views on tobacco usage?


          • NonServiam
            • May 2010
            • 736

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            Yah it's been kind of slow lately. When there's only snus discussions on the top thread scroller, it seems like less people participate. Thereby I submit my theory that discussing politics and subjects of humor increases traffic on snuson. Admins, please Pm me for the address to which you can send my check.
            Like others have said, the whole PACT thing really rained on our parade, so that has slowed down a lot of the snus talk. I think everybody right now is just pretty much staying with their staple snus choices and walking around in a daze.


            • NonServiam
              • May 2010
              • 736

              Originally posted by Darwin View Post
              Is anyone aware of Paul's specific views on tobacco usage?
              I'm not sure if you are posing that as a legitimate question or posing it as "Hey you guys, wake up! Ron Paul is staunchly opposed to tobacco use.". I don't remember what his website said his stance was on tobacco, or if it even addressed it.

              The fact that he is against the war on drugs, and has probably the most Libertarian slant of any other Republican, I would lean more towards that he is indifferent. But I could be wrong. I don't agree with 100% of his ideas, but he is probably the only politician with a shot at the White House that I agree the most with. I would look up his tobacco stance right now, but I do not have enough patience with my rural dial-up connection right now. Snuson is taxing my connection enough as it is now!


              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                Nope that wasn't meant to be a provocative question. You'd think that someone with such libertarian outlooks would at least not be hostile to something like snus. Since our predicament is not on the national radar I suppose "indifferent" is the best we can hope for.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                  I'm not sure if you are posing that as a legitimate question or posing it as "Hey you guys, wake up! Ron Paul is staunchly opposed to tobacco use.". I don't remember what his website said his stance was on tobacco, or if it even addressed it.

                  The fact that he is against the war on drugs, and has probably the most Libertarian slant of any other Republican, I would lean more towards that he is indifferent. But I could be wrong. I don't agree with 100% of his ideas, but he is probably the only politician with a shot at the White House that I agree the most with. I would look up his tobacco stance right now, but I do not have enough patience with my rural dial-up connection right now. Snuson is taxing my connection enough as it is now!

                  I don't care if he thought tobacco should be banned from the earth, I agree with him on so many topics he would STILL be the best candidate. I can't name any politician with whom I can agree on 5 things with, but Ron Paul nails them down the line. At this point its choosing the lesser or two evils, and he is BY FAR the lesser.

                  But to answer your question, you tell me if you agree with Ron's statements on tobacco. He doesn't care about tobacco, he cares that the tobacco lobby does not oppose government labeling requirements etc and instead lets the gov run too much:

                  • "The failure of Big Tobacco to fight Government's requirement to put warning labels on cigarettes while accepting agricultural subsidies allowed the entire smoking industry to be invaded by the Federal Government. Tobacco put the welcome mat out for big Government. Now it is only a matter of time before nicotine will be declared a drug and more FDA regulation will inundate us. Unfortunately, this will only compound our many problems with nicotine."
                  • "Smoking should be treated no differently than compulsive eating, chocolate addiction, or driving too fast. But the way the tobacco corporate leaders are acting in cahoots with big government, you would think they are conspiring to prevent this."
                  • "Yes, the business leaders in the tobacco industry deserve sharp criticism. Once this precedent of paying medical bills is set, the manufacturers of automobiles will then be liable for all accidents even if the drivers are speeding and intoxicated. Chocolate addicts can then sue Hershey, fat people can sue cattle ranchers. The whole notion that tobacco companies should pay for tobacco-related illnesses is absurd."[12]

                  ^^^^ OMG, what an absolutely OUTRAGEOUS view on tobacco huh? lol. Once again he's got my vote.


                  • NonServiam
                    • May 2010
                    • 736

                    I like what Paul says there. It's very refreshing! Of course, he also has to work and come to an agreement with The House on some issues. If he ever did get elected, and stayed true to his word, I would really hate to see his term come to an end. I don't want to convey that he is some kind of messiah (although many viewed Obama that way), but I have become so disenchanted with our government that I would really like to see him get in there to do some repairs.

                    Of course, Obama's supporters were what I guess you would call disenchanted as well.


                    • NonServiam
                      • May 2010
                      • 736

                      Originally posted by Darwin View Post
                      Nope that wasn't meant to be a provocative question. You'd think that someone with such libertarian outlooks would at least not be hostile to something like snus. Since our predicament is not on the national radar I suppose "indifferent" is the best we can hope for.
                      Unfortunately, with the help of our good friends at Phillip Morris and R.J. Reynolds, they are trying to get snus on the radar, but they do not help our cause with not only their sub-standard product, but with their philosophy that snus is a an accessory item to cigarettes. They do not market it as harm reduction. Rather it's marketed as "When you can't smoke, try our snus. Then fire up one of our smooth and mellow stogies at your next opportunity." It's that whole "dual user" BS again!


                      • victoryredchevy
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 303

                        I agree with many of Ron Pauls views, especially the one about ceasing alot of the ridiculous power that the Fed. Reserve holds. That alone would be huge, but yes, I'm afraid Paul has and always will get the short end of the stick as a Libertarian presidential candidate. Obama sucks, as I thought he would and there's certainly no standout from the Repubs. I do like Huckabee, a fellow Arkansan, over everyone else at this point. November will be a bloodbath. Repubs WILL take congress and they have a very possible shot at the Senate.


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          It was Hillary's plan all along....


                          • Joe234
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1948

                            Obama's numbers are still higher that Reagan and Clintion's were at this point in their term.


                            • Snussles
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 108

                              Honestly, I don't think mccain would be any better either. Most of the decisions are made before it gets to the president, it's not like obama is responsible for literally every single thing that happened so far. He is just the "spokesman" for the other guys.

                              Come on, do you think Obama, all by himself, has enough say about things like the Iraq War? Yes, him, all by himself. Just him. Doubtful.

                              I think we are putting too much blame on one guy, when there are a lot more people responsible for the decision being made than just him.


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