Originally posted by Joe234
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Reagan brought a recovery to the recession Jimmy Carter created. His poll numbers then skyrocketed. Lets see if Obama can pull it off as well. (I doubt it though).
@ Snussless:
"Come on, do you think Obama, all by himself, has enough say about things like the Iraq War? Yes, him, all by himself. Just him. Doubtful.
I think we are putting too much blame on one guy, when there are a lot more people responsible for the decision being made than just him. "
No, it is not all Obama's fault. The President can only affect so much and give everything either a yes or no vote. He is the final word. The rest is all done by congress, which has been run by the democrats for nearly 4 years. All in all, they have systematicly failed to do anything but tank the economy.
So no, Obama does not get all the blame. The other several hundred democrats in charge get their share as well. Obama continues to support the wars, and the democrats in congress voted to go to war back nearly 10 years ago and have voted to continue funding it ever since. Even when the decision was solely up to them, when they had complete majority control, they still funded it, supported it, and even funded/supported the other cool gifts we got in the post-911 world such as the patriot act.
So please lets put blame where blame is due. Congress is the core of our country's government, and democrats have ran it since 07. It is now almost 2011. Time to own up to their mistakes and quit blaming everyone else.
And no, I don't think Mccain would have been any better.